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The woman pondered for a moment before she said: “Caifeng should have had a problem during Nirvana’s rebirth, which caused the current situation.”

Han Yu complexion slightly changed, Nirvana Rebirth is a unique cultivation method of Phoenix Race, a rebirth stunt that countless people have never been able to do yearn for something even in dreams. But when Nirvana is reborn, it is also very dangerous. Accidentally will be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, dust returns to dust earth returns to earth. Caifeng now has amnesia and no cultivation base, but the second only to fall.

The woman asked: “Did you look like this when you met her?”

Han Yu said, “I was 3 years old when I first met, and after taking a drop of Phoenix blood, I grew up instantly and became what I am now.”

The woman’s eyes lit up and said, “In this way, Phoenix blood should be an important way to restore her. You can find Phoenix blood to give her.”

Han Yu also thought about this method, but the blood of Phoenix is ​​so easy to find.

If it was his wife Phoenix and daughter Han Fengwu by his side, they could use their Phoenix blood, but now they are not with him.

Seeing Han Yu, the woman looked bitter and comforted: “Don’t worry, 7 Caifeng Emperor enlisted in the War God Race, and fought in many places. In the places where he fought, it is likely that Phoenix’s blood will be left behind, or with her. Related things should be able to help her.”

Han Yu hurriedly asked, “Senior knows if Emperor Caifeng 7 appeared on the battlefield of monsters?”

The woman said: “The monster battlefield was one of the most important battlefields of the battle 100,000 years ago. It is said that Monster Ancestor disappeared there. 7 Caifengdi is the most powerful officer under Monster Ancestor and must have participated in that battle. .”

Han Yu’s discoloration changed suddenly. He didn’t expect the monster battlefield to have such a big origin.

Asked: “Since it is related to Monster Ancestor, why didn’t the people of Divine Race mention it?”

The woman said: “The Monster Ancestor killed Divine Race back then. That was the shame of Divine Race. Divine Race, which has a strong vanity, I am afraid I don’t want to mention it.”

Han Yu was relieved and asked: “Senior, Monster Ancestor disappeared in the monster battlefield, is it the fall of Monster Ancestor?”

The woman said: “I am afraid that apart from Monster Ancestor, only one person in this world knows whether Monster Ancestor fell in that battle.”

Han Yu hurriedly asked: “Who?”

The woman said: “Your ancestor, Heavenspan!”

Han Yu was taken aback, then understood what the woman meant. The Great Emperor Heavenspan traveled through time and space and went to fight alongside Monster Ancestor, Yellow Springs Old Ancestor, and Tun Heavenly Demon ancestors 100,000 years ago.

Han Yu said: “Senior, then do you know the last whereabouts of Yellow Springs Old Ancestor and Heavenly Demon Ancestor?”

The woman shook the head and said: “Yellow Springs Old Ancestor disappeared before Monster Ancestor. The ancestor swallowed the heavenly demon truncated the Divine Race mountain and brought it back to the 9th Yang Continent. After being chased by countless experts of Divine Race, there was no more. Appeared.”

Han Yu sighed secretly, in fact, Han Yu knew the whereabouts of Yellow Springs Old Ancestor and the ancestor of Tun heavenly demon. It’s just that he is somewhat unwilling to accept that’s all.

Suddenly, a familiar breath came, and Han Yu could not help being frowned.

Han Yu and the woman looked at each other. The woman understood and sat still holding her breath, Han Yu walked out.

In the courtyard, a beautiful silhouette suddenly appeared, a palace dress, noble and elegant, and an imposing manner faintly discernible of a superior, it was Huo Siyan.

“I don’t know if Elder Huo is here, excuse me for not going out to meet you, and I hope to forgive me.” Han Yu greeted him with a smile.

Huo Siyan came to him at this time. He wanted to get her purpose with his toes, but Han Yu already had a solution.

“Han Yu, what this Elder asked you to think about that day, how did you think about it?” Huo Siyan asked with her hands behind her back, looking like aloof and remote.

“Elder Huo asked me to consider something, why don’t I remember?” Han Yu asked.

“Hmph, don’t pretend to be a fool, this Elder makes you consider worshiping me as a teacher!” Huo Siyan said.

“Teacher, the preacher can solve the puzzles by karma! Only if you have the ability to solve the puzzles by preaching and karma, can you be a teacher. I don’t know how Elder Huo can be my Master?” Han Yu asked.

“Hmph, dare to question this Elder? This Elder is more than enough to be your Master!” Huo Siyan raised her brows angrily, unexpectedly Han Yu would question her ability.

Han Yu said: “Really? Then why don’t we come and compare, if Elder Huo can beat me, I will be convinced and worship you as a teacher.”

Huo Siyan hummed: “What is your ability to win, as long as you can catch this Elder 3 tricks, this Elder will force you to worship me as a teacher anymore.”

Huo Siyan was a little depressed, how many geniuses of 10000 Sword Sect wanted to worship her as a teacher, she was disinclined to pay attention to. Actively want to accept a “wild child” as a disciple, but the other party is still unwilling, impossible.

Han Yu slightly smiled, if there is a real battle, he might not be Huo Siyan’s opponent, but if he catches 3 moves, it will be a piece of cake.

With his hands behind his back, Carefree said, “Elder Huo, let’s move!”

Huo Siyan was anxious. It seemed that Han Yu was still an elder, and she was about to point her to her younger generation.

“watch out!”

Huo Siyan shot out with a palm, the palm is extremely fast, like a shooting star.

She wants to give a good lesson to Han Yu, the guy with eyes high above the top and overestimate one’s capabilities, so she used 5 points of power to shoot.

This palm, not to mention the people in the early days of the gods, is not easy for the experts of the middle-stage gods to catch them.

Han Yu’s face doesn’t change, and he greeted him with a palm. Said with a smile in his mouth: “Such a light hand, Elder Huo used to deal with me, is it too small for me!”


2 With palms facing each other, Han Yu and Huo Siyan were shocked and moved backwards.

Evenly matched.

“Hmph, there are 2 more tricks behind!” Huo Siyan was coldly snorted. Although Han Yu was able to catch this palm, she was a little surprised, but not at all affected her confidence in defeating Han Yu in 3 strokes.

“Elder Huo, it’s time for me to take action now!”

“The Fist of Nine Stars Breaks Nine Heavens!”

Han Yu punched out, his fist smashed into the void like stars, imposing manner.

Huo Siyan still responded with the palm of her hand. After the two sides collided, Huo Siyan’s arm became numb and her foot slipped out.


Huo Siyan changed color, but she didn’t expect the formidable power of Han Yu this move to be so strong.

“Turning Over the Heavens Palm of 9 Stars!” Han Yu turned his fist into a palm, where water flows, a canal is formed, in one go!

Huo Siyan’s expression suddenly became difficult to look at. This is already the 3rd move. If she does not defeat Han Yu, it would be too shameful.

“Heaven Palm!”

Huo Siyan no longer hesitated, and used one of her most terrifying moves.


2 The palms face each other, making a crash. Had it not been for the woman to cover the courtyard in secret, the courtyard had been lifted off.

Both Han Yu and Huo Siyan were groaned and flew backwards.

This blow Han Yu fell slightly, but caught Huo Siyan’s 3rd move.

“Elder Huo, I have taken all 3 moves, please come back!” Han Yu cupped the hands after stopping.

“This Elder will naturally do things according to the agreement, but Han Yu, today this Elder will have to see how capable you are!” Huo Siyan’s figure moved and pounced at Han Yu again.

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