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Hai Feiluan, a peerless genius with peerless beauty and talent.

Looking around, among all the disciplines of Immortal Mansion, Hai Feiluan is the one that Hua Zhiyu fears most.

But this person is very low-key.

In Inner Sect, it has always not showing the mountains and not revealing the water.

Had it not been for the life-saving grace of Situ Miao and Shi Zhongyu, Hua Zhiyu would not have any intersection with them.

After everyone sat down, Hai Feiluan looked at Hua Zhiyu and said, “I heard some rumors that are unfavorable to Hua Junior Sister. I have come to tell Hua Junior Sister that we don’t have to take seriously. We have to trust Shimen, Shimen will definitely Make accurate decisions.”

Huazhiyu nodded, said: “many thanks, senior Sister reminded.”

Hai Feiluan said, “You are welcome.”

Wang Xin asked respectfully: “Hai Senior Sister, do you know what Shimen think of the Rising Sun Alliance?”

Hai Feiluan said with a smile: “For the time being, it is not clear how the high-level decision is made, but we just have to remember that looking at the east, we have not yet asked Immortal Mansion to be afraid.”

Wang Xin, Situ Miao, and Shi Zhongyu suddenly took a pill.

In their hearts, Hai Feiluan’s words have always been very convincing.

“I think Hua Junior Sister shouldn’t be afraid, right?” Hai Feiluan said towards Hua Zhiyu with a smile.

Hua Zhiyu didn’t say anything, but the cold and severe eyes made people know that she was fearless.

“I heard that Hua Junior Sister has been waiting for someone. If Hua Junior Sister waits for that person, will he leave and ask Immortal Mansion?” Hai Feiluan asked suddenly.

Looking at Immortal Mansion, everyone knows that Hua Zhiyu is waiting for someone, waiting for someone who steps on Infernal Affairs, waiting for someone who will never come back.

Huazhiyu without the slightest hesitation of nodded.

Although this time asked about Immortal Mansion’s approach, she was quite fond of it, but it couldn’t change the hatred in Hua Zhiyu’s heart.

Had it not been for the injustice of the Immortal Mansion, how could Han Yu embark on Infernal Affairs?

Huazhiyu’s answer at this time can be said to be very subtle.

Many people can guess that asking Immortal Mansion to protect Huazhiyu is because of the potential of Huazhiyu. I hope that Huazhiyu will be used by Immortal Mansion in the future.

Hua Zhiyu’s decisive answer, if it reaches the ears of the seniors of Immortal Mansion, it is likely to change the position of Immortal Mansion.

However, this is Huazhiyu.

Hai Feiluan was a little surprised that Hua Zhiyu would be so without the slightest hesitation, and said, “What if that person never comes back?”

It can be said that this is not a problem.

Because when Han Yu set foot on Infernal Affairs, no one thought Han Yu could come back except Hua Zhiyu.

Wang Xin, Situ Miao and Shi Zhongyu secretly sighed, and there was a sorrow in their hearts.

Hua Zhiyu’s eyes became extremely bright, and said confidently: “He will definitely come back.”

Hai Feiluan’s heart was shaken, she didn’t know if Hua Zhiyu really had faith in Han Yu, or if she had formed an obsession.

After thinking about it, “If, what I said was if, if that person really couldn’t come back, would you hate the teacher?”

“Sea Senior Sister…”

Wang Xin, Situ Miao, Shi Zhongyu turn pale with fright.

It is really inappropriate to ask this question at this time.

Hai Feiluan cast a look that made the 3 people feel relieved, and the 3 people were slightly relaxed.

They believed Hai Feiluan, even if Hua Zhiyu said something outrageous, she shouldn’t tell the truth.

Hua Zhiyu looked at Hai Feiluan deeply, his eyes were bright and dark, and the aura on his body rose and fell, but soon he recovered calmly, and said lightly: “Anyone will do it for himself. Something wrong, pay the price!”

Wang Xin, Situ Miao, and Shi Zhongyu’s hearts suddenly tightened, and they couldn’t help looking towards Hai Feiluan as if they were asking for help.

Hai Feiluan said with a smile: “Don’t worry, whatever we talk about today is the secret between the 5 of us, I won’t tell it.”

hearing this, 3 people are completely relieved.

A few days later, the Alliance of the Rising Sun finally challenged Wendao Immortal Mansion.

Asked Immortal Mansion gladly accepted.

Suddenly, I asked Immortal Mansion, a boundless frenzy started.

This is the first time since the founding of the Immortal Mansion that the Eastern forces dared to challenge the Immortal Mansion so blatantly. Asking the many disciplines of the Immortal Mansion was actually a bit excited.

“It’s really useless. The aggressive establishment of the Rising Sun Alliance can only dare to launch such a challenge.”

Within the infinite world, Han Yu ridiculed unceremoniously.

The challenge of the Rising Sun Same sect is: the two sides have various sects to compete with the experts of Grade 5 Golden Immortal, Grade 6 Golden Immortal, and Grade 7 Golden Immortal. If the Rising Sun Alliance wins, ask Immortal Mansion to hand over Huazhiyu. , And surrendered the status of the eastern hegemon; if the Rising Sun Alliance loses, they will disband themselves.

“Boy, are you looking down on us asking Immortal Mansion or looking down on the Rising Sun Alliance?” Tao Wuchang said in an angry voice.

“The Alliance of the Rising Sun and Immortal Mansion are the strongest forces in the East. If they fight a lot, even if one side wins, it will hurt the enemy by 1000 and 800. It may be the last one, but let others take advantage of it.”

“Those people in the Rising Sun Alliance want rights and reputation, rather than asking us about Immortal Mansion irreconcilable. So it is a good way to compete in this way and resolve conflicts.”

Han Yu said nothing, “Although we asked that Immortal Mansion’s overall strength surpassed the Rising Sun Alliance, but this time, it may not be a victory.”

oh?” Han Yu asked a little unexpectedly: “Will you still grow other people’s aspirations and destroy your own prestige? “

Tao Wuchang hummed: “This is called know yourself and know your enemy, okay?”

Han Yu said resolutely: “Listen specifically, why do you still have no confidence in yourself?”

Tao impermanence said: “According to the intelligence, in the Rising Sun Alliance, among the three cultivation base levels of Grade 5 Golden Immortal, Grade 6 Golden Immortal and Grade 7 Golden Immortal, it happens to each have a Sword Immortal!”

Han Yu’s face became more serious.

Sword Immortal, same realm invincible.

All three levels of the Rising Sun Alliance have Sword Immortal, which means that in the three-level contest, they all have a chance to win the first place.

This is not good news for Han Yu.

Han Yu asked, “What about Immortal Mansion?”

Tao impermanence said: “On our side, Grade 5 Golden Immortal Realm’s strongest non-flower knowledge is none other than that. Grade 6 Golden Immortal Realm does not have Sword Immortal. Grade 7 Golden Immortal Realm’s most powerful house is a Sword Immortal.”

“Although Hua Zhiyu has beaten Sword Immortal, there is also a huge difference between Sword Immortal and Sword Immortal. The grade 5 Golden Immortal Realm test is conservatively estimated to be 5 to 5; the 6th grade Golden Immortal Realm is because the opponent has Sword Immortal, and our side does not have Sword Immortal, the opponent has a better chance of winning; Grade 7 Golden Immortal Realm, both sides have Sword Immortal, which is also 2 to 5. Overall, the opponent has a higher winning rate.”

Han Yu said: “In that case, why do you accept the challenge of the Rising Sun Alliance?”

I asked if Immortal Mansion loses, not only will it lose its dominant position in the East, but it will also surrender Huazhiyu. This is a very unfavorable consequence.

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