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Chapter 667

Han Yu took out the previously prepared Jinxiantu drawing, spread it out, and then sat cross-legged to the side, facing the Jinxiantu drawing, and said, “My God, I’m going to start making advanced Jinxiantu.”

Array immortal map is divided into low-level array immortal map, intermediate array celestial map, high-level array celestial map, and top-level array celestial map according to the level of the unloader. Han Yu is now comparable to the 7 Yuan Earth Unloading Division, and can refine high-level formations.

Only the high-level formation fairy figure can break the formation of Death Valley’s blood fiend enclosing formation with the method of breaking the formation.

Tian Old Daoist: “You already know the formation mark of the Zhuxian Shouyuan Great Array, and you are already familiar with the steps of refining the Array Xiantu. You can do it yourself.”

In Formation, not all Formations can be used as a tool for breaking the formation. To be able to be used as an array of tools for breaking the formation, it must have the function of deprivation. It is to deprive it of energy from the rest of the Formation to use it for yourself. In the Qitian School, this kind of Formation can be counted on one’s fingers. The Zhuxian Shouyuan Grand Array is one of this kind of Formation. Its essence lies in the word “seize”. Only 7 Yuan Shiji can be successfully carved.

There are a total of 3 major steps to make the celestial map.

1st Step makes drawings, 2nd Step engraves the formation mark, and Third Step seals the base. The 1st Step has been completed ahead of schedule, and Han Yu can now start directly from the 2nd Step.

Before Han Yu had practiced the formation mark of the Zhuxian Duoyuan Array countless times, so Han Yu could have the words at hand without reference.

Han Yu pointed to a sword, Soul Power and Origin Qi rushed to the fingertips together, then moved their fingers to the sky above the drawing and began to draw quickly. It can be seen that Han Yu’s depiction of the trajectory is abnormal and mysterious. Soon, a formation mark appears, like mercury, falling on the drawing and turning into a mysterious symbol.

“It’s worthy of being a big formation that only the 7-yuan unloading division can arrange. One formation mark consumes my one third Origin Qi.” Han Yu exclaimed.

Although Han Yu’s Soul Power and Battle strength have become extremely powerful under the tenfold battle strength blessing of Ancient Battlefield, Han Yu’s Origin Qi has not changed. Every formation mark must be given energy. And the activity must be injected into Origin Qi. The higher the level of the array, the greater the consumption of Origin Qi by its formation mark, which is revealed in an instant this time.

But for Han Yu, what can’t be considered is difficult. Han Yu took out all the heavenly materials and earthly treasures and piled them aside, inserted his left hand into the pile of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and began to frantically refining. Although Han Yu’s replenishment speed at the same time cannot match the consumption speed. But with the help of black holes, Han Yu’s replenishment speed has reached an extremely terrifying level.

Han Yu’s left-handed non-stop refining material, right hand engraved formation marks, almost 5 formation marks, pause for ten minutes, then engrave 5 formation marks, and pause for ten minutes. According to this rule, Han Yu’s Origin Qi Can always guarantee the state of not being exhausted.

There are a total of more than 600 formation marks in the Zhuxian Shouyuan Grand Array. Each formation mark appears ten or three times, and then arranged according to a special rule to form the Zhu Xian’s Shouyuan Grand Array. Han Yu did not eat or drink. It took nearly a dozen days. Time to engrave the entire set of formation mark successfully, and arrange the Zhu Xian seizing the Yuan formation on the drawing.

The drawing at this time does not look much different from the formation map, but because the formation base has not been sealed, the formation mark will automatically disappear if there is no energy supply for a certain period of time.

In the array of immortals, the formation flag cannot be used as the base of the array, only a special way can be used to seal the energy at the base of the array to form the base of the array to provide energy for the large array.

This way of fixing energy with the formation mark is not a difficult task for Han Yu.

Han Yu uses the mountain-moving formation mark to accommodate countless Spirit Stones, and finally turns into a point, which is sealed on the position of the formation base. When all 3 formation bases are sealed with energy, a complete formation fairy map is declared complete.

Han Yu picked up the array of immortals, and in a blink of an eye, it was no different from ordinary drawings, but as long as Han Yu was activated, the energy sealed on the base of the array was activated, and the energy was provided to Formation, and the entire Zhuxian seizing the yuan array was activated. .

Suddenly, scarlet rays of light radiated from the formation, rays of light condensed into unrolled bolt of white silk, unrolled bolt of white silk turned into a mouthful of cold light, a thick sword, which pierced through the sky and killed the gods. Vaillant. A terrifying matchless breath struck out, making Han Yu have one’s hair stand on end. At the same time, the terrifying matchless Devouring Power erupted from the array of immortals, and “took” the surrounding Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi.

Moreover, the high-level array fairy map can change the size at will. Under the impetus of Han Yu, it gradually grew bigger. Originally a one-meter square drawing, it rose up against the storm and changed to 2 meters, 3 meters… It was not until 30 meters long and wide that Han Yu stopped urging, and the celestial array slowly shrank again, and finally the rays of light became restrained and again Become ordinary.

The celestial formation made by Han Yu is much higher than the celestial celestial map he obtained in Dao Field. The celestial formation is just a low-level celestial formation. Han Yu does not use the power of Ancient Battlefield. Can be carved.

The energy consumed by urging the high-level array immortal figure is far from that of urging the lower-level array immortal figure. The short-term urging of Han Yu just now consumed almost his Origin Qi within the body, which is a little bit now. Tired, but Han Yu’s face still cannot contain joy.

Han Yu carefully checked the high-level celestial image. There was no problem and no time wasting here. After receiving the high-level celestial image into the bottle gourd, he went to the Transmission Array of Ancient Battlefield.

“My God, can I get out of here with this Transmission Array?” Han Yu asked.

In the past, this Transmission Array connected the light gate of the Moon Valley. From here, you can reach the Moon Valley. But after the light gate disappeared, Han Yu didn’t know if he could reuse this Transmission Array.

Tian Old Daoist: “This is a two-way Transmission Array. The Transmission Array over there disappears and loses its function. Although it can be tampered with, it is too time-consuming. You might as well leave from the world below.”

Han Yu did not say much, and decisively took the Black Divine Dragon and the red Divine Dragon back within the body, and took the white Divine Dragon to leave the Ancient Battlefield.

The sea of ​​blood is boundless, and just by looking at it, it is impossible to see where the direction is closest to the shore when he came back. However, Han Yu had already drawn the route he had passed through in his mind. Looking back now, he quickly found the direction and decisively flew towards Southwest.

“Strange.” Just after flying out of a few ten meters, Han Yu suddenly exclaimed.

The old man asked, “What’s wrong?”

Han Yu said: “I walked this way in the illusion before.”

Tian Old Daoist: “This route has long been subconsciously formed in your mind. Whatever you think in your heart will appear. It is not surprising that you walk this way in the illusion.”

Han Yu felt that what Tian Lao said was reasonable, so he stopped tangling and let the white Divine Dragon move forward at full speed. When he came, Han Yu searched for more than a month to find Ancient Battlefield, but when he returned, it only took more than 2 days.

Of course, this is enough to prove the vastness of the sea of ​​blood. You must know that at the current speed of the white Divine Dragon, it can cross the east-west direction of Jing Prefecture in one day. The distance from the shoreline to Ancient Battlefield is equivalent to the horizontal length of 2 Jing Prefectures, and the location of Ancient Battlefield is not known how far it is from the shoreline on the other side.

The sea of ​​blood is beyond imagination.

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