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Chapter 448: Encountering Yu Feiyang

Shui Luochen sighed secretly, Han Yu has grown to the point where he is afraid of it. If Han Yu refuses to leave, he really has nothing to do. And Han Yu is now the most wanted criminal in the Lu dynasty. If Han Yu is allowed by outsiders to be in the aquarium, it is easy to be insinuated, planted and framed by someone who is interested, and it will definitely be a disaster for the whole aquarium.

Shui Luochen thought for a while, anyway, where Narcissus went, Han Yu was hard to find, so I sent Han Yu away first.

Staring into Han Yu’s eyes, he paused for a while before saying: “Xian’er has gone to the Malla Club!”

Han Yu’s heart tightened. In this case, it really developed in the direction he had guessed. Is it true that Shui Ling’er wants to be against Narcissus? But Huo Huo is the Senior Sister of Shui Ling’er. Why do you want to report to Han Yu within 1000 li?

Han Yu solemnly asked: “Is that old woman a member of the Mama Guild?”

Water falling dust is nodded.

Han Yu then asked: “Then why does she call Xian’er Young Lady?”

Shui Luochen said: “Xian’er worshipped into the door of a senior from the Morma Guild, and that old woman is that senior’s servant!”

Even the servants are experts of Jiwu Yizhong, so that person is not simple.

Han Yu asked, “What’s that person’s name and why did you accept Xian’er as a disciple?”

Shui Luochen was taken aback, he had never thought about it this way.

Although the Mauma Guild is not a cultivation Sect, its strength in Jing Prefecture is undoubted. With the understanding of the water and dust, Ma Ma Guild is already the second only to the existence of the Lu family on the land of Jing Prefecture.

Narcissus can worship the high-level gates of the Mama Guild, which is a god-given opportunity for the Shui people to climb high branches. At that time, the Shui Clan is supported by the Lv Dynasty and has a relationship with the Moma Guild. In Qinzhou, you can call the wind and summon the rain. It is not a problem to become the first of the Eight Great Families.

At the time, people from the Mouma guild suddenly visited and proposed to accept Narcissus as a disciple, but Shui Luochen was so happy that he would not even think about it.

Now that Han Yu suddenly asked this question, Shui Luochen only realized it. Yeah, the members of the Morma Guild, who have no relatives with the Shui Clan, would suddenly come to accept Narcissus as disciples? There seemed to be things he didn’t know during this period.

Shui Luochen asked with some worry: “Han Yu, did you find something?”

Han Yu thought for a while and said, “Xian’er may be in danger.”

“What?” Shui Luochen changed color slightly, but recovered quickly, and said suspiciously, “How could it be dangerous for Xian’er to worship the Malla Guild?”

Han Yu asked, “Did you have news about Xian’er during the time that Xian’er was away?”

The water shook the head.

Han Yu then asked: “Since there is no news about Xianer, how did you know that Dao Xianer is safe now?”

“I…” Shui Luochen was speechless for a while.

Han Yu took a deep breath, suppressing the anger in his heart, and said: “Water patriarch, so now anyway, you have to tell me who took Xian’er and where they went.”

There are Mora guilds all over Jing Prefecture. Just talking about Mora guilds, the scope is too wide. Han Yu cannot be like a headless fly. The one by one Mora guild should look for it.

Shui Luochen also had a faint worry in her heart, and said: “Xian’er’s Master is called Huang Lao. He is a high-level member of the Morama Guild, and he should be the leader of the Morma Guild!”

Han Yu hugged cup one fist in the other hand to Shui Luochen, said many thanks, turned and left.

“Han Yu!” Shui Luochen said hurriedly.

“What else does Shui patriarch have to say?” Han Yu turned around and asked.

“Xian’er will have nothing to do with her?” Shui Luochen asked worriedly.

It can be seen that he loves Narcissus very much. Han Yu said: “Don’t worry, Shui patriarch, there will be nothing wrong with me in Xian’er. Oh, by the way, don’t make any changes. I’m afraid that there will be Beware!”

After Han Yu finished speaking, he stepped out of the door, directly cast Heavenly Dragon 8 heavenly ascension, and disappeared in front of Shui Luochen in the blink of an eye. Shui Luochen came to the door and looked up at the empty night sky, still feeling like a dream.

At the front of the aquarium, countless torch suddenly lit up, and it suddenly became noisy. Hearing the shout, someone should have broken into the aquarium.

The noise over there quickly attracted the attention of people in the core area, and the quiet aquarium suddenly became lively.

“Intruder?” Han Yu stopped in the void and couldn’t help being slightly frowned. He was the intruder, but the people of the aquarium impossible to find his trace, which means that besides him, there were others who broke into the aquarium.

Han Yu’s Soul Power quietly shot out, and suddenly a Soul Power entered Han Yu’s range of perception. Later, the person was also a person with Soul Power. However, this person’s Soul Power, compared with Han Yu, is obviously not a level.

The man also sensed Han Yu’s Soul Power, quickly retracted it, and ran away. Han Yu hurriedly chased after him, and soon a tall silhouette appeared within Han Yu’s perception.

Han Yu couldn’t be more familiar with this person, whether it was his body shape or the aura from his body.

“Yu Feiyang!” Han Yu’s gaze suddenly became cold and severe.

Yu Feiyang sneaked into the aquatic clan at this time, and there is no doubt that it was directed at Narcissus. Every time he thought of what Yu Feiyang did to Narcissus in Flowing Cloud Sect, Han Yu wanted to smash his body for 10000 paragraphs.

But Han Yu didn’t beat the grass to scare the snake, and quietly followed Yu Feiyang. After Yu Feiyang was found, he decisively headed towards the mountainside of the aquarium.

Although Han Yu didn’t rush to do it, his heart was quite uneasy. Before Yu Feiyang was killed by Han Yu, only a ray of blood essence was left and fled. Unexpectedly, after 7 or 8 months, he was alive and kicking, and he also reached Soul Martial. The realm of 3rd-layer. I don’t know how many flower girls have been harmed by Yu Feiyang during this period, and all his crimes are now carried by Han Yu in Jing Prefecture.

Yu Feiyang rushed to the side wall of the aquatic mountainside, suddenly turned his head and glanced at the dark night sky, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a cold smile. Then Yu Feiyang turned into a blood energy directly, rushing into the ground, and then disappeared.

Han Yu hurriedly chased him, but he had already lost track of Yu Feiyang.

“Damn it!” Han Yu was annoyed. Although his speed was amazing, but he didn’t have the ability to escape. Yu Feiyang escaped, and he had nothing to do.

Knowing that Yu Feiyang had spotted him, Han Yu should take the shot.

Han Yu sighed secretly, rushed to the sky, secretly summoned out the white Divine Dragon, and drove him quickly towards Sunyue City. Now he was concerned about the safety of Narcissus, and he could only let Yu Feiyang stay away for a while.

The rudder of the Mammoth Guild is located in the west of Jing Prefecture, but outsiders do not allow it, and it is difficult to mix into the rudder of the Mammoth Guild. Fortunately, Han Yu has a few acquaintances in the Mora guild. If he can be recommended by his acquaintances, he can enter the rudder of the guild. And this acquaintance, Han Yu, is locked in the body of Fang Yuanzhou, the branch lord of the Morama Guild in Sun Moon City.

Among the people Han Yu knows, Wei Yuan, Liang Qixian, and Fang Yuanzhou are all eligible to introduce Han Yu into the general rudder of the Morama Guild. However, Wei Yuan is an expert of the general rudder of the MoMA guild, and he rarely walks outside. Nowadays, eight-nine is returning to the general rudder. Liang Qixian is also a general rudder. Although he often visits outside, his whereabouts are erratic. It’s easy to find; so Fang Yuanzhou, who sits in Sun Moon City, is Han Yu’s best candidate.

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