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Jianshi 7 said: “Okay, the test is set after the Jiang Family clan meeting is over!”

Jiang Family Most people and some guests look forward to it. Jiang Ruoxi’s face flushed with excitement, and he glanced at Han Yu, as if he was looking at stepping stones.

“Shi 7 Fellow Daoist, please!” Jiang Mantian smiled and made a gesture of asking Jian Shi 7.

Jianshi 7 was nodded and did not give way, and walked side by side with Jiang Mantian into the Jiang Family mansion, while the rest followed the two people and rushed in.

“Junior Brother Xiao deserves to be Dragons Among Humans. Not only is he fancying from outside the 9th division, but now the 7th Martial Uncle is even more admired.” Tianhe said with a smile.

Han Yu took a deep look at Tianhe, always feeling that Old Guy’s face is a bit annoying now.

After the Jiang Family members and many guests were seated, as a gong sounded, the Jiang Family Club Part 2 successor candidate contest began.

This competition is divided into 2 competitions, the first stage is a competition for successor candidates, and the second is a competition for helpers.

Jiang Family this time has 5 candidates, namely Jiang Ruoxi, Jiang Ruoyu, Jiang Ruokun, Jiang Ruolin and Jiang Ruoming.

The candidate’s test accounted for 60%, 1st place got 60%, 2nd got 5 points, 3rd got 40%, 4th got 30%, and 5th got 2 points.

For the first round competition, Jiang Family members and some special VIPs voted for the temporary first. The temporary first will not participate in the first round competition. This place will naturally belong to Jiang Ruoxi.

The remaining 4 people will be tested by drawing lots.

In the first draw, Jiang Ruokun faced Shang Jiang Ruoming, and Jiang Ruolin faced Shang Jiang Ruoyu.

In the first round, Jiang Ruoming and Jiang Ruolin won.

Then comes the second round, where the winner of the first round competes with the winner, and the weaker competes with the weak. Jiang Ruoming confronts Shang Jiang Ruolin, and Jiang Ruokun confronts Shang Jiang Ruoyu.

In the end, Jiang Ruoming and Jiang Ruoyu won.

In this way, the second round is over. According to the ranking, Jiang Ruoming is first, Jiang Ruolin is second, Jiang Ruoyu is third, and Jiang Ruokun is fourth.

Jiang Ruoyu stepped off the stage and walked to Han Yu dejectedly, and said guiltily: “Martial Ancestor, I’m sorry, I let you down.”

Han Yu was surprised that Jiang Ruoyu was so weak. Although there will be competitions afterwards, Jiang Ruoyu’s results are too poor. Even if Han Yu takes the 1st place in the helper, Jiang Ruoyu will hardly win.

However, Han Yu’s ability to participate in the Jiang Family clan meeting is entirely based on the gift Jiang Woyun gave. It has nothing to do with him who wins the Jiang Family successor.

Indifferent said: “It’s okay, just do your best!”

Jiang Woyun thought Han Yu was upset, and couldn’t help feeling a little sincere.

After a half-day rest, the candidates began the final competition.

Jiang Ruoxi, as the first in the public election, will accept all challenges.

Whoever challenged and won Jiang Ruoxi would replace Jiang Ruoxi’s position and become the first.

The first challenge was Jiang Ruokun, the worst record.

With just one move, Jiang Ruokun was defeated, allowing people to see Jiang Ruoxi’s terrifying.

The second challenge is Jiang Ruoyu.

It was just a move, Jiang Ruoyu was defeated.

Jiang Ruoxi couldn’t help but looked towards Han Yu proudly, and cast a provocative look. As a result, Han Yu ignored him and was furious with anger.

The third challenge was Jiang Ruolin, who also ended in defeat.

The last challenge is Jiang Ruoming, and there is no doubt that Jiang Ruoxi can still easily overcome it.

At this point, the contest of candidates is over, and the ranking is released.

Jiang Ruoxi first got a full score of 60%, Jiang Ruoming got 2 points for 5nd, Jiang Ruolin got 3% for 40rd, Jiang Ruoyu got 4 for 5th, and Jiang Ruokun got 5 for 2th.

Then came the second match, a match between the helpers.

It can be clearly felt that the guests from the four parties are more looking forward to it.

Needless to say, “Xiao Ping” is well-known, and Wang Jianchao is the top 10000 of the 3 Sword Sect Inner Sect Top Ten, and it has also attracted much attention.

As a result, the helper’s competition was even more exciting than the candidate’s competition.

This makes Jiang Family very embarrassed.

And Jiang Ruoxi was extremely uncomfortable.

She was the focus of the day, and she was robbed of the limelight.

There are a total of fifteen helpers, and the competition is also carried out according to the method of drawing lots. Two people who draw the same number are opponents. If one draws a white bar, you don’t need to participate in the first round.

This time Han Yu was lucky. He got a white bar and didn’t participate in the first round.

It didn’t take long for the first round to end.

At the beginning of the second round, Han Yu still got a white bar.

This makes people sigh Han Yu’s good luck, and can’t help but regret it. After all, there are people present, but many people want to see Han Yu show off.

After the second round is over, a third round is performed. It was still carried out by drawing lots. What made people very speechless was that Han Yu got a white bar again.

“This is the first time this has happened in the history of our Jiang Family Association!”

“Xiao Ping’s luck is also great!”

Many Jiang Family children sigh.

After the third round is over, the top 7 will be selected according to the record.

With a record of 3 wins, Wang Jianchao undoubtedly occupied the first place.

Apart from this, Jiang Ruoxi’s other two helpers Fan Xi and You Yue also achieved good results in the 2th and 4th places respectively. The 5 big helpers all entered the top 3, only this one.

Two of Jiang Ruoming’s helpers entered the top 2 and won the 7nd and 2th results respectively.

One of Jiang Ruolin’s helpers entered the top 7 and won the third place.

One of Jiang Ruokun’s helpers entered the top 7 and won the sixth place.

Jiang Ruoyu’s helper, only Han Yu, good luck, didn’t fight a battle and got 8th.

All people after the 8th place are eliminated.

Next, the top 8 competitions will be conducted.

Although there is still a competition, Jiang Ruoxi’s helper lineup is too strong, and winning the first place is a certainty in many people’s hearts.

The only thing that makes people look forward to is the variable Han Yu.

But no matter how it changes, there is no doubt as to whether Jiang Ruoxi will become a successor.

So many people have begun to congratulate Jiang Ruoxi and her parents and family.

Jiang Ruoxi also feels right about this, not at all too polite.

The top 8 competition began, and the draw was also conducted.

There is no white bar at this time. Han Yu was drawn to the first ring, and the other one who was drawn to the first ring was Jiang Ruoxi’s helper You Yue.

“Senior Brother Wang, I didn’t expect my luck to be better than you. I met our Xiao Martial Uncle in the first battle. It looks like I want to shoot your limelight.” You Yue was a little excited.

If it is normal time, because of Han Yu’s identity, he will not fight Han Yu.

But today is different. Once on the Jiang Family ring, all factors have been ruled out. Everyone is just an opponent.

Now that “Xiao Ping” is well-known, if he can defeat Han Yu, he will definitely become famous. This will have an immeasurable effect on his future.

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