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Chapter 610

Han Yu expected that Lu Xumiao was very exhausted in the previous battle, and he will inevitably retreat and cultivate himself. For the time being, he will not start with the Holy Kingdom of Xilai. However, the Lu family still has the expert of Lu Qiongding, and only Han Yu can deal with it. Sudden sneak attack is not good for the Holy Kingdom of Xilai, so it is safer to withdraw the army back to Dragon City.

Tu Dragon City originally had City Protecting Great Formation, which can withstand the general Tianwu 3rd-layer powerhouse attack, and was later transformed by Han Yu. It is not easy for Tianwu’s 4-layer Lu dome to break open. It is considered a safer one. The place.

Han Yu took the lead back to Tu Dragon City and began to retreat to heal his injuries.

Before he felt the hot pain from the right hand upload, he did not dare to neglect.

Entering the secret room, Han Yu untied the blood cloth wrapped around his hand. At this time, the appearance of the right hand made Han Yu sucked in a cold breath. On Han Yu’s palm, except for those cracks horrible to see, it was red like burning coals at this time. This was caused by the fire poison qi of the Chiyan Sword, which had spread to Han Yu’s elbow. The whole arm is no longer sensation, like it is not Han Yu’s.

If Han Yu hadn’t immediately blocked the arm meridians, the fire poison would have spread to Han Yu’s body at this time, and the consequences would be disastrous.

“Sure enough to be a soldier of the Venerable!” Han Yu was secretly sighed. Although he had used the soldier of the Venerable before, it seemed that his strength was too weak at the time, and he was in the Evil Abyss range, unable to be activated by Origin Qi. The soldiers of the Lord are truly terrifying.

Han Yu pointed his left hand as a sword and pressed it on his arm. Origin Qi within the body slowly gushed from his fingers, and then pushed into the arm, pushing the little by little fire poison in the arm out of the body.

Although Fire Poison carries a poison word, it is not poison, but the burning energy of the Chiyan Sword. It is a foreign object. If it enters Han Yu’s within the body, it cannot be used by Han Yu, and it will cause a huge impact on Han Yu. s damage. Otherwise, if it is poisonous, the black hole can be resolved immediately.

The Chiyan Sword didn’t have much energy left in Han Yu’s arm, but it was extremely tenacious. Every time Han Yu exhausted his strength, he could only discharge a little. Han Yu, who had already consumed a lot, after exhausting the fire a few times with all his strength, he felt tired and dizzy.

Han Yu had to temporarily give up the elimination of fire poison and the refining spirit jade restored Origin Qi. After Origin Qi recovered almost, Han Yu continued to detoxify.

This is a long and painful process. The fire poison in Han Yu within the body is like rooting. Every time the row is like scraping the bones with a knife, Han Yu grinned and sucked in cold air.

It can be said that this kind of pain alone is not something ordinary people can tolerate, but Han Yu can endure the pain while detoxifying.

Sun Moon City.

When Lu Xumiao returned to the Imperial Palace and saw the destroyed Beichen Palace, he almost died with a spurt of blood. Beichen Palace is not only his retreat, but also the entrance of 9 Dragon Pond, and it also contains a lot of treasures, but his sword energy was destroyed by Han Yu.

Fortunately, after clearing the ruins, 9 Longchi was not at all destroyed, otherwise Lu Xumiao would be really angry.

“Imperial Father, you are back, have you killed the little thief Han Yu?” Lu Qiongding jumped out of the 9th Dragon Pond and was overjoyed when he saw Lu Xumiao come back safe and sound.

“Little thief Han Yu has a celestial picture in his hand, I can’t help him.” Lu Xumiao said in a low voice.

“Huh?” Lu Qiongding’s face suddenly changed, and even Lu Xumiao, who was holding the Venerable’s soldiers, couldn’t kill Han Yu. Is it true that the Lu clan really wants to die in the hands of a hairless brat?

Lu Xumiao glanced at Lu Qiongding. He didn’t expect that Lu Qiongding had been the emperor for more than 30 years, and he was not stable enough. He said, “Don’t worry, I can’t help the little thief for the time being. , You have to retreat for a while, and you manage the order within the clan.”

Lu Qiongding was slightly relaxed, but still a little worried: “Imperial Father, the little thief’s formation can be transmitted in, and the City Protecting Great Formation will be invalid for him. What if he comes in?”

Lu Xumiao sneered, and said: “The little thief’s biggest reliance is the Array Immortal Diagram. If he uses the Array Immortal Diagram to come in, he will come to die!”

Lu Qiongding was taken aback, but soon understood what Lu Xumiao meant. Although the Transmission Array on the Han Yu Array Xiantu can transmit Han Yu to any place, it cannot transmit it by itself. If Han Yu entered the City Protecting Great Formation by using the Array Xiantu, he would not be able to bring the Array Xiantu in. Without the support of the Array Xiantu, he would naturally not be Lu Xumiao’s opponent.

“How is Qiongdian now?” Lu Xumiao asked.

“Second Brother was seriously injured this time. I am afraid that it will take a month for the injury to be completely recovered, but even if it is completely recovered, its strength will fall sharply!” Lu Qiongding sighed.

“Little thief Han Yu, destroy my Lu clan’s reputation, kill my child, hurt my beloved son, this hatred, the old man will surely make you repay it 1000 times and 10000 times.” The chill on Lu Xumiao’s face instantly became stronger, and he paused. After a while, he continued, “This time the little thief was injured very seriously. After he goes back, he will inevitably retreat and heal his injuries. You send someone to stare at me at any time and have the opportunity to catch the people around him.”

“Yes!” Lu Qiongding’s expression also became gloomy. The Lu family’s loss this time, even if Han Yu’s corpse was broken into 10000 pieces, was not enough to equalize his resentment qi.

After 7 days passed, the Lv Dynasty sent a number of experts who wanted to attack Narcissus, Masu, Shui Ling’er and Flowing Cloud Sect. However, the people from the Holy Kingdom of Xilai immediately returned to Tu Dragon City, City. When Protecting Great Formation is turned on, even a mosquito can fly in.

During this period, Lu Qioding had personally visited, but eventually had to return with regret. I don’t know how many times I have cursed Han Yu.

Han Yu is not only powerful, but he also acts so cautiously.

Lu Qiongding really regretted it. He had known so long ago. When Han Yu and Lu Xumiao started, he should take advantage of the vacancy and be prepared. The only blame is that he has too much confidence in Lu Xumiao, and Han Yu is too abnormal.

Tu Dragon City, the basement chamber of the City Lord Mansion. Shuixian’er has been guarding here for many days. During the period, Ma Su came several times, Jiang Lixuan and the others also came, but the secret room has been tightly closed, and everyone did not dare to bother.

Ma Su wanted to stay outside the secret room with Narcissus, but as the Monarch of the entire Country, she still had a lot to do. It was not appropriate to come here to guard, and she did not have a proper reason.

Shuixianer is a talented and intelligent person. From this period of time with Ma Su, and every time Han Yu encounters danger, Ma Su shows tension, Shuixianer can conclude that Ma Su likes Han Yu.

This made Narcissus feel very entangled. Ma Su is her good sister, but Han Yu is her favorite, and from everything Han Yu has done, Narcissus also thinks Han Yu should be interesting to Masu.

If Narcissus stopped him, I felt sorry for Ma Su; if he didn’t stop him, he felt uncomfortable. Coupled with the worry about Han Yu’s injury, the past few days have been depressed.

Little Horn has been with Narcissus all the time. The previous incident made Little Brat feel listless.

This a man and a beast, just like that, it’s 7 days to squat outside the secret room.

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