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“Who I thought was, it turned out to be the president of the Alchemist Guild and his 1000 gold. No wonder it’s such a big shelf.”

Chen one after another’s voice just fell, and a lukewarm voice came out from the courtyard.

It was with a touch of irony.

Chen one after another and Chen Pill Master were both surprised.

The status of the president of Alchemist Guild is definitely the existence at the top of the pyramid in Xianjue Continent, but from the other’s tone, he can hear that he is full of carelessness.

What kind of person is it that can not even give the president of Alchemist Guild the face?

This person is naturally not Han Yu, but a woman.

Soon, this woman appeared in the sight of the two masters of Chen Dan.

Beautiful, noble and dignified!

Like a queen, the imposing manner of a person is better than Pill Master Chen.

Master Chen Pill and Chen one after another face changes slightly.

Master Chen Pill was taken aback for a moment, a gentle smile appeared on his face, cupped the hands and said: “Pill Master Chen, President of Alchemist Guild, meet Seventh Princess.”

“En.” Yunhai Feiluan glanced slightly nodded at Chen one after another, and then looked towards Master Chen Pill and said: “Chairman Chen, I’m recounting the old with my Junior Brother, I don’t know if Mr. Chen has If you want to find him, please come in, President Chen.”

Master Chen Pill and Chen one after another changed their faces. Neither of them expected that Han Yu would be the Junior Brother of Seventh Princess Yun Hai Feiluan.

Chen Pill Master hehe said with a smile: “If we knew that Seventh Princess was reminiscing with the Korean daoist, we would not bother you. You two will continue, and we will visit again in the future.”

Cupped the hands, Master Chen Pill took Chen one after another and turned away.

Yunhai Feiluan watched the two leave faintly, then turned back to the house gracefully.

“Your words have made those who want to win me a strategic withdrawal.” Han Yu said with a helpless look.

Don’t think too much, after today, Han Yu is Seventh Princess Yunhai Feiluan Junior Brother news, which will inevitably sweep across the mainland. Those who want to win over Han Yu will definitely have a very headache.

“Aren’t you my Junior Brother?” Yun Hai Feiluan looked at Han Yu with a smile.

This sea of ​​clouds Feiluan is naturally Hai Feiluan.

Seventh Princess of the sky empire is incomparable.

Han Yu shrugged, did not say anything.

Although he was very vigilant and defensive towards the Yunhai family, what did not at all show?

“How are you thinking about it?” Yun Hai Feiluan looked at Han Yu with some expectation.

“Under the whole world, could it be the king’s soil; the shore of the land, could it be the king’s minister. The huge Alchemist Guild is part of the empire, and even more how is me.” Han Yu said with a smile.

Yunhai Feiluan is slightly frowned, Han Yu said that there is nothing wrong with it, but this is not the answer she wants. Said: “You know what I mean, this kind of general answer obviously cannot satisfy me.”

Han Yu said: “You also know what I mean.”

Suddenly, the atmosphere became quite strange.

Han Yu and Yun Hai Feiluan stared, you look at me and I look at you, no one not to be outdone.

After a while, Yun Hai Feiluan suddenly said with a smile: “Junior Brother Han is still the same Junior Brother Han.”

Han Yu said with emotion: “But Hai Senior Sister, it is no longer the Hai Senior Sister.”

Yunhai Feiluan stared at Han Yu and said seriously: “Senior Sister is still the same Senior Sister before.”

Han Yu said: “If the Senior Sister is the same as the previous Senior Sister, then the Junior Brother is the same as the previous Junior Brother.”

Yunhai Feiluan satisfied nodded, said: “Okay, I remember what you said. By the way, I have been here for so long, so you don’t plan to make some tea and so on. Hello, just sit there? You are a respected guest in the Alchemist Guild, and you must have received a lot of benefits. Are you still hiding with the Senior Sister?”

Han Yu said with a smile: “It just so happened that a previous elder gave me a bag of tea, saying that it was grown in the Alchemist Guild’s own tea garden. I haven’t drunk it yet.”

oh?” Yunhai Feiluan’s eyes lit up and said: “The tea garden of the Alchemist Guild is one of the 3 major tea gardens in mainland China. The Pu’er Buddha tea they grow is one of the 3 famous teas. I didn’t expect that you guy really has Gufu, even it has it. “

Han Yu said: “I didn’t expect to have such a background?”

Yunhai Feiluan said: “Of course, the tea garden of the Alchemist Guild inherited from Ancient Era. The legend is that an ancient Buddha died during meditation. The Tao fruit of that ancient Buddha was melted in that land during his life, and then a piece of land grew. Pu’er Buddha tea tree, the tea leaves grown from the Pu’er Buddha tea tree can cleanse the soul and help people to enlighten the way. Especially for Alchemist, it has a huge effect. Alchemist has perennial pill concocting, and it is very easy to cultivation deviation. Pu’er Buddha tea can Wash away the fire.”

Han Yu stood up and said, “Listening to you, I am a little impatient. Let’s go.”

“Let’s go!” Yun Hai Feiluan stood up with a look of expectation.

Two people came to the backyard, moved the tea set, and made Pu’er Buddha tea.

When boiling water is poured into the tea, the Wan Daoguang glow is rushed into the tea cup, turning into an ancient Buddha, condensing in the void, chanting in a low voice.

Listening to the sound of chanting makes people calm, relaxed and joyful.

“Pu’er Buddha tea is divided into Heaven Grade, Prefecture-level, Profound Level and yellow-rank. This is the second-class pre-level Pu’er Buddha tea. It is hard to come by. The entire Alchemist Guild only produces one catty in 2 years. Many people can There is no good fortune.” Yunhai Feiluan praised.

“In this way, it’s not the first time you drink.” Han Yu asked.

“I once had the honor to drink Heaven Grade Pu’er Buddha Tea, Heaven Grade Pu’er Buddha Tea, and 100,000 years can not produce a catty.” Yunhai Feiluan said.

“Are you showing off?” Han Yu asked.

“Speak frankly, but even though I have drunk Heaven Grade Pu’er Buddha Tea, I am also looking forward to your local level Pu’er Buddha Tea.” Yun Hai Feiluan said with a smile.

2 people are talking and laughing while drinking tea.

There is no identity interference, no expulsion of interest, and the two people are like ordinary Senior Sister and Junior Brother talking about cultivating the Tao.

Pu’er Buddha Tea is worthy of being one of the three famous teas on the Xianjue Continent. One mouthful will give people a feeling of flying up, and two mouthfuls will directly enlighten people.

After drinking it almost, Yun Hai Feiluan said contentedly: “Drink your tea today, count I owe you a favor, you can lend me a secret room by the way.”

Han Yu said with a smile: “I thought you wanted to repay me.”

Yun Hai Feiluan gave Han Yu a white look, and said grimly: “Senior Sister is polite and polite to you, you are serious.”

Han Yu pointed to a room in the backyard and said, “Where is the secret room?”

The impatient Yunhai Feiluan stood up and said: “I have to borrow your place to retreat for a period of time, during this time you don’t have to worry about me.”

Han Yu said: “You are not afraid that I will hurt you when you are in retreat?”

Yunhai Feiluan confidently said, “You won’t.”

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