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Chapter 656 Saint in the Coffin

Han Yu tightened. Did this monster come out to check the coffin? Now that he is covered by his eyes, has it found its own fault?

Han Yu held his breath and didn’t dare to breathe. Every place here was filled with weirdness. It was hard to imagine what the consequences would be if he, an Outsider, was discovered.

“Do you want me to do it, please come out?” Suddenly, a deep and muddy voice came from the sky.

From the sound, this is probably a middle-aged man. Han Yu was stunned. Is the owner of these eyes talking? How big is a person with such big eyes? Who is he talking to? Are you with yourself?

Han Yu’s heart was beating violently, involuntarily, and even the sound of the heart beating could be heard. Cold sweat quietly flowed out of his body.

“Calm down, 10000000 don’t show your feet.” Tianlao reminded eagerly.

Han Yu quietly ran the Longba Bible and forced his heartbeat down. He doesn’t know whether the other party has heard his heartbeat.

“My God, what should I do? You won’t find me anymore?” Han Yu asked secretly. Although Han Yu doesn’t know what the cultivation base of the speaker is, but these eyes alone give Han Yu a feeling of hopelessness. If he shoots Han Yu, Han Yu doesn’t have any escape alive. hope.

“Don’t worry, you shouldn’t be talking about.” Tian Old Daoist.

Han Yu was taken aback, and asked strangely: “I am Outsider here, don’t you tell me who I am talking about?”

Tian Old Daoist: “Eight-nine is the weirdness in the coffin. If it is for you, there is no need for such a powerful character to appear.”

Han Yu feels reasonable. Indeed, this monster is too powerful. In his eyes, Han Yu is probably not as good as an ant. Han Yu couldn’t help but looked towards the coffin carried in front of him. What would be in this coffin that could alarm the monster in this sea of ​​blood?


With a sudden explosion, the coffin lid directly flew into the sky, and a pale-yellow rays of light rushed out of the coffin, mapping the entire sky into a pale-yellow. This rays of light also brightened Heaven and Earth a lot.

A ten thousand zhang tall, like a silhouette of a majestic mountain, appeared in Han Yu’s line of sight. The monster finally revealed the true face of Lushan.

As Han Yu expected, the two red things hanging in the sky are indeed a pair of eyes. The silhouette of a male mountain is the owner of these eyes. These eyes are not hanging in the sky, just because the person is too tall and can only see the eyes, so it gives people a feeling of hanging in the sky.

This person has a human body, but his body is covered with black bristles, just like an infinitely enlarged version of a gorilla. The right hand carries a giant axe, and the axe blade is as long as the thousand zhang, but in this giant In his hands, it doesn’t feel big at all.

Han Yu suddenly felt his throat dry, such a huge creature, as long as he breathed out, he might have to blow Han Yu to death. Standing in a sea of ​​blood, like supporting heaven giant pillar.

But what makes Han Yu even more curious now is who are you in the coffin?

The coffin here is unusually weird. It can be easily opened from the outside, but it is difficult to open from the inside. The contents inside can knock the lid of the coffin away at will, and its performance is unimaginable.

Anyway, if Han Yu was locked in the coffin, he would never be able to open the coffin lid and come out by himself.

From the coffin, stood up a white clothed person, slender figure, his back looked a little thin. The sea breeze blew his temples, making the tips of his hair pale.

Han Yu could only see his back, and the white clothed man obviously didn’t mean to turn around.

The most unique thing about this person is that there are pale-yellow rays of light exuding all over his body. The rays of light are not transformed by his Origin Qi, but the rays of light of his body.

His body is like a treasure that shines. The fingers are slender, glittering and translucent, and the skin on the neck is like lanolin, not like a person, but a perfect carved ornament.

“The body is sublimated to the extreme, Transcendent Saint, is he Saint?” Han Yu’s mind sounded an old exclamation.

The so-called Saint is the powerhouse of Martial Saint Level, a realm of the ultimate sublimation of human cultivator fleshy body. Legend has it that the Saint fleshy body can be immortal for 10000 years, and every drop of blood possesses the power of terrifying matchless. A drop of blood can crush a star. The body of Saint is comparable to a Divine Weapon that no stronghold one cannot overcome.

Han Yu couldn’t help being sucked in a cold breath, Saint, no matter what age, is an invincible existence, especially after the ancient times, Cultivation World has no trace of Saint.

It is said that Heavenly Dao has changed since ancient times and is not suitable for cultivation. Experts of Martial Saint Level and Martial Saint powerhouse of Cultivation World will no longer appear. They all crossed the void to find more suitable places for cultivation.

There are also rumors that in the last years of ancient times, a great battle occurred in Cultivation World. It was a battle in which all powerhouses above Martial Saint Level participated. The heaven falls and earth rends were hit, and the Great Dao collapsed and Cultivation World entered Dharma. End Era, cultivation becomes more and more difficult, Saint will no longer appear, and the previous Saints all fell in that battle.

There are also rumors that there was a war not at all in the last years of antiquity. Those powerhouses above Saint and above also not at all left Cultivation World. Only because time flies, those people before have become dust in history, and no one can succeed later. Sacredness has brought the Cultivation World into an era of no sacredness.

But no matter what the rumors are, there is one thing in common, that is, after ancient times, Cultivation World could not be sanctified. Saint became a legendary existence, and now, Han Yu actually saw a horror figure who looked like Saint, and he was not surprised that it was impossible.

Although Han Yu has never seen Saint, he can find the similarities between the person in front of him and Saint from the legend. His fleshy body is very different from the ordinary person. It should have reached the point of Transcendent Saint, and the fleshy body will evolve into this. Look like.

You must know that Han Yu’s fleshy body strength is now comparable to an ordinary Venerable soldier, but it does not look much like an ordinary person. Compared with the white clothed person in front of him, it is not an order of magnitude.

The fleshy body of Han Yu is still the fleshy body, and the fleshy body of the white clothed person has become a treasure.

The white clothed man walked up into the air with his hands on his back, facing the giant like a mountain and peak, still calm, but unfortunately, Han Yu could not see his appearance. Han Yu really wanted to go around to see the true face of the white clothed person, but at this moment he did not dare to move.

Although white clothed people are as small as ants in front of giants, they give Han Yu an unattainable feeling at this moment, and Han Yu’s blood is also hot.

To be able to see Saint in the age of no sage is an opportunity for anyone and a gift from heaven. If you can see Saint take a shot, it will have inestimable guiding significance for Han Yu’s future cultivation.

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