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Emperor Cangqiang cast his gaze towards the unknown, as if he had seen the past.

“The legend of 9th Layer has always existed on the Continent of Xianjue. Since ancient times, countless sages have flocked to it, but no one has found a way to open the 9th Layer world. It was not until the end of the ancient times that we found a way to open the 9th Layer. 9 people are needed. The blood of the Immortal Emperor can open the 9th Layer.”

“Nine Immortal Emperors, since ancient times, in which era there are 9 Immortal Emperors at the same time? This is basically an impossible task. However, someone has found an alternative.”

“Someone?” Han Yu was surprised.

That era belonged to the era of Emperor Cangqiong and Emperor Donghua.

Who is eligible to share the secrets of the 2th Layer with 9 Immortal Emperors?

The Emperor Cangqiong saw Han Yu’s thoughts at a glance, and said: “At that time, there were not only two Immortal Emperors of Donghua and I. At that time, there were 2 Immortal Emperors in total in this world.”

Han Yu was amazed. As expected, Xianjue Continent hides deeper secrets.

“But even if our 5 Immortal Emperors join forces, we are still 4 behind. It is impossible to open the 9th Layer. Someone suggested that the blood of Millions and millions of creatures should be used instead of the Immortal Emperor. All four of our Immortal Emperors agreed. But Donghua disagreed.”

“Substituting the blood of millions and millions of creatures, you have to kill 100000000 10000. Donghua loves the people like a child, and does not want to mutilate the people because of his own selfish interests. So we have differences. In the end, it evolved into the worst break. .”

“Donghua simply does not do 2 endlessly, wanting to destroy the 9th Layer mountain range and put an end to our thoughts. We are naturally impossible to watch him destroy the 9th Layer mountain range. We 4 Immortal Emperors, together to stop Donghua Originally, I thought it was just to stop him, but later I learned that the other three Immortal Emperors had already colluded secretly and wanted to kill Donghua directly.”

Speaking of which, Emperor Cangqiang bitterly laughed.

It’s ridiculous to be used and kept in the dark.

“By the time I found out, it was too late. The three Immortal Emperors teamed up to severely wound Donghua and were about to kill him. Donghua displayed his life-long knack to death-no self. In the form of suicide, he was hit hard. After the 3 Immortal Emperors, he disappeared with the 3th Layer mountain range.”

“The three Immortal Emperors madly slaughtered all the people related to him in order to retaliate against him. The Yun Family is naturally the first to bear the brunt. I have the heart but powerless, I can barely keep a bloodline from Donghua and send it to the east, struggling on whilst at death’s door .”

The face of Emperor Cangqiang was deeply annoyed and regretful.

Han Yu looked at Emperor Cangqiang in shock. He just said that Emperor Donghua had used his lifelong unique learning without self and had severely injured 3 Immortal Emperors.

The 5th Style in the 5th style that Han Yu received from Emperor Donghua (Emperor Swallowing Heaven) is No-self.

Because it is a life-for-life move, Han Yu has never been cultivation.

Han Yu thought it was just a Magical Powers, but he didn’t expect it to be Immortal Technique, or Donghua Great’s unique trick Immortal Technique.

As for the words of Emperor Cangqiang, Han Yu did not doubt.

There is no need for an Immortal Emperor to lie to him, let alone acting in front of him.

“For the past 3,000,000 years, we have been searching for Donghua’s whereabouts, but there has been no news.” The big sky gaze became deeper, staring at Han Yu, and said, “Until you appear, I realize that, either Donghua is back, or a descendant of Donghua is here.”

“You are very similar to him, you should be his descendant.”

“I can be regarded as a descendant of the Great Emperor Donghua.” Han Yu said.

“I knew that the descendants chosen by Donghua couldn’t be wrong.” The Emperor Cang Qiong said with a smile, with deep anticipation on his face, and asked, “How is Donghua now?”

Han Yu shook the head and said: “I don’t know. Although I can be regarded as a descendant of Donghua the Great, but I have only one relationship with Donghua the Great. At that time, I saw only the corpse of Donghua the Great. As I walked along, there was an invisible force guiding me forward, and this force came from Emperor Donghua.”

Emperor Cangqiang said: “I’m not dead, Donghua will never die.”

With that, the emperor pats hand.

Suddenly, a white clothed woman walked slowly into the hall.


Han Yu was stared wide-eyed, this woman was white clothed Ruoxue, peerless grace and elegance, who is not Huazhiyu?

Hua Zhiyu cast his gaze on Han Yu, her bright eyes sparkled with excitement, but she kept calm all the time, walked to Han Yu, and bowed deeply to the emperor of the sky, saying: “disciple, see Master.”

“Master?” Han Yu was even more incredible.

Hua Zhiyu actually worshipped Emperor Cangqiang as a teacher?

Han Yu carefully sensed the breath of Hua Zhiyu, and the stormy sea turned in his heart. The breath of Hua Zhiyu was 30% more terrifying than Han Yu.

Emperor Cangqiang let Hua Zhiyu stand up and looked towards Han Yu and said, “I sent someone to take Zhiyu away. I just wanted to test his successor for Donghua. I am very pleased that you can complete the nine exams of the Imperial Academy. I think Donghua will be very pleased if he knows.”

“Many thanks Immortal Emperor Your Majesty.” Han Yu bowed to Emperor Qiong, completely relieved.

“Back then, I had an agreement with Donghua. Our descendants, a man and a woman, must be married. Although Donghua and I have descendants, you are the true descendants of Donghua, and Zhiyu is my true The successor of meaning. Today I will marry Zhiyu to you.” The Emperor Cangqiang said with a smile.

“Master, I don’t want to.” Hua Zhiyu said suddenly.

“Why?” The Great Emperor said.

Hua Zhiyu provoked looking towards Han Yu and said: “Unless he can break through Immortal Emperor Realm.”

Han Yu doesn’t shy away from Hua Zhiyu’s provocative look. Is this guy arousing him?

Han Yu said with a smile: “Okay, then you are ready.”

Huazhiyu curl one’s lip, but her eyes are bright rays of light.

“If this is the case, then you don’t have to be rushed about this matter, you go down first.” Cangqiong said, after finishing speaking, his figure disappeared first.

With the departure of Emperor Cangqiang, the atmosphere in the hall instantly became subtle.

“Say, did you look for me during this time?” Hua Zhiyu looked at Han Yu domineeringly.

“What do you mean?” Han Yu hummed, “If I expected it to be true, the emperor of the sky, It shouldn’t be your foot.”

Obviously, it was Hua Zhiyu who avoided seeing Han Yu by herself.

Hua Zhiyu said: “Master speaks highly of you. I am not satisfied. I want to see if you can really complete the nine assessments of the Imperial Academy.”

Han Yu gave Hua Zhiyu a blank look and said, “Now are you satisfied?”

Huazhiyu shook the head and said: “You can only say that you have only met the expectations of the Master now, and you want me to be satisfied, unless you break through Immortal Emperor Realm.”

Han Yu smiled bitterly, and Hua Zhiyu was irritating him again.

Han Yu looked at Hua Zhiyu domineeringly: “Don’t worry, I have to marry you!”

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