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Chapter 623

After 4 days, the army of the Holy Kingdom of Silay came outside of Gancheng, but because of the City Protecting Great Formation, they could not enter. Ma Chaoran met Ma Su immediately across the formation mark barrier.

“Where is the Great General?” Ma Su impatient asked, and Shuixian’er and Shui Ling’er at the back also looked worried.

“The Great General is fine. I am currently healing at the Imperial Palace. General Jiang, General Ma, and Dragon King are all seriously injured. Although Sun Moon City is under my control, the elite of the Lu family have escaped from the city.” Ma Chaoran passed by. The investigation on the 3rd revealed the escape direction of Lu Chenhao and the others.

Although Ma Chaoran is the father of Ma Su, as the Mauma Guild broke away from the control of the Ma tribe, they represent different interest groups. After Ma Su became the founder, he has always treated each other as monarchs.

For this, Ma Chaoran doesn’t care, anyway, Ma Su will return to the horse clan in the future, and when the time comes, it will no longer be the relationship between the monarch and the minister.

Ma Su learned that Han Yu was okay, secretly relaxed, and immediately made an order to hunt down the Lu elite. Then Ma Su asked Ma Zhengxin to mobilize the Array Xiantu and send some people in to help Ma Chaoran control Sun Moon City and the 8 satellite cities. On the other hand, Ma Su took the Demonic beast mount and personally followed the 8 satellite cities, one city by one, to comfort 100 people.

The 8 queens of the 100 satellite cities came to comfort themselves, most of them came to worship. With the empress’s comfort and the control of the army, the Sun Moon City and the 8 satellite cities were soon occupied by the West The country firmly controls. Some of Lu’s clansman hiding in the crowd were caught by one after another.

Now, just wait for Han Yu to break through the City Protecting Great Formation and Masu enters the Imperial Palace of Sun Moon City, and the entire Jing Prefecture has truly entered the era of the Holy Kingdom of Xilai.

On whether to hunt down Lu Chenhao, Han Yu gave Ma Su the choice. With Han Yu’s ability, it is not difficult to catch Lu Chenhao, but he does not at all do that.

Although Han Yu and Lu Chenhao have come to the opposite side, it is an indisputable fact that Lu Chenhao once helped Han Yu.

Han Yu didn’t want to do anything to him, but if he didn’t have the ability to escape the pursuit of the Holy Kingdom of Xilai, he could only blame him for being incompetent.

It took Han Yu 7 days to recover. Ma Chaoran personally guarded the entrance of 9 Dragon Pond, and then Han Yu rushed to Gancheng and started breaking the formation.

This City Protecting Great Formation is based on 9 cities. The only way to break open is to destroy one of the formations and paralyze Formation.

After Han Yu entered the city, he explored Gancheng with Soul Power. The entire city was covered by the formation mark. Equivalent to the entire city was refining, which made Han Yu very helpless. This means that only by destroying Gancheng can the Great Array be paralyzed.

Gancheng is a big city with a long history. Han Yu couldn’t bear it when he was about to destroy it. Moreover, this city is covered by a formation mark, and it is not easy for Han Yu to destroy it.

“Old fogey, do you have any good suggestions?” Han Yu asked. The old man has a lot of knowledge and said that there may not be a better way.

Tian Old Daoist: “This Formation is called the 9th Palace Guiyuan Great Array. It is arranged in the 9th house position. Although the person who arranged it has refining the entire Gancheng, but this 9th Palace Guiyuan Great Array The scale of the project does not require such a large base.”

Han Yu asked: “Could it be that there is something else in the formation base?”

Tian Old Daoist: “The base is in this city, and this city is used to protect the base.”

Han Yu said: “Doesn’t that mean that as long as you find the real base, you don’t need to destroy the entire city?”

Tian Old Daoist: “Theoretically, this is the case. According to the way I taught you, it should not be long before you find the correct position of the base.”

Han Yu was overjoyed and listened carefully to what God said next.

You don’t need to destroy the city, you don’t need to move the 100 surnames from the city. Han Yu flies over Gancheng, collects the entire Gancheng, and then takes out a piece of white paper, according to the method Tian Lao said. The outline of Gancheng.

Then Han Yu used the 9th house deduction method to find 9 positions that might be the base of the formation.

“The royal husband, look at everyone, it’s the royal husband!”

Suddenly, an exclamation sounded from a street. People all looked up and saw Han Yu. Everyone fell on their knees. Shanhu Huangfu was 10000 years old.

Han Yu has a headache. Now everyone in Jing Prefecture knows that he is Masu’s royal husband.

“Masu that girl should be very happy?” Han Yu shook the head with a wry smile, and ignored those 100 surnames. After deducing the 9 positions, Han Yu followed the blueprint to find the most central point.

The most central point is right at the central square of Gancheng. There is a tall stone tablet erected here, which is inscribed with the time to build Gancheng, how much money was spent to build Gancheng, and the names of the people who built Gancheng.

Han Yu also refers to the sword, depicting the formation mark, and obliterates the formation mark on the stone tablet with the formation mark.

The people in and around the square knelt down a large area, Han Yu did not speak, and they did not dare to come out.

The formation mark on the stone tablet is extremely tenacious. It took Han Yu 3 days to wipe out the formation mark on the stone tablet and pull up the stone tablet. Unfortunately, the base is not here.

During the period, Ma Su ordered the army to maintain law and order, not to let the 100 surname disturb Han Yu, and to make Han Yu quiet.

The first point failed, Han Yu went to the point in the north, and after looking for a few minutes, Han Yu focused on a gluttonous statue. This gluttonous statue is made of bronze, more than ten feet high, lying on the ground, majestic and fierce.

Han Yu spent 5 days obliterating the formation mark on the gluttony, and then removed the gluttony. A thick Spiritual Qi came out below, and the spiritual Qi was almost materialized and turned into aerosol.

Han Yu was overjoyed and found the base.

Below the gluttonous glutton is a circular hole in the hole, with a black flag inserted in the hole, which is what everyone usually uses.

Han Yu stretched out his hand to pull the formation flag up, only to hear a crash, and the formation mark shield fell away.

The people of the Holy Kingdom of Xilai outside the city were overjoyed. Liang Qixian took the lead in leading the army into the city, clearing the streets, and preparing to welcome the queen into the city.

Han Yu sat directly next to the formation base, reached into the hole with both hands, and began to frantically absorb the Spiritual Qi inside.

After thousands of years of accumulation, the Spiritual Qi in this array is already quite strong.

Han Yu ran the Dragon Lord Bible at full speed, Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi turned into two torrents and rushed into the palm of his hand, entered within the body, and was swallowed by the black hole.

Three hours later, the queen entered the city. Originally, at the request of the 3 civil and military officials, he entered Sun Moon City directly, but Ma Su did not agree, but stayed in Gancheng, waiting for Han Yu.

It is of great significance for Ma Su to enter Sun Moon City, representing that she has truly stepped onto the pinnacle of power and has become the new generation overlord of Jing Prefecture.

This is a very important moment.

Ma Su wants to step into the Supreme God altar that countless people are eager for but fearful of with the man she loves who helped her lay down the country.

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