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Chapter 273: Powerful Defense

Kun Mausoleum covers a very wide area. In the center is a huge flowerbed with Yin-Yang Primal Chaos pattern. A stone tablet stands on the flowerbed, recording the people buried in the cemetery and their achievements. The layout of the tombs is headed by Eight Great Families, which are all around the stone tablet. The tombs of the ancestors of the Leng ethnic group are located just north of the stone tablet. You can see the tomb of the Leng Family Old Ancestor at a glance.

The name of Leng Family Old Ancestor is Leng Qianqiu. At that time, he was one of the eight leading cadres of Lv’s Imperial Family. He was famous and made numerous achievements. Although Han Yu hates Leng Family, Han Yu still respects Leng Qianqiu’s grave.

The tomb of Leng Qianqiu occupies about three hundred zhang. Among the tombs of Tianwu realm powerhouse, the scale is already the smallest. Not only that, but there are also 7 Great Family Old Ancestors such as Shui Family and Qin Family, all of whom are Heavenly The powerhouse of Martial Realm, although the tombs are 1000 autumns each, they are all about the same size.

If Han Yu can open the 8 tombs and refining the undead grievances of the 8 Old Ancestors, it would be nothing difficult to become a low-level unloader, but Han Yu has not yet been completely crazy and ridiculous to that point.

Han Yu surrounded the tomb of Leng Qianqiu and found that the tomb was completely integrated and made of special materials. I am afraid it is the expert of the Soul Martial 5th layer. The full strength attack may not be able to destroy it.

In addition to the Mountain Protecting Great Array, Kunling also has a hidden Killing Formation. This Killing Formation is based on the 8-bit Old Ancestor’s grave. No matter which Old Ancestor’s grave is moved, the Killing Formation will be activated. . According to Han Yu’s expectation, if this Killing Formation is activated, the expert of Jiwu Yizhong might not be able to survive.

Obviously, when the cemetery was created, I had already thought that there would be Heavenly Masters or tomb robbers who would come to attack Kun Mausoleum, so heavy defenses were laid out to make this place as solid as gold. Not to mention that Han Yu is only the Trifling Intermediate Unloading Lishi, even if the Unloading Division arrives here, I am afraid that he will not be able to crack the hidden Killing Formation.

Once the Killing Formation is activated, it will not only be trapped by the Formation, but also cause the Demonic beast and the guarding army outside. Under such a heavy siege, looking at Jing Prefecture, I am afraid that few people can go out alive. And those who can go out alive, presumably would not make Kunling’s idea. This is why Kunling has survived for 1000 years and is still intact today.

“Leng Family Old Ancestor, today the kid is just here to explore the way, not at all offensive. Of course, if the Leng Family is still trying hard, the kid doesn’t know if he will do something extraordinary.”

Han Yu left quietly without disturbing anyone. Ever since he set foot on the path of Heavenly Master, Han Yu knew that he couldn’t bet a good person, but Han Yu also has his own principles in doing things. As long as he doesn’t touch his bottom line, he still knows what he can and cannot do.

Han Yu left Kunling and came outside the valley. At this time, the mountain within the valley was misty, and the bird and the Tiangang eagle were still fighting fiercely inside. The calculation time is almost 2 hours, it seems that the bird is still more credible.

“Master Bird, let’s go!” Han Yu yelled out loudly, and then there was a loud noise from the mountain within the valley, and then an arrogant voice sounded: “Little Diao, Master Bird is in a hurry today. You once, remember, next time you see Lord Bird, give me peace of mind.”

“Ji Po, you relied on the fascinating formation, what kind of ability is it? Some kind of withdrawal of the Formation, we will fight for another 300 rounds!” There was a strong voice from inside the formation, without thinking that it was all carved from the sky.

“Chicken?” Han Yu laughed dumbfounded. He didn’t expect the bird master to have such an air of nickname.

The bird flew out of the big formation, his hair was a bit messy, and it seemed that he used the maze, but he didn’t get much benefit. He glanced at Han Yu and said with no anger: “Laugh a fart, don’t leave and wait for it to come out. The fart blows you up!”

Han Yu leaped on the back of the bird master, and the bird master let out an arrogant long cry and walked away. Although the trapped demon array can only trap the Tiangang eagle for 3 minutes, this 3 minutes is enough for the bird to climb the mountains and ridges and get rid of the Tiangang eagle, and the Tiangang eagle cannot leave Kunling too far.

“Boy, you ask the bird master to draw the Tiangang carving out, do you want to catch Kunling’s attention?” Bird master curiously asked.

“How dare I hit Kunling’s attention!” Han Yu pretended to be surprised. No matter how the bird is also the Demonic beast of Qifeng Valley, Han Yu can’t let it know too much, don’t accidentally say it, I am afraid that Han Yu hasn’t started, the Lv Dynasty will not keep him.

“Cut, I thought you brat is different, dare to do things that people in the world don’t dare to do, it seems that Lord Bird has misunderstood you!” Lord Bird said with a lack of interest. Listening to this tone, it seems that Han Yu still wants to steal Kun Ling.

“By the way, Lord Bird, you and Tiangang Eagle, one is the Demonic beast of Qifeng Valley, and the other is the Demonic beast of Kunling Tomb. If you can’t fight with 8 poles, how can you end up revenge?” Han Yu curiously asked.

“What do you care about this? I think you brat is quite comfortable? Get it down!” The bird turned over and shook Han Yu down.

“You unreasonable bastard bird, you are blind, Young Master just helped you!” Han Yu has the urge to scold the sky. If he hadn’t mastered the Heavenly Dragon 8 steps, he would fall from this 1000 zhang high. No.

“Boy, think about your own situation now!” The bird master made a turn, rushed up into the sky with a oooo, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Han Yu was speechless. He originally wanted to take advantage of the prestige of the bird to rectify the Leng Family, but now he plans to go to bed. Han Yu quietly operated the Canglong Art, occasionally flashing azure rays of light under his feet, holding Han Yu to the ground slowly. Han Yu then stealth in the mountains and forests, heading towards Kuncheng.

When Han Yu arrived outside Kuncheng, the sky was already bright and the sun showed half of his face. You can see the army coming and going on the official road. Obviously, the assassination of the aquarium cart and horse on Kunling Road yesterday has shocked the ruler of the dynasty. After all, this is at the feet of the emperor. Here, 2 is not to look at the Lu Dynasty, and it is normal to cause a sensation. Han Yu expected that the people of Leng Family would never dare to do it again, so he walked into Kuncheng generously.

As soon as I entered the north city gate, I saw a team of horses and horses running wildly, one with a big flag on his back, a big silver white “water” character, flamboyant. And the leading ones are Shuifei and Narcissus.

Narcissus saw Han Yu in the crowd at a glance. She hurriedly dismounted and rushed. Seeing that Han Yu was fine, she vomited one mouthful of impure air for a long time. Several people chatted with each other, and Han Yu followed the aquarium army. Hurry back to Sun Moon City.

Under the kind invitation of Shuifei, Han Yu followed their siblings to the Shuizu mansion in Sunyue City. Although Han Yu has been in Sunyue City for more than half a month, it is the first time to set foot in Shuifu. perturbed.

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