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Chapter 275 is booming

Han Yu stayed in Sun Moon City for a few days, but the black robed man still had no news, Han Yu decided to leave. Now it’s just a waste of time in Sun Moon City. He has to rush back to Qifeng Valley to see if he can exchange the Ice Flame Spirit Mushroom with something else, or talk about his own difficulties, and see if Qifeng Valley has any solutions. .

In terms of value, the exchange of 9 tripod Golden Core for Grade 7 Ice Flame Spirit Mushroom is a big loss. Han Yu believes that Qifenggu will give him some help.

Of course, during this time, Han Yu also used the Mouma Guild to find other Ice Flame Spirit Mushrooms, but unfortunately, with the capabilities of the Mouma Guild, they did not find it.

In the morning, when the sun rose, Han Yu and Yudie left the Morama Guild Palace under Liang Qixian’s delivery. They were just about to get on a vehicle prepared by the Morama Guild and left. Five luxurious carriages drove from the second side of the street. The semicircle of the city encloses the carriage of the Morama Guild.

The five carriages were opened almost at the same time, and a group of people Han Yu already knew, Yin Xingchen and Four Great Families, walked off. Shuifei and Narcissus siblings are here to send Han Yu off, what are the other 5 groups of people here for?

Han Yu couldn’t help but browse slightly wrinkle, especially when he saw Leng Ruqing, he knew that the person who came was not good.

Narcissus ran over immediately. Just as she was about to say something, she heard a cold and ruthless voice: “Han Yu, did you know that I was coming to you, so you wanted to run? Yes, you can run, Ben Don’t stop you!”

The cold glow flashed in Han Yu’s eyes was fleeting. He didn’t go to the trouble of Leng Family, but he took the initiative to find the door and asked, “Leng Ruqing, you called them together, what are you going to do?”

Brother Tang Shao and Qin Zhengfeng have no friendship with Han Yu, and Han Yu doesn’t think they will come over.

Leng Heartless Dao: “On Fusang Island in the past, only a few of them were present. I lost to you. Today, I want to find my cold and ruthless face in front of them.”

Han Yu didn’t expect that the Leng Ruqing faction killer would not be able to kill him. He even ran to look for abuse by himself. I really didn’t know what he thought, and asked, “Are you trying to challenge me?”

Leng Ruthlessly shook his fingers, and said arrogantly: “I’m here to defeat you, I want Xian’er to take a good look, who the fuck is a waste!”

Han Yu has nothing to say about the coldness and ruthlessness. Since he came to the door by himself, Han Yu is not good at venting his anger. Is it his character? He walked directly to the side of the open space and said lightly, “Since you are coming. Show your ugliness, then I will fulfill you, let go!”

His cold and ruthless complexion became extremely ugly. Han Yu looked down upon him so much. In his opinion, it was simply extraordinary shame and humiliation. He hugged Liang Qixian cup one fist in the other hand and said: “Senior, I will trouble you to do it for us today. A testimony to see who is better and who is more worthy to be with Narcissus.”

Narcissus said angrily: “Leng Ruqing, who I am with, you still have the final say.”

Leng Ruthlessly ignored Narcissus and still looked at Liang Qixian expectantly. It seemed that he could invite Liang Qixian as a notary, which was his lifetime blessing.

Liang Qixian is frowned. If he becomes a notary, even if Han Yu suffers a loss, he will not help him. He can’t help looking towards Han Yu with a look of questioning.

Han Yu held a cup one fist in the other hand to Liang Qixian, said with a smile: “If I can ask Mr. Liang to bear this testimony for me, it would be a blessing for Junior.”

Liang Qixian is nodded, and the cultivation base gap between Han Yu and Leng Ruqing is not small, but Liang Qixian has heard of Han Yu’s ability to leapfrog each other. Therefore, I see that Han Yu is full of confidence. In Han Yu’s hands, Liang Qixian also relaxed.

Suddenly everyone gave way to a wide field, and Han Yu and Leng Ruqing Yao Yao looked at each other.

Leng Heartless Dao: “Han Yu, in today’s battle, the loser leaves Narcissus and never gets close!”

Han Yu brows slightly wrinkle, today’s coldness is a bit weird. Judging from the battle on Fusang Island, Leng Ruqing must have known that he was not Han Yu’s opponent, and today there is a testimony from Mr. Liang that what he said is the water that was poured out. He can still be so confident and fearless, obviously he has something to rely on.

However, Han Yu was confident in his strength and said faintly: “nonsense, come on!”

“Ending!” Liang Qi finished speaking before exiting the battlefield.


As soon as Leng Ruqing’s body moved, it turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Han Yu, then bombarded Han Yu away with one punch.

Han Yu’s Soul Power has been wandering around, cold and ruthlessly did not use the domain, but prepared to fight him with a meat fist, which surprised him. This cold and ruthless look is not stupid, how can you repeat the same mistake after a big loss?

In case of 10000 one, Han Yu directly displayed all his power and greeted him with a punch. According to Han Yu’s power, this fist can directly knock Leng Ruo into the air.

However, Leng Ruqing is not only not afraid, but the corners of his mouth are slightly raised, revealing a cruel sneer. At the same time, Leng Wuqing’s breath soared rapidly, from Soul Martial to Soul Martial 3rd-layer.

This sudden change not only changed Han Yu’s color, but also the onlookers Liang Qixian, Shuixian’er, Tang Shao, etc. were all stunned. It was only a short month, and the cold and ruthless breakthrough went from Soul Martial to Soul Martial 3rd-layer. , This cultivation speed is simply shocking.

There is only one person who is not too surprised, and that is Yin Xingchen. He knows why Leng Ruqing has changed so much in just one month.

Before Han Yu guessed, Leng Ruqing dared to challenge him at this time. Shiyou eight-nine is more advanced in strength. Unfortunately, Leng Ruqing’s cultivation technique for hiding strength is more brilliant. Han Yu didn’t even find out with Soul Power. What’s the clue, let alone such a big change.

However, with Han Yu’s spiritual sense, I suddenly felt some unusualness in the cold and ruthless aura. Although the cold and ruthless aura is comparable to Soul Martial 3rd-layer, it fluctuates and is more irritable. This is taking rapid increasing cultivation base medicine. Common problems with pill.

This medicine pill is different from banned drugs. Forbidden drugs are to temporarily tap one’s own potential to enhance strength. After medicine efficacy disappears, not only will the strength be greatly reduced, but it will also have great side effects on itself, ranging from serious injury to severe disability.

And this kind of rapid increasing cultivation base medicine pill is an increasing cultivation base in the true sense. It will not regress the cultivation base because of the disappearance of medicine pill. The only flaw is that the breath is unstable, and the strength is far from stable and solid in cultivation to Soul Martial. 3rd-layer people are strong.

Han Yu’s gaze swept to Yin Xingchen on the side, looking at Jing Prefecture, I am afraid that only Yun Guangji can refine such medicine pill. When Han Yu saw Yin Xingchen holding his hand, his face remained calm and composed while handling pressing affairs, he knew that it must be Yin Xingchen who secretly helped Leng Ruoqing, which made Han Yu angry.

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