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“What’s the matter? What happened to them, why are they all unconscious?”

Looking at the rescued Han Yu, Cai Jiao, Xu Zhou, Huang Wei and the others, the people at Golden Light Pavilion were confused.

Several people lie down, seeming to be asleep, but in fact they have no breath.

He Wu, Ma Zhengchu and the others quickly checked the conditions of several people, and they all changed their colors.

“They are cursed!” He Martial God said solemnly.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone around was shivered and shivered.

The curse is an extremely mysterious and terrifying power for any person.

“How could they be cursed? Did they move something that shouldn’t be moved in the ruins?” One person said in horror.

Before Han Yu and the others went in, the Golden Light Pavilion sent people to investigate many times, but in addition to encountering some visible dangers, not at all encountered this unfathomable curse.

“A few Human Immortal roots are complete, fleshy body is complete, no harm at all, but it seems to be dead.” Ma Zhengchu said with a fright.

Cai Jiao, Xu Zhou, Huang Wei and the others are Peak geniuses in the southern part of Golden Light Pavilion. One of them has fallen. For them, they are all irreparable losses.

And there is Han Yu, the southern number one genius, if it falls like this, it will be a huge loss for the entire Cultivation World.

“What kind of curse is this? I have never heard of such a weird curse in this world.” Li Haoran sighed.

If you don’t see any injuries, you’re unconscious, like a dead person, which is very different from ordinary curses.

The ordinary curse, although it is also an extremely mysterious power, will more or less leave harm to the victim.

And like this, it was the first time he saw him.

At the same time, Li Haoran also felt fortunate that if it weren’t for the headquarters genius to be defeated and driven out, I am afraid the headquarters genius would also be under such a weird curse. This can be considered a blessing in disguise.

“If I’m not mistaken, one of them should be a very old and terrifying curse-the inanimate curse.” He Wu’s eyes were open with fear on his face.

Hearing this, many people shuddered.

Although many people have never heard of the Wusheng curse, the word “wusheng” is full of terror.

“Is it the kind of incantation in which the legendary Life Sacrifice, whoever is cursed, lives in a state of suspended animation without death and life?” Ma Zhengchu was shocked.

“Yes, the No-Life Curse, also known as the No-Life Curse, or the No-Life No Death Curse!” He Wu said with a pause, his spirit already a little trance.

Although he did not show too much grief and sorrow, his heart was hit unparalleled.

“President He, Elder Ma, will they never wake up?” a person from the Golden Light Pavilion asked in horror.

He Wu shook his head, feeling very depressed.

Ma Zhengchu shook his head and said sadly: “Forever, forever, until their lifespan runs out and they die!”

The scene was so quiet that the needle fell, and everyone’s eyes were fixed on the 6 people lying on the ground.

These 6 people are all geniuses, especially Han Yu, the peerless genius who will be famous all over the world in the future.

However, fortune plays with people!

A sad mood spread quietly among the crowd.

After a while, Li Haoran sighed: “Chairman He, Elder Ma, this is the end of the matter, you have to be sorry. I suggest to lock this place immediately, report the matter to the headquarters, and hand it over to the headquarters for processing.”

He Wu ended nodded.

Who could have imagined that there was a curse of birth in this ruin.

He Wucong felt scared for the ancient and terrifying inanimate curse in the legend, even if he did not dare to enter the ancient vestige at this time.

“Get out!”

Suddenly, Angry Roar, Han Yu who was lying on the ground, sat up suddenly, opened his eyes, and shot two terrifying beams in his eyes. The breath on his body burst out instantly, extremely terrifying.

He Wu, Ma Zhengchu, Li Haoran and others looked at each other.

The curse in Han Yu is a lifeless curse. It will remain dead and lifeless until natural death. Why does this wake up?

Could it be that they guessed wrong, they were not under the curse of inanimate?

Everyone was overjoyed for a moment.

“Little friend Han, it’s great that you wake up.” Ma Zhengchu said excitedly.

Han Yu realized that he had come outside and asked, “What happened?”

Ma Zhengchu said: “Our people found that you were in a coma in the pending area No. 2. It was our people who rescued you.”

hearing this, Han Yu slightly relaxed.

“Little friend Han, what happened?” He Wu asked.

Han Yu explained the strange words they heard and the mysterious power in detail. After listening, expressions of horror appeared on everyone’s faces.

He Wu sighed: “No matter what, you finally woke up. This shows that you are not a lifeless curse. This is a great thing for us.”

“No-life curse?” Han Yu frowned, a face of doubt.

He Wu explained: “The Wusheng curse is a very ancient incantation. Anyone who is hit by the Wusheng curse will remain in a half-dead state of life and death until the end of life. Will not wake up, and will not wake up The curse people will not leave any injuries on their bodies, as if they are naturally asleep. We observed your condition before and thought that you were under the curse, which shocked us a lot, but it was just a false alarm.”

Han Yu secretly relaxed, but fortunately it wasn’t a lifeless curse, otherwise he wouldn’t wake up.

“Xu Zhou, why have Cai Jiao and Huang Wei still not awake?” asked a person from Golden Light Pavilion.

“Their strength is not as strong as that of little friend Han. It should be a while.” He Martial Dao is not so worried.

But this time was 3 days. Everyone used various methods, but they did not wake up Xu Zhou, Cai Jiao, and Huang Wei.

Several people are dead or alive.


Everyone was stunned, everyone was shocked.

It can be seen from the state of several people that they are definitely under the curse of the inanimate, and they will never wake up.

But why, Han Yu woke up?

Doesn’t Han Yu have a curse of no life?

The eyes of everyone looked towards Han Yu in surprise.

Han Yu also unfathomable mystery for a while, saying: “At that time we were together, I obviously felt that force invaded my Niwan Palace, and I encountered the same danger as them.”

Han Yu couldn’t figure out why he woke up, but Cai Jiao, Xu Zhou and the others didn’t wake up, obviously no one was injured.

He Wu said uncertainly: “Why does this happen? You are all under the curse of no-life, you are impossible to wake up.”

Cai Jiao, Xu Zhou, Huang Wei and the others are obviously caught in the Non-Birth Curse. This seems very contradictory and very incredible.

Li Haoran suddenly coldly said: “Then there is only one reason, Han Yu is lying.”

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