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Before Han Yu fell into the star, he saw a beautiful woman rushing out in a hurry, and when he saw Han Yu, he was relieved and said: “Big Brother Han, you scared me to death, I thought You left.”

Han Yu was taken aback and asked: “What’s the matter?”

The woman said: “The Star Sea fire field cannot be entered and exited at will. Without the permission of Lord Fire Spirit, it is likely to attract a killing disaster.”

This woman is naturally Xuan Xuan. Just now she went to find Han Yu and found that Han Yu was not in the cave and had not been outside. She was frightened and frightened, afraid that Han Yu would leave rashly and cause big trouble.

Han Yu slightly smiled and said: “I just came out and walked. I also heard about the name of the Star Sea Fire Territory. I won’t rush into it.”

Xuan Xuan said in embarrassment, “I am impatient. Why would Big Brother Han rush into it. Big Brother Han, I think you still have a bad spirit. It’s better to take a good rest.”

Xuan Xuan thought that Han Yu hadn’t recovered yet, but Han Yu had used too much Magical Powers, and she was exhausted by herself.

Han Yu didn’t explain too much, nodded and Xuan Xuan returned to the green star together.

Xuan Xuan pointed to the stars and introduced to Han Yu one after another. These stars were originally not available here. They moved from outside the Star Sea field of fire. The stars they live in are named “10000 Spirit Stars”.

Han Yu asked: “As far as I know, the Fire Spirit here is very lonely and hot. How can you get his permission to live in the Star Sea fire field?”

Xuan Xuan said, “Although Lord Fire Spirit was born in the God Realm, he is considered a member of Spirit Race and takes special care of us.” When Xuan Xuan talked about Fire Spirit, she had a deep respect and admiration on her face. A sense of gratitude.

Spirit Race is a general term for spirits, demons, etc. other than Human Race and Demonic beasts, which absorb Heaven and Earth Essence.

Fire Spirit is out of fire, but it can be considered a Spirit Race.

Spirit Realm is a very special world, very suitable for human beings and creatures other than Demonic beasts to survive, and evolve into a race by itself-Spirit Race.

Han Yu nodded, then asked: “How did I get here?”

A blush flashed quietly across Xuan Xuan’s face, and she said shyly: “I have been traveling in the Silver River Star Territory since the farewell to the Star Picking Tower. Later I heard about your deeds and wanted to see your Lushan Really, I chased all the way to the wild Star Domain. By chance, I saw you fainted on a star, so I brought you back here.”

Han Yu said: “Thank you, if you weren’t there, maybe I would have been captured by Divine Race.”

Xuan Xuan lowered her head even more shy.

To think at that time, she cursed Han Yu in the heart many times, unable to help some guilty.

Han Yu glanced at Xuan Xuan calmly, without any fluctuations in her mood, and said, “You are obviously Spirit Race, why do you have the breath of Divine Race? I have probed you many times before, but I haven’t noticed it.”

Xuan Xuan suppressed the waves in her heart and said: “Our Spirit Race is best at transmogrification and imitation. I can transform into any face and imitate any race at will. Big Brother Han can’t see it and it’s normal.”

Han Yu secretly marveled that there are 10000 spirits in the world, each with its own advantages.

You must know that Han Yu is a disguised expert, but he can’t disguise himself as a Divine Race. Once he uses Origin Qi, his identity will be instantly exposed.

While speaking, two people fell on the 2 spiritual stars, a huge banyan tree that attracted Han Yu’s attention.

This banyan tree has ten thousand zhang high, numerous root systems, and a spread of several million li. The most important thing is that it exudes a faintly discernable aura, which makes Han Yu feel a bit of pressure.

“This is?” Han Yu asked in surprise.

Seeing this banyan tree reminded him of the banyan tree in Monster Sovereign Ridge, but this banyan tree is bigger, covers a wider area, and already has a strong spirituality.

Xuan Xuan said: “This is my grandfather.”

“En?” Han Yu was taken aback.

Called a tree grandfather, this is really weird. But thinking of the origins of Spirit Race, Han Yu was relieved.

Xuan Xuan said: “My body is a daylily, born under the shade of grandfather, bathed in the essence of grandfather, and then I am now. Not only me, but my 7 brother sisters, all belong to grandfather. With the help, we are talented, so we can all be considered grandfather’s descendants.”

While speaking, Xuan Xuan transformed herself into a hemerocallis, the leaves of jade green are like emeralds, the fragrance of flowers is fragrant and charming.

After Xuan Xuan melted the body, the flowers shook, shaking out countless pollen, and sprinkling them on Han Yu’s body. The pollen followed Han Yu’s pores into Han Yu within the body, instantly making Han Yu refreshed, very comfortable, simply Better than refining a holy medicine.

Xuan Xuan shook her body and turned into a slim big beauty with a small smile on her face, very intoxicating.

Han Yu couldn’t help sighing: “It’s a good method. I feel energetic at once, and I want to rush out and fight Divine Race.”

Xuan Xuan Chi Chi said with a smile: “Compared to grandfather’s Mu Ling Gong Dafa, I am just a trivial method that’s all, Big Brother Han, you can wake up because of my grandfather.”

Han Yu said: “so that’s how it is, Xuan Xuan, can I meet your grandfather and thank you in person?”

Xuan Xuan said: “The grandfather is currently cultivating quietly using the Mu Ling Gong Dafa, which consumes a lot of money. Now it is currently cultivating quietly. Let’s not disturb. When he leaves the customs, Big Brother Han will thank you again. But Big Brother Han does not have to thank you either. , Grandfather others are very good. Every time we get hurt, grandfather will not hesitate to spend his own Origin Qi to heal us.”

Han Yu looked towards the big banyan tree, raised his fist and bowed slightly, Han Yu admired the selflessness of the old banyan tree.

“Oh, it’s only a few days now, you two are couple, and I envy me too.” At this moment, a voice that was so crisp in the bones came, and I saw a charming woman, moving lightly and stepping away. Come.

Wearing a bright red robe, she set off very coquettishly.

“Rose, you talk nonsense again, I’ll tear your mouth.” Xuan Xuan warned the people with a ferocious look, and then looked towards Han Yu a little awkwardly: “Big Brother Han, Rose likes cracking a joke, don’t listen. She talks nonsense.”

The big beauty rose came over and said, “I didn’t talk nonsense, Han Yu, our little elder sister, Xuan Xuan’s little elder sister, during this period of time, I have taken care of you meticulously and meticulously. You dare to live up to her heart. Rose can’t spare you first.”

Rose showed a fierce expression, but not fierce, but has several points of cute appearance.

Xuan Xuan rushed over to cover Rose’s mouth, and then squeezed Rose’s arm vigorously, secretly warning.

Han Yu faintly smiled and didn’t take Rose’s words seriously, saying: “You talk, I’ll go back first.”

At this moment, a large man walked over in stride, each step stepped on the void and made a drum-like sound, walked in front of Han Yu, and said: “Han Yu, are you recovering? Fight with me. I want to see if you are as powerful as the legend!”

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