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Chapter 264 Yun Guangji’s Intention

Yin Xingchen gave a detailed account of the scene of Yudie on Fusang Island. After listening to it, Yun Guangji’s muddy eyes burst into excited rays of light, and his body even began to tremble, and said excitedly: “old Man waited for ten years, and finally waited!”

Yin Xingchen looked at Yun Guangji in dismay, what does this have to do with waiting for ten years?

Yun Guangji seemed to have realized that he was out of state, forcibly suppressed the boiling mood, calmed himself down, and asked, “Xingchen, do you still know them?”

Yin Xingchen was nodded, he was quite uncomfortable in his heart, and was still brooding about what happened before.

Yun Guangji asked, “Do you know where they are now?”

Yin Xingchen also saw that Yun Guangji seemed to be very interested in Yudie, and said truthfully: “Living in the palace of the Morma Guild.”

Yun Guangji frowned suddenly, and solemnly asked: “Are they from the Morma Guild?”

Yin Xingchen shook the head and said: “No, the Leng Family knew them ruthlessly. Han Yu was the discipline of Flowing Cloud Sect, and Yudie was the discipline of Qifeng Valley. Perhaps it was because Han Yu knew the people of the Morma Guild. Live in the palace of the Mama Guild.”

Yun Guangji’s face gradually became gloomy, and he pondered for a while before he said: “Xingchen, you go and pick them up now and say I’m willing to help Yudie see a doctor.”

“Huh?” Yin Xingchen was taken aback. When he was telling Yun Guangji about what happened just now, he mentioned that he wanted to introduce Han Yu to Yun Guangji and let Yun Guangji help Yudie see a doctor. Ji actually agreed directly.

However, Yin Xingchen quickly reacted and said quickly, “disciple understood, I will go!”

Han Yu was really bored in staying in the palace, and after confessing to Narcissus, he left the palace. With Narcissus taking care of Yudie, Han Yu is not worried about what will happen to Yudie.

Riyue City is the largest city in Jing Prefecture and the seat of the Lv Dynasty imperial power. It has been expert as clouds over the years. Han Yu wants to go around Sunyue City. Is there a wild tomb of the powerhouse of Diwu? Now he still doesn’t know when the black robed man will come back. Han Yu is also idle. If he can find the cemetery of the powerhouse of Earth Martial Class and refining his undead grievances, he can not only make himself a step forward with Heavenly Master, but also Wake up the old days.

Before Han Yu went out, he saw a luxurious carriage parked at the gate of the palace from a distance. Han Yu is no stranger to this carriage. A young man who came out of the carriage was Yin Xingchen.

Yin Xingchen also saw Han Yu from a distance, a haze flashed deep in his eyes, but was quickly replaced by a smile, strode to Han Yu, and waved to Han Yu as he walked, happily said: “Brother Han What a coincidence, you just came out when I came to see you!”

Han Yu eyebrows slightly frowned, with Yin Xingchen’s character, he must have parted ways with Han Yu after he has become Han Yu’s true identity, so why come to him?

Han Yu didn’t doubt his eyesight, he immediately felt that there was a problem. If Yin Xingchen is not the kind of person who admires vanity, why Han Yu has not come to Han Yu in Sun Moon City for half a month, but now he is here.

However, there was still a smile on Han Yu’s face, and he walked over and asked: “Yin Shao, what can you do with me?”

Yin Xingchen said with a smile: “Isn’t it a long time since I saw you, I came to see you specially, eh, why is Yudie’s younger sister not with you?”

Han Yu said faintly: “I went out to do something, but didn’t bring her!”

Yin Xingchen hugged Han Yu’s shoulder and said, “Brother Han, do you remember when I was on Fusang Island, I told you that I would recommend you to my Master when I have time, and let my Master help Yudie younger sister to see a doctor? thing?”

Han Yu narrowed his eyes. Would Yin Xingchen be so kind? If Han Yu is still the mysterious and powerful person in his heart, it would not be surprising that he did this, but he still does this now and has to arouse Han Yu’s suspicion, but Han Yu is still quietly nodded.

Yin Xingchen said earnestly: “I have been begging my Master during this period. His Senior finally couldn’t bear my annoyance, so he promised to show Yudie’s younger sister. Today just happens when his Senior has time, I will rush to pick you up. Brother Han, my friend is loyal, right?”

After Yin Xingchen finished speaking, he couldn’t help pats chest. The more he said that, the less Han Yu believed it. Yin Xingchen is not profitable and cannot afford to be early, and there is no benefit at all. Han Yu does not believe he will be so good.

This made Han Yu couldn’t help but fall into contemplation. Although this is a good opportunity to contact Yun Guangji, there must be a demon when things happen. Han Yu’s identity can no longer make Yin Xingchen work so hard, but the problem is likely to appear. Yudie’s body. Han Yu immediately became prepared, faintly smiled and said: “Many thanks Yin Shao’s kindness, Yudie doesn’t need to see any illness, leave!”

Han Yu pulled Yin Xingchen’s hand away and strode away.

“Brother Han, this is my kind heart!” Yin Xingchen chased for a few steps, seeing Han Yu being unreasonable, his face gradually gloomy, and when Han Yu disappeared at the corner of the street, the disabled to bear slapped the ground and smeared. , Said bluntly: “Wang 8 Egg, who do you think you are? If the Master does not value Yudie’s little girl, you think you will take care of you? Overestimate one’s capabilities!”

Yin Xingchen angrily sat on the carriage and walked away. At the corner of the street, Han Yu’s face gradually became gloomy. Yin Xingchen thought he was gone. In fact, his Soul Power had been locked to Yin Xingchen. Yin Xingchen’s expression changed, and a word could not escape Han Yu’s eyes.

“What does Yun Guangji want to see Yudie? Does he also know Yuji physique?” Han Yu secretly thought, and now I don’t know the purpose of Yun Guangji seeing Yudie, Han Yu is not good at judging whether it’s a good intention or Malicious. However, Han Yu was secretly guarded in his heart, returned to the palace, and specially told Narcissus before Han Yu left again.

“Han Yu left the palace, keep up!” Not long after Han Yu left the palace of the Morma Guild, a carriage quietly followed, it was a member of the Leng Family. During this time, Han Yu will immediately follow Han Yu as long as he comes out of the Morma Guild Palace.

Sitting in the carriage was a middle-aged man with a cold expression on his face. Leng Ruoqing had already given him a death order. If Han Yu could not be resolved within 3 days, he told him not to go back.

The middle-aged man was also extremely aggrieved. During this period, Han Yu spent most of his time in the Mora guild palace, and occasionally he went out to the Mora guild. At 2 o’clock, he had no chance to do it.

“Master Guang, Han Yu went to the mount rental workshop, should we keep up?” The driver’s respectful voice came from outside the carriage. middle-aged man cold light hearing this Yixi, Han Yu is here, he must be renting a mount, and it looks like he is leaving Sun Moon City. As long as he leaves Riyue City, he is ready to start.

“Don’t go in, hide by the roadside and wait!” Leng Guang ordered.

Not long after, the horseman’s voice sounded again, and Han Yu had already taken a mount and left the rental workshop.

Leng Guang was overjoyed and ordered the groom to drive to keep up. He secretly said with a sneer: “Hehe, Han Yu, if you have been hiding in the Morma guild palace, I still have no choice but to take you out. Today, you should come out and die by yourself. !”

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