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Chapter 660 4 Big Problems

This time Han Yu is so mindless, all thoughts are placed on the ring of fusion curses. With previous experience, Han Yu has been much smoother this time. It took only half of the time to fuse together 7 cursed rings, turning them into a cursed circle the size of a bowl.

After that, Han Yu tried his best to temper the cursed circle. After the cursed circle was completely stable, he controlled the 8th cursed circle to merge with it.

Integrating into this step, the repulsive force generated by the curse ring and the curse circle has reached an incredible level. Han Yu must always keep Soul Power to the extreme and display the extreme power to control the balance. If you slack off, you will Collapsed.


The 8th cursed ring and cursed circle were successfully connected together, making the general loud noise of mountains bursting and ground splitting.

At the junction of the cursed ring and the cursed circle, several strands of black unrolled bolt of white silk suddenly emerged. The black unrolled bolt of white silk circulated irregularly around the curse, an extremely gloomy breath, like countless ice knives stabbing Han On Yu’s body, Han Yu began to shake involuntarily.

Suddenly, one of the unrolled bolts of white silk turned into a sinister’s rare beast. This rare beast had the body of a snake but the head of a crocodile. It had three heads, one pair of cold and hollow eyes, and three heads. At the same time, he roared and rushed towards Han Yu, trying to swallow Han Yu alive.

Han Yu immediately responded and displayed the Dragon Spear.


Suddenly, Heaven and Earth Shaking, Han Yu only felt that the entire Heaven and Earth had collapsed. The curse ring of fuse together collapsed again, Han Yu’s soul suffered a terrifying backlash, apart from this also suffered a martial skill backlash, unable to bear wa’ed, and vomited a mouthful of blood.

“What’s going on?” Han Yu stared at the top of his head in a daze. The three monsters disappeared, leaving only the separated curse ring. next moment Han Yu only felt dizzy, and then passed out.

Han Yu failed again.

Tian Lao seemed to have expected this kind of result a long time ago. He came to Han Yu at a moderate pace and fed Han Yu some healing medicine ingredients.

Han Yu suffered more injuries this time than the previous one. He woke up after sleeping for 7 days. He glanced at the cursed ring on his head, and his heart was lingering.

“Old fogey, why does a monster appear when the curse ring is fused, but when I fight back, the monster disappears again?” Han Yu asked puzzled.

“Do you remember what I said to you at the beginning?” Tian Lao asked back.

Han Yu was taken aback, and then recalled some of the things the old man had said before.

Tian Lao waited for Han Yu’s answer, and then said: “From the breakthrough of the unloading division to the unloading division, it is not that simple. Heavenly Tribulation is just the ultimate test. Before Heavenly Tribulation, there will be a series of mutations. If these mutations are not possible How to deal with Heavenly Tribulation?”

“These mutations include the sudden collapse of the curse circle, the appearance of a illusion that disturbs the mind, and even the curse directly attacks you. Although the formidable power is not as good as Heavenly Tribulation, it is also extremely terrifying. And you are not ready at all. I see you Give up.”

Han Yu stared at Tian Lao and asked, “God, you are only telling me this now. Do you want me to retire?”

Tian Lao did not speak, he did mean that. He can’t stop Han Yu, the best way is to let Han Yu retreat. Otherwise, how could Tianlao at such an important moment not explain the relevant matters in detail with Han Yu and share his experience back then.

Tian Lao certainly hopes that Han Yu can succeed and help him rescue Fleshy body, but Tian Lao has gone through vicissitudes of life, and reason has overcome fantasy. No one knows the degree of difficulty in attacking the landlord better than him.

Compared with his own fleshy body, he still hopes that Han Yu can live well.

Han Yu took a deep breath, looking at the sky pleadingly, Old Daoist: “old fogey, I understand your intentions, but you know, I have to do this, otherwise I will not forgive myself in my life. I will know everything you know Tell me, I have a bottom in my heart, the success rate will be higher, right? Do you want to see me keep trying, failing, and wasting time? I really hope to get your help, please.”

Tian Lao’s eyes suddenly felt a little moist, even if he doesn’t shed tears in his current state, he sighed, “Well, I know you can’t help but brat.”

Han Yu slightly smiled, he also knew that the old man would not ignore him.

Tian Lao and Han Yu sat cross-legged face to face, their faces gradually became serious, and said: “What I will tell you next, you will definitely meet after you, you just need to remember what I said, do what I said, and succeed. It shouldn’t be a big problem to condense ten cursed rings into cursed circles.”

Han Yu was nodded seriously, did not say much, listened carefully.

Tian Lao sorted out his thoughts and said: “Condensing a ring into a circle will encounter 4 major problems. Only by overcoming these 4 major problems one after another can you succeed. The first problem is the power of mutual repulsion. There is no shortcut. Whether you can succeed depends on the strength of your Soul Power, your endurance and perseverance temperament. I am not worried about this, you can do it.”

“The second problem is the illusion. The monster you just saw is the illusion. The terrifying part of the illusion is to disturb your temperament. You were originally fusing the cursed ring with all your heart, and suddenly a phantom appeared, and the temperament was slightly loosened. , You will give up all your previous efforts, let alone attack you just now, completely hitting the phantom move. Next time you encounter it, just ignore it.”

“The third problem is that the curse will attack you. The attack of the curse is not an illusion. It must be defended by the sky armor. If the second problem and the third problem appear separately, as long as you do as I say, it will not be much bigger. The problem. I’m afraid that they will appear at the same time. If you can’t tell what is illusion and what is real, it’s difficult to solve. But in most cases, they won’t appear at the same time.”

Han Yu asked: “I have been urging Qi Tianjia to defend. No matter what appears, I don’t have to worry about it. It should be all right?”

The old man shook the head and said: “If you urge Qi Tianjia to be distracted, you will be prone to problems. If you don’t encounter a curse attack, don’t be distracted by 10000000. Even if it is a curse attack, you have to determine whether the curse circle you merged Reach a relatively stable state, and then distract and urge Qi Tianjia, otherwise it is likely to fail.

Han Yu brows tightly frowns, asked: “When the curse attack appeared, the condensed curse circle happened to be very unstable, what should I do?”

Tian Old Daoist: “Then wait for injury, wait for failure.”

Han Yu sighed long: “It’s really not easy, so what is the fourth problem?”

Tian Lao’s expression suddenly became solemn, and said: “The fourth problem is the most difficult and the most unsolvable. Second only to Heavenly Tribulation. If you can’t overcome it, even if you don’t die, you are not you anymore.”

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