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A loud noise shook the earth, and after the huge ice cube was broken to a certain extent, it exploded.

“A group of idiots, Senior Brother Li’s ice cubes without Extreme Cold vaporization are forcibly broken. That is to make Xiao Ping die without a whole corpse!” He Yanshan heard the sound and sneered again and again, thinking it was a few people joining hands. Break the ice and save Han Yu.

“Jiang Zitong was only wiped away by the extreme cold ice gas and then abandoned one arm. No matter what they did, Xiao Ping would die too much!” Chen Yicheng said coldly.

Li Hongjun, who was walking in front, kept his hands behind his back, looking like aloof and remote, basically to disdain as beneath contempt.

They heard the sound, and some others also heard it.

Anyone who knows nothing about Extreme Cold is impossible to bear, shaking his head, thinking that everything is in vain.

Some people returned with curiosity to see the situation, and when they saw a scene at the scene, they were directly surprised by speechless.

Han Yu unexpectedly rushed out of the ice, standing in front of everyone with a nice appearance.

“Xiao Ping didn’t die!” I don’t know who shouted, and soon attracted a lot of spectators, but Han Yu had already walked into the palace and blocked everyone from the door, even if it was Jiang Zitong and others. The opportunity to enter Han Yu’s palace was turned away.

“He is okay…” Jiang Zitong turned to stormy sea in his heart.

She has personally experienced the terrifying without Extreme Cold and knows the terrifying without Extreme Cold.

“What kind of existence is he?” Jiang Zitong was instantly full of endless curiosity about Han Yu.

The noise here has been heard by Li Hongjun, He Yanshan, Chen Yicheng and the others, and everyone’s pace has stopped abruptly.

No one could see what Li Hongjun’s expression was, but He Yanshan and Chen Yicheng looked at each other.


He Yanshan and Chen Yicheng reacted suddenly and rushed towards Han Yu’s palace. Not long after, the two rushed back again, looking at the proud Li Hongjun with their hands behind their backs, they didn’t know how to speak.

“Xiao Ping is not dead?” Li Hongjun asked.

The voice was very soft, very flat, as if asking an insignificant thing. But He Yanshan and Chen Yicheng, who were familiar with him, could hear a different taste.

Chen Yicheng thought for a while and said, “Senior Brother Li, or I will kill him with Brother He now!”

Li Hongjun was silent for a moment, lifted his foot and left slowly, as if nothing had happened. Chen Yicheng and He Yanshan looked at each other and hurriedly followed along.

The palace where Han Yu is located has been surrounded by water. Countless people came after hearing the news, all wanting to see this Legendary figure.

Now through word of mouth, the name Xiao Ping has turned into a whirlwind to swept away 10000 Sword Sect everywhere.

Wounding He Yanshan and blocking the Extreme Cold icy air, no matter what happened, it was shocking and suspicious, but now, it really happened to Han Yu.

“Xiao Ping from the East Pole Star Alliance, 3 tricks to destroy the same realm and cultivation to produce a three-color divine light coercive Qin Yan fleshy body? Using the early cultivation base of the gods, damage the Heyan Mountain of the middle-stage god? Li Hongjun’s attack without Extreme Cold was unscathed?”

10000 Sword Sect Somewhere in the hall, an old man was dumbfounded after listening to the information reported by the discipline on the one-knee kneels below, and some felt untrue.

But soon the old man reacted and said: “Before the news is still spreading in a small area, immediately block it. Inform all Outer Elders to be here immediately and tell them that there is something to discuss!”


Time passed quietly, and 7 days passed in a blink of an eye.

Some things about Han Yu, especially destroying Qin Yan’s fleshy body, defeating He Yanshan, and blocking the extreme cold ice gas, these 3 things not at all spread within 10000 Sword Sect. The 10000 Sword Sect executives personally intervened and took the news. Blocked in a small area.

This shocked the hearts of the people who witnessed the miracle with their own eyes, but some people have recalled it.

There is no doubt that Xiao Ping is a genius, an infinite genius.

This move by 10000 Sword Sect is definitely to protect Xiao Ping.

The trees seem beautiful in a forest, but are easily toppled by the wind, 10000 Sword Sect disciple more than ten 10000, divided into countless factions, and there are foreign enemies. If Xiao Ping becomes too popular, the consequences will be disastrous!

10000 Sword Sect executives intervened in order not to make the discipline too famous. This is absolutely unprecedented.

To everyone’s surprise, within these 7 days, 10000 Sword Sect did not come forward to accept Han Yu as a discipline.

We must know that every time an incredible genius appears at 10000 Sword Sect, those elders will resort to 1000 squares and 100s to attract them, and even turn their faces with other elders.

At first, everyone thought that many Elder Councils had an open strife and veiled struggle against Han Yu, but they didn’t expect it to be surprisingly calm.

And since Han Yu went back that day, he hasn’t shown up again. During the period, many people came to visit and visit, and they all ate cold shoulder.

Some people suspect that when Han Yu blocked the Extreme Cold not at all, it looked so relaxed that he must have been seriously injured and forced to be calm. During this period of time, I didn’t go out behind closed doors.

Han Yu is indeed a retreat during this period, but it is not healing, but refining without Extreme Cold.

On that day, Li Hongjun’s non-Extreme Cold ice gas rushed into Han Yu within the body, and was collected by Han Yu into Swallows Heaven Demon Gourd.

Swallows Heaven Demon Gourd, swallowing heaven devouring earth, can convert any energy into Spiritual Qi of Han Yu cultivation, even terrifying matchless without Extreme Cold.

After several days of refining, all the ice gas without Extreme Cold turned into the Spiritual Qi, which is most suitable for Han Yu cultivation, and was absorbed by Han Yu.

Not only did Han Yu not get injured because of the absence of Extreme Cold, his cultivation base also improved.

If Li Hongjun knew about this, he would have vomited blood with anger.

Han Yu, who had been sitting cross-legged for a few days, suddenly opened his eyes and shot 2 horrible beams in his eyes. He stood up suddenly, his right hand swiped quickly, and soon from within the body, thunder and lightning sprang out, turning into a murderous-looking sword. Han Yu held the sword of thunder and lightning and swiped forward. The sword shreds the void, and countless lightning turns into a power grid to fill every inch of void. As long as it is within the range of the lightning sword, nothing can escape.

The lethality is a bit more advanced than before, and it has reached its peak.

Han Yu then put away the sword of thunder and lightning, and used the True Martial 2nd Style Thunder Dragon to swallow the sky, thunder and lightning raged, and turned into a terrifying dragon, and opened his mouth fiercely. The experts in the early days of the gods are absolutely unable to bear the horror. Devouring Power.

Fighting with He Yanshan and Chen 11% brought Han Yu’s understanding of True Martial’s Royal Thunder tactics to bring it up a level, and the formidable power was enhanced a lot.

Han Yu put away the Thunder Dragon and swallowed the sky with satisfaction, his body shook slightly, and the whole person appeared refreshed and full of energy.

“After a few incidents, it’s not enough to keep a low profile. I just hope that the senior management of 10000 Sword Sect will pay attention to me later!” Han Yu sighed secretly and walked out of the secret room.

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