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“Six Roads of Samsara Dafa” is the highest mental method of 6 Dao Sect, created by the 6 Dao deities.

Xu Huahui told Han Yu that even the Direct Disciple of the six gods could not cultivation the complete “Six Roads of Samsara Mind”. “Six Roads of Samsara” is divided into 6 chapters, namely, Shinto, immortal dao, Heavenly Dao, tunnel, ghost, and demonic path, even the six most powerful disciplines of the gods. It also cultivation at most 6 mental methods.

The discipline of Mount Shinto can only be cultivation, the discipline of immortal dao can only be cultivation immortal dao, the discipline of Heavenly Dao can only be cultivation Heavenly Dao, the discipline of authentic mountain can only be cultivation, and the discipline of Guidao mountain can only be cultivation. Can cultivation ghost road chapter, demonic path mountain can only cultivation demonic path chapter. Moreover, each Dao system has only the core disciplines, which can cultivation to the complete mentality of the corresponding Dao system.

Even for an elite like Xu Huahui, it is the top 20 in Shinto Mountain. As a result, the cultivation mentality is only the fragment of “Six Roads of Samsara Dafa and Shinto Chapter”.

This kind of incomplete mentality can only be cultivated by relying on the unique environment of Shinto Mountain. Even if the others get it, it is also impossible after successfully cultivating it.

Han Yu did not doubt what Xu Huahui said.

A top mental method is the foundation of a small sect. In order not to leak easily, only the core discipline can cultivation to a complete mental method.

Fortunately, Han Yu didn’t want to cultivation “Six Roads of Samsara”, he wanted to learn from and study the power of God.

Although what Xu Huahui provided was only a fragment of “Six Roads of Samsara”, it was of great help to Han Yu’s research on the power of God.

After getting what he wanted, Han Yu let Xu Huahui leave, and he fell into deep thought.

The best way to study Strength of Six Paths is to get “Six Roads of Samsara Dafa”, but this is obviously unrealistic.

But this time I got the fragments of “Six Roads of Samsara” from Xu Huahui, which gave Han Yu an inspiration and thought of a good way.


There is an incomparable big crack in the Star Domain core area.

The big cracks in other spaces in the Broken Space Star Domain are very unstable, but this big crack in this space has lasted forever. When it appeared, it is unclear.

Moreover, this space has a big crack and an unusual horror. Once the powerhouse at the peak of the gods entered, it was eventually torn to pieces by the force of the terrifying void.

But this place is regarded as Holy Land by the Void Tyrannosaurus clan.

There has always been a legend in the Void Tyrannosaurus family. It is said that this large space crack is their Place of Origin, which they call the “Holy Pit”.

The holy pit is not only the Holy Land of the Void Tyrannosaurus family, but also a restricted area. There is a long-term guardian of the Void Tyrannosaurus family, not to mention that it is difficult for outsiders to approach, even the citizens of the Void Tyrannosaurus clan, and they should not be approached easily. Only when the sacred pit is sacrificed, the Void Tyrannosaurus tribe has Opportunity to appreciate the grace of the holy pit up close.

Recently, it was not the sacrifice day of the Void Tyrannosaurus clan, but the Void Tyrannosaurus clan came to many experts, gathered outside the holy pit, and looked towards the holy pit with a strong color of awe and expectation.

The expert of Void Tyrannosaurus was watching the sacred pit nervously, suddenly a Void Tyrannosaurus rushed to the forefront, and a scarlet Void Tyrannosaurus whispered to report something.

Although this scarlet tyrannosaurus is not the strongest on the scene, its color is the purest, and it exudes a king’s aura invisibly, and all tyrannosauruses respect it.

This Void Tyrannosaurus is exactly the patriarch of this race, the Blood Tyrannosaurus.

After listening to the report, blood tyrannosaurus cyan-green’s pupils exuded a terrifying killing light, whispered back to the messenger, and fell into contemplation.

“Patriarch, Divine Race is invading on a large scale at this time, do they know that the Void Dragon flower is about to bloom, and they are here to grab the Void Dragon flower?” A worried look appeared in the eyes of the tall Void Dragon next to it.

“Hmph, the Void Dragon blooms once in 10000 years. It allows us to complete a comprehensive evolution of the Void Dragon family, and no one wants to take it away. If the order continues, the whole family will be dispatched, as long as you encounter Divine Race, kill without mercy!”

A wave of baleful qi quietly floated on the blood tyrant dragon body. The horror of that baleful qi made it impossible to bear to bear have one’s hair stand on end by the surrounding experts of the Void Tyrannosaurus clan.

The expert of the Void Tyrannosaurus family began to act.

After giving the order, Blood Tyrannosaurus looked towards the “Little Blood Tyrannosaurus” who was half shorter than him and whose color was similar to him said: “Wang Er, you are our family of Void Tyrannosaurus, most likely to evolve into legendary blood One of Tenba dragon. Once the Void Dragon flower blooms, you are the first to bathe in its floral fragrance.”

Little Blood Tyrannosaurus looked at Blood Tyrannosaurus in astonishment, and said: “Royal Father, you are the first one who is most qualified to bathe in the fragrance of Void Dragon flowers.”

Not only the Little Blood Tyrannosaurus was shocked, but the rest of the powerhouse of the Void Tyrannosaurus family was also very surprised.

Blood Tyrannosaurus stretched out his paws and touched the head of Little Blood Tyrannosaurus, showing an extremely gentle side, and said: “I have already said that you are most likely to evolve into Blood Tyrannosaurus.”

Little Blood Tyrannosaurus shook his head and said: “Royal Father, I am still young, and I can’t be the first to bathe in the fragrance of flowers this time. I can wait until 10000 years later, but Royal Father…”

Little Blood Tyrannosaurus suddenly felt sad.

After the battle between Blood Tyrannosaurus and an expert of 6000 Dao Sect 6 years ago, a dark disease was left behind, which has never been completely recovered, which greatly reduced the life span. Today, the remaining life span is less than 10000 years.

If the Blood Tyrannosaurus grabs the first spot this time, then the Tyrannosaurus Blood may not survive 10000 years.

But if the number one place is given to Blood Tyrannosaurus, it is very likely that the injury will be cured after the Blood Tyrannosaurus bathes the fragrance of the Void Dragon flower, and it will not be a problem to live for 2 10000 years. It can be said that this is the only one of the Blood Tyrannosaurus. Opportunities, and Little Blood Tyrannosaurus, there are still several opportunities.

“I can’t lead the Void Tyrannosaurus family to revival. The burden and hope will be on your shoulders. Clansman and I don’t want to wait 10000 years!” Blood Tyrannosaurus resolutely said.

“Royal Father…”

“Stop talking, that’s it!”

The attitude of Blood Tyrannosaurus became tough, making people afraid to violate it.

Little Blood Tyrannosaurus lowered his head slightly, tears and unprecedented determination in his eyes.

It swears in the heart that this time must evolve into a legendary blood tyrannosaur and not let the blood tyrannosaur and clansman disappointed.

The experts of the Void Tyrannosaurus clan are all silent, and some have sadness in their eyes.

After waiting for a few more days, scarlet rays of light suddenly emanated from the holy pit, which was very conspicuous in the large void of the black hole.

All members of the Void Tyrannosaurus clan became very excited.

The Void Dragon flower that blooms once in 10000 is finally about to bloom!

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