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Chapter 384

Han Yu’s mind is 100 revolutions. Now that he meets him, he can’t save him, but Du Lingrou is an expert of the 5th layer of Diwu. Han Yu wants to save people from her. It is harder than heavenly ascension.

“Mu Wantong, you know that I have been waiting for this day for a long time. If you are not sure that Mu Tianxiao’s old lunatic is dead, I will not attack you!” Du Lingrou walked around Mu Wantong. , Tsk tsk sighed: “You said that if I cut your face, you are still Qinzhou number one beauty, will Lin Zheng be stubborn with you?”

“Why?” Mu Wantong roared. She really didn’t expect that she had always thought that someone who was a biological younger sister would treat her so badly.

“Why? Haha, just because you look so beautiful!” Du Lingrou said with a sneer.

Mu Wantong was taken aback, she was still a little puzzled.

Han Yu, who was not far away, heard some clues. This Du Lingrou looks good, maybe because of his beauty, Mu Wantong has always been crushed by Mu Wantong, that’s why he bears a grudge.

After all, the title of Qinzhou’s number one beauty is too tempting. This is an unparalleled reputation, especially for women.

Han Yu Soul Power has been walking around for 4 weeks, looking for a way to save Mu Wantong. Suddenly, a carriage with a toilet bowl attracted Han Yu’s attention, and Han Yu suddenly had a plan to make a living.

Du Lingrou turned against Mu Wantong for the title of number one beauty. This kind of person definitely cares about his own image. If she splashes her shit and urine, will she die?

Han Yu smiled secretly, lost a spiritual bead in the past to send the groom away, wrapped all the toilets with the Yishan formation mark, and held them in the size of a walnut. With the seal of the Yishan formation mark, the smell of the toilet cannot be emitted, even if Han Yu’s spiritual sense is sharp, it can’t be smelled, and Du Lingrou can’t even detect it.

Han Yu went back quickly and saw that Du Lingrou was about to attack Mu Wantong, and quickly shouted, “Who is Du Lingrou?”

These words scared the people around him. Du Lingrou was in Qinzhou, so he was so fierce that few people dared to provoke him. Nowadays, some people call her by her name openly on the street. Isn’t this courting death?

Du Lingrou stopped, turned her head and looked towards Han Yu, a cold light flashed in her eyes, scolded: “Boy, who taught you to call it that way?”

Mu Wantong turned his head and saw that it was Han Yu, who suddenly turned pale with fright.

Han Yu was afraid that Mu Wantong’s expression changes would fall in Du Lingrou’s eyes, and hurriedly said: “Just now, an uncle asked me to hand over something to Du Lingrou, number one beauty. I think you look so beautiful. You.”

When Du Lingrou heard number one beauty, her joy suddenly blossomed, and she said, “It’s me, who told you to give me something? What is it?”

Han Yu ran to Du Lingrou and said: “A very handsome uncle, but I don’t understood what the name is, things are in my hands!”

Han Yu opened his hand, and there was a walnut-sized thing in his hand, exuding a rich Spiritual Qi, and there were rays of light flashing on it. People who didn’t know the formation mark would definitely mistake it for treasure at first glance.

Du Lingrou’s eyes lit up. With her eyesight, she couldn’t see what was in Han Yu’s hand, but the Spiritual Qi revealed from its surface, she knew it was definitely not a normal thing.

Suddenly he became curious and waved to Han Yu, “Take it over and let me have a look.”

Han Yu pretended to be well-behaved, walked up to Du Lingrou and handed the thing in his hand, and said like a money fan: “The uncle just said, as long as I give this thing to you, you will There are many rewards, but if you are so beautiful, the rewards are unnecessary. It is a small honor to be able to serve you and that uncle.”


Du Lingrou covered her mouth and chuckled, and said, “You brat is quite talkative, here, I would like to reward you with a Grade 3 medicine.”

When Du Lingrou went to Heaven and Earth Bag, a medicine ingredients appeared, and he threw it to Han Yu at will. Han Yu quickly thanked him, and quietly retreated to Du Lingrou’s side, seeing that Du Lingrou was curiously looking at the thing, Han Yu felt funny in her heart, thoughts move, that thing suddenly exploded in Du Lingrou’s hands.


A sudden explosion shocked Du Lingrou, and then from that small space, a 7-person-high toilet flew out, and a stinky smell rushed into the sky. Then the toilets exploded, and urine splashed.


Du Lingrou screamed in fright, and quickly used her body skills to avoid it, but the distance was too close. When he reacted, it was already splashed all over. Suddenly, Du Lingrou became like a helpless child, screaming, frantic, desperate, where there was still a bit of expert.

Han Yu immediately propped up the shield to protect him and Mu Wantong, and directly displayed the Heavenly Dragon 8 steps into the sky, causing bursts of exclamation. When Du Lingrou came back to his senses, there was no sign of him.

Afraid that Du Lingrou would chase him, Han Yu changed many directions all the way, rushed out five-six hundred kilometers before stopping, and found a cave to heal Mu Wantong.

The poison in Mu Wantong’s name is Hua Yuan San. After taking it, within the body Origin Qi will dissolve into the invisible. It is indeed the same type of poison as True Yuan Ji Ji San.

Han Yu directly pressed Mu Wantong’s vest with both hands, sucking all the toxins from her within the body into his within the body, and resolved the misfortune of Mu Wantong from becoming a mortal.

“Little Yu, are you okay?” Mu Wantong asked with some worry. Just now Han Yu wanted to suck away the toxins from her within the body, she was very worried about Han Yu’s situation, but Han Yu said that she insisted on this, and she couldn’t help it.

Han Yu slightly smiled, with his palms open, Origin Qi rushed out, turning around the body and returning to within the body.

Mu Wantong let out a long sigh of relief, happily said: “Little Yu, you are fine, many thanks, you saved my aunt.”

Han Yu said with a smile: “Aunt Tong, this is what I should do, now that Huayuan San has been removed, you will recover completely after a few days of rest!”

Han Yu stood up and prepared to leave. Mu Wantong grabbed Han Yu’s hand and said, “Little Yu, did you go to the North Gate Grand Canyon to rob the sedan chair?”

Heavenly Secrets Pavilion not at all told the public about the North Gate Grand Canyon. After all, they were robbed of their relatives, but the extraordinary shame and humiliation would only make people in the world laugh at it. Mu Wantong also got it from Lin Zi’s personal maid.

Han Yu nodded, there is no need to hide Mu Wantong about this.

Mu Wantong asked puzzledly: “Then why don’t you take Little Zi away?” She got it from the maid’s letter. Lin Zi was snatched by Han Yu, but was later retrieved by the Heavenly Secrets Pavilion. went. But not at all about Tilin Zi’s injury, Mu Wantong naturally didn’t know that Han Yu and Lin Zi had become enemies.

Han Yu thought for a while and said, “Lin Zi is afraid that Heavenly Secrets Pavilion will be angry with Lin Family, so he doesn’t want to leave with me.”

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