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Heaven and Earth suddenly became quiet. A black clothed man stood in the air, his long hair fluttering in the wind, his eyes sharp as a sword. Holding a sword emitting golden rays of light in his hand, he kept whispering. The sound of sword cry resonates with Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, and seems to suppress All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

A stream of blood flowed out of the man’s sleeves, and the strength of Thunder was on the surface of the blood. A drop of blood could destroy a big star.

The blood flowed on the sword, and it was steamed dry by the sword’s incomparable edge.

On the Black Pearl, Yang Fang stood at the bow and stared at the man’s back.

After 3 days of horrible confrontation, he used the power of the gods and demons to retreat, beheading the powerhouses of two gods in the later stage, making Heaven and Earth pale, and Star River dull.

At this time, the rays of light of the blue moon sprinkled on him, making him look so unfathomable, tall and majestic.

Yang Fang’s eyes gradually became more blurred than ever before, making the silhouette that can support both heaven and earth even more remote. This is a feeling that Yang Fang has never had before, and it is also a feeling she doesn’t think it will appear until now. Even facing the senior brothers of the same sect, or even the senior who can accomplish all the good fortune, Yang Fang has never experienced the slightest inferiority.

Those same sect Senior Brothers are good enough to be proud of their peers, but Yang Fang is not bad; Shimen Senior, able to move unhindered in the whole world, is famous in the world, but Yang Fang feels that she can reach that one day height.

But Han Yu, let her stand up high, make her feel ashamed, let her prostrate oneself in admiration, and even make her feel fear from in the depth of one’s soul.

He is so powerful, so calm and old, so vicious and merciless!

Suddenly, the man turned around to look at Yang Fang.

In an instant, Yang Fang felt like an electric shock, and it was as if an iceberg smashed towards her from behind, causing her to instantly chill to her bone marrow, involuntarily stepped back a few steps, with a smile on her face that was more ugly than crying. Said: “Brother Han, this is Yang Fang…”

Han Yu looked at Yang Fang for a moment and put away the cold and severe.

Yang Fang hurriedly inhaled.

2 There is no time to breathe, but Yang Fang has a general feeling of fighting for 3 days and 3 nights. I am afraid that as long as there is a moment, she will be unable to bear and collapse directly.

Han Yu, who is quiet, is more arrogant and domineering. When slaughter all sides, she feels terrifying.

“Brother Han, there will be danger on the Canghai Star Domain at any time, you should come down!” Although Yang Fang was a little afraid of Han Yu at this time, he was more worried about Han Yu’s condition.

Although Han Yu killed the old man and the Haitian general, at the end of the battle, Han Yu was obviously a little weak. If it hadn’t been for his control of Time and Space Strength had reached the pinnacle, the final battle would still be unknown. !

Han Yu steps forward, walking on air, with long hair flying, carrying a sword.

In that way, it seems that you have to do something against Yang Fang.

Yang Fang was so scared that the complexion was slightly changed, even though she had already seen that Han Yu’s condition was not very good, she had a big chance of winning. But forcibly was frightened by Han Yu’s domineering, he has lost the courage to work with Han Yu. It seems that Han Yu can squeeze her to death with just one finger. It seems that as long as Han Yu stomps his foot, Heaven and Earth will subvert.

After Han Yu landed on the Black Pearl, not at all moved towards Yang Fang, but moved towards the cabin.

The distance from the deck to the cabin is not far, and Han Yu hasn’t walked for long, but Yang Fang has a feeling of living like a year. If it weren’t for some kind of abnormality in the bottom of her heart, she might have been unable to withstand the invisible pressure. Run away.

It wasn’t until Han Yu disappeared from sight that Yang Fang was relieved.

The sea breeze blew her, giving her a cold feeling, only to realize that the cold sweat had actually wetted her clothes.

After Han Yu entered the cabin, he went to the innermost guest room, sat cross-legged, and hurriedly took out the essence of refining to heal his injuries.

In this battle, his body was shattered ten or eight times. If he hadn’t communicated with Time and Space Strength every time he left, I am afraid it would have been scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

At this time, Han Yu can deal with some general powerhouses in the late stage of the gods, but it is a bit difficult to deal with more than two powerhouses.

But for Han Yu, the injury can’t be considered at all. Swallows Heaven Demon Gourd operates, and even the essence can be quickly refined. Scars of the terrifying Spiritual Qi and Heaven and Earth Dao flood into Han Yu within the body, fast Repairing Han Yu’s injury.

The only thing that makes Han Yu regret is that in the late powerhouse battle with two gods, he didn’t even sense the opportunity of breakthrough.

Time passed quietly, and one day, there was a sudden knock on the door.

“Brother Han, hurry up…”

Han Yu opened the door, and Yang Fang stood outside dancing with excitement.

Han Yu didn’t ask too much, the body flashed and appeared on the deck in an instant.

A beam of 5 rays of light shot into Han Yu’s eyes, the blue moon in the sky had disappeared, and the entire sky was colored, as if the celestial being spilt colored ink, coloring the sky.

The sea of ​​blood churned and set off a huge wave. It seemed that it was at the end of the sea. Some huge monster would come out, and it would overturn the entire Star Domain.

The wind roars fiercely as a steel knife.

“Brother Han, the natural phenomenon of Lan Yue Jingkong has disappeared, and the temple is probably already present!” Yang Fang came to Han Yu and said excitedly.

“Speed ​​up!” Han Yu’s eyes shot a terrifying brilliance, as if he could penetrate the distance of millions and millions li and see the infinity.

Yang Fang was nodded excited, moved towards the Black Pearl and injected Origin Qi with Han Yu. With the injection of two powerful Origin Qi, the speed of the Black Pearl instantly doubled, and it drove away by storm.

“I didn’t expect Brother Han to recover to the peak in such a short time!” A look of astonishment flashed in Yang Fang’s eyes.

It can be seen from the output of Origin Qi by Han Yu that Han Yu has returned to its peak.

This speed is almost fast enough to make Yang Fang slap his tongue. If you know that Yang Fang suffered the injuries, it would take her twice as long.

What Yang Fang didn’t know was that Han Yu had recovered long ago!

The Black Pearl is like a beast in the sea, moving forward at unparalleled speed. Even if the driving direction was squally windy as a wall, and the tidal waves set off ten thousand zhang high, he could not stop him.

After more than half a day, the speed of Black Pearl suddenly slowed down. This is not because Han Yu and Yang Fang stopped controlling the Black Pearl, on the contrary, they worked harder.

But the sea breeze is stronger and the waves are more terrifying. Even if the low-level Heavenly God Weapon is thrown into the sea, I’m afraid it can be crushed in an instant. Even the Black Pearl was creaked.

However, despite the difficulties, the Black Pearl continued to move forward.

Han Yu and Yang Fang were extremely excited.

Judging from the current situation, they are probably already not far from the target.

And the fact is also true. It didn’t take long for them to see the distant sky, the sea broke open, and a huge pillar of light rushed out of the seabed. The beam of light rushed to 9 days above and then dissipated. The 5 colorful rays of light moved towards like a tide. all around spread away, dyed all over the sky.

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