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Chapter 669

In fact, in Mu Tianxiao’s opinion, Mu Wantong does not owe Han Yu’s family anything. She broke her trust with Han Yu once, saved Han Yu twice, and Han Yu rescued her family once. But Mu Wantong is like that. She feels that she owes Han Yu and Zhao Yubing.

Naturally, Mu Tianxiao would not tell Mu Wantong bluntly that you do not owe Han Yu anything, but said: “I know you are worried about Little Yu, but I am going to go.”

Mu Wantong said in surprise: “Father, how can I let you go?”

Mu Tianxiao said: “Since you can’t let me go, why should I let you go? There are so many terrifying in Evil Abyss. You don’t know how much terrifying is in Evil Abyss. It’s best to let me go.”

Mu Wantong said: “father…”

Before he could say anything, Mu Tianxiao rushed to say: “Anyone who goes in is in danger, and I go in and the success rate will be higher. You don’t need to say anything, that’s it. But it’s not like going in now, 3 More than a few months, not long, wait a minute.”

Seeing Mu Tianxiao’s determined eyes, Mu Wantong swallowed again. Suddenly regretted in his heart, Han Yu worked hard and made Mu Tianxiao not let him enter Evil Abyss. And she let Mu Tianxiao make another choice.

As time passed, no one could calm down outside of Evil Abyss. Every time I looked towards the direction of Evil Abyss, I didn’t see the silhouette.

A few days later, everyone lived like years. Liu Fei seemed to be suffering from ADHD. He looked out of the wood house for a while, ran to hunt in the mountains, and looked out for a while when he came back from hunting, and ran to hunt again without seeing any movement.

A tall watchtower is erected behind the wood house, and a person is always watching the direction of Evil Abyss from the watchtower.

As the sun sets, the sky is blazing, and another day is about to end.

“Ah, everyone, let’s see, someone has come out.” Suddenly, the man on the watchtower jumped up with joy, as if he was hit with blood.

The people in the room rushed out one after another, looking towards the direction of Evil Abyss, but they couldn’t see anything.

Mu Tianxiao flew directly into the sky, Ma Chaoran followed closely from behind, and the others climbed up to the observation platform, standing high, and able to see far.

“Little Yu, it’s Little Yu!” Mu Tianxiao exclaimed excitedly. In the distant sky, a black dot gradually magnified and flew in this direction. Although it was not clear what a man or a beast looked like, Mu Tianxiao was certain that Han Yu must have come out of Evil Abyss.

“Ah, Brother Han…” Liu Fei jumped with excitement.

The others also opened their mouths and shouted, some called Little Yu, some Brother Han, some called Han Yu, some called Mr. Huang, some called Great General… Although the voice was uneven, but Han who was let back Yu, there was warmth in my heart.

After several months of travel in that world, the danger, irritability, and silence accompanied by many days made Han Yu feel the goodness of this World and the warmth of this World even more.

After coming out of that world, as expected, Han Yu not at all once again attracted heaven punishment.

Han Yu flew with the air, rushing to everyone at the fastest speed. It didn’t take long before Han Yu rushed out of the scope of the secret power of sin, and both sides could see each other clearly.

Han Yu looked towards Mu Tianxiao, Mu Wantong, Lin Zheng and Liu Fei, and then looked towards Ma Chaoran and the Civilian Court Official officers of the Holy Kingdom of Xilai. Han Yu’s heart was also warm, which shows that during this time, Ma Sue must be worried.

He still vaguely remembered that in the illusion, he saw Ma Su dazedly guarding the 9th Dragon Pond. Although it was an illusion, at this moment, Han Yu felt that the fact must be the same.

There was a sudden wave in Han Yu’s heart. Even if Han Yu knew that Ma Su was interested in him, he was kind and kind to him, but it wasn’t until this moment that Han Yu had the slightest touch in his heart.

Han Yu didn’t know if Ma Su came here in person, would he be directly tempted.

Mu Tianxiao and Ma Chaoran greeted him, Han Yu shook his head and stopped thinking.

“Little Yu, you have finally come out. If you don’t come out again, the old man will go in and find you.” Mu Tianxiao said with a smile.

“Mu Senior, I said I would come back alive, didn’t I?” Han Yu laughed in response.

“Haha, I didn’t break my promise!” Mu Tianxiao was extremely happy.

“Little friend Han Yu, seeing you come back safely, I am also relieved, I believe that girl Susu, I will be very happy to hear the news.” Ma Chaoran said with a smile.

Although people in Jing Prefecture think that Han Yu and Ma Su are husband and wife, Ma Chaoran already knows how much Han Yu and Ma Su are not at all related. As a father, Ma Su asked him to visit Han Yu from this time, and he knew that Ma Su liked Han Yu.

Ma Chaoran naturally wanted to see Ma Su and Han Yu together, so at this time, let him go with the flow and let Han Yu know Ma Su’s heart.

Han Yu Weiwei nodded, said: “Uncle Ma, thank you very much.”

Han Yu is no longer the commander-in-chief of the Holy Kingdom of Xilai. According to his seniority, he should be called Uncle Ma Chaoran.

Ma Chaoran’s heart was as sweet as honey, and said quickly: “It’s not hard, unfortunately, it should be, it should be.”

“Hey, I said if you can come over and talk, we can’t get through there floating there.” Liu Fei yelled from the observation deck.

Han Yu slightly smiled and walked over while chatting with Mu Tianxiao and Ma Chaoran. After the past, we hushed and warmed up with everyone and confirmed that Han Yu was intact, and Mu Wantong and others finally put down the big rock hanging in their hearts.

“Little Yu, are your affairs done?” Mu Tianxiao asked with concern. He already knew that Han Yu was going to Evil Abyss this time to find Ancient Battlefield. He didn’t think Han Yu was more successful. Although he didn’t know how far from the gates of hell to Ancient Battlefield and how much danger he would go through, Mu Tianxiao subconsciously believed that no one could get there successfully.

“It’s done.” Han Yu nodded.

“Hiss…” Mu Tianxiao couldn’t help being sucked in a cold breath, and some couldn’t believe his ears. He looked at Han Yu in a daze for a long time before he was surprised: “Really?”

It’s not that Mu Tianxiao doesn’t believe in Han Yu, but Han Yu’s words are too shocking for him.

The others didn’t know as much as Mu Tianxiao, and thought a lot. Although they didn’t know what Han Yu was going to do, they were all happy for Han Yu from the heart.

Mu Tianxiao was stunned and looked a little funny, but Han Yu not at all laughed at him, let alone Mu Tianxiao, it was Han Yu himself, and now he still feels a little floating, like the gates of hell this time Okay, too many things happened that Han Yu didn’t expect.

Definitely said: “Really.”

It took a long time for Mu Tianxiao to come back to his senses and sighed: “Unexpectedly, you really succeeded, Little Yu, what you have achieved made me amazed Mu Tianxiao, in the history of Jing Prefecture, you are afraid He is the first to achieve such an achievement.”

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