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Chapter 728 blood sacrifice arch

Han Yu hurriedly propped up the Origin Qi shield, but the gas passed through the Origin Qi shield and hit Han Yu’s body. After the gas hit the Qi Tianjia, it was bounced back, but Han Yu’s head was not protected by the Qi Tianjia , He followed the skin on his head and entered within the body, Han Yu wanted to hold up the formation mark shield to resist, it was too late.

The gray mist came and went quickly, almost disappeared in the blink of an eye. But Han Yu can clearly feel that there is a foreign gas inside the body. This gas has terrifying corrosive power, and I am afraid it can quickly corrode his fleshy body into pus.

What’s more terrifying is that Han Yu wants to use Origin Qi to force these gases out of the body, and found that these gases can corrode even Origin Qi.

“What should I do?” Han Yu’s heart grew furry.

Running the Longba Bible quickly, hoping to touch the black hole and let the black hole swallow this gas, but the black hole did not move at all. Every time a black hole erupts with Devouring Power, it is not controlled by Han Yu.

Han Yu hurriedly controlled the white Divine Dragon, Black Divine Dragon, red Divine Dragon, azure Divine Dragon, and golden Divine Dragon. 5 Divine Dragons sucked in at the same time, instantly sucking all the gray gas into the dantian, so that Han Yu’s fleshy body was protected from being Corrupted doom.

But a new problem soon reappeared. The gray gas can even corrode the dragon of Han Yu within the body.

Just when Han Yu was about to despair, he saw a glimmer of survival.

White Divine Dragon, Black Divine Dragon, Azure Divine Dragon and Golden Divine Dragon were all injured by gray gas, but red Divine Dragon did not.

“By the way, Nine Nether Netherfire can swallow everything!”

Han Yu’s eyes lit up and directly let the red Divine Dragon spit out the Nether Nether flame. The green flame quickly enveloped the gray gas, and suddenly it turned into nothingness.

Han Yu vomited one mouthful of impure air for the rest of his life. He couldn’t control the black hole. Fortunately, the red Divine Dragon could control the Nether Fire.

All this only happened in the sparks of calcium carbide, Han Yu resolved the danger, An Yi Fei and the others reacted.

“Brother Han, are you okay?” An Yifei hugged her little horn and rushed up immediately.

Han Yu shook the head, looking at the door, inside is a very ordinary 4-courtyard style, the light is a bit dim, giving people a very depressed feeling.

Han Yu’s Soul Power has entered the courtyard, but no suspicious places have been found. The gray gas seems to appear out of thin air.

An Yifei looked at Han Yu up and down, and seeing that Han Yu was safe and sound, his hanging heart finally slowly dropped.

Gu Chengshuang rushed up with everyone, looked at Han Yu, with a thick surprised look on his face, and asked, “You don’t have any discomfort?”

Looking at him, Han Yu knew that he must have known the danger of opening the door, and said: “A strange gas entered my within the body just now and it made me feel uncomfortable.”

Gu Chengshuang was surprised and inexplicable, but it was just uncomfortable, which made him very confused.

You should know that 7 Yaomen tried various methods before, and people were also dressed in treasures to open the door, but they all died here.

“Gas, what gas?” An Yifei asked in astonishment.

“Did you not see?” Han Yu asked.

An Yifei’s ignorant shook the head, not only did he not see it, but also the others. Because the speed of the gas coming and going is so fast that their eyes can’t take care of it.

Han Yu sighed secretly, it was his spiritual sense that became sharp, and he might not know how he died as a person.

“Are you really okay?” Gu Chengshuang asked. He wasn’t worried about Han Yu, but it was incredible that Han Yu was not dead.

“Do you still think I have something?” Han Yu unable to bear rolled his eyes.

Gu Chengshuang suffocated and hummed: “It’s fine, you can rest for a while, and you won’t be needed for the time being.”

Han Yu pointed to An Yi Fei and said, “It’s not just me, but him.”

Gu Chengshuang didn’t say much, raising his hand and leading everyone in. Yin Yimeng glanced at Han Yu, a little regretful in his expression.

After entering, Gu Chengshuang led everyone without the slightest hesitation around the central mansion from the left. 7 Yaomen should have explored the mansion long ago, and any treasures have been moved away. But Han Yu was still curious to release Soul Power and enter the mansion.

Inside it is like a Taoist hall with a statue. This statue has a human head and a leopard body and a python wrapped around it. It looks quite hideous. The various decorations inside are in tatters, and indeed there is nothing of value.

Going around to the back is a circular arch, 50-60 meters away from the arch, Gu Chengshuang stopped, looked towards Yin Yimeng and said: “Let 3 people walk past side by side.”

Yin Yimeng took a look at Han Yu, and finally pointed the other three people over.

Just now Han Yu was safe and sound. The three people were not as scared as they were at the beginning, and slowly walked towards the arch.

Han Yu’s Soul Power had already swept around the arch and found no danger. But when the three people just stepped through the arch, the mutation happened.

From the four weeks of the arch, countless red lines appeared, passing through the bodies of three people, and then everyone saw that the blood of the three people flowed quickly along those red lines.


The screams of the 3 people made their scalp numb, not to mention the testers, even the people of 7 Yaomen were throbbing.

“blood sacrifice!”

Yin Yimeng stared at the arch, his face turned incredibly pale. On the wall of the arch, a terrifying pattern appeared, with demons, ghosts, poisons, etc., all outlined by blood.

Han Yu’s heart was throbbing, what kind of place is this, how can there be such a weird thing.

The trialists began to riot, but Gu Chengshuang’s body shook, and the powerful breath of Martial Venerable 4th Layer spewed out, and no one dared to move. The strength gap between the two sides is too big, and the hard fight is not the opponent of 2 Yaomen.

Everyone can only pray secretly, hoping that there will be no more such horrible places.

Ten minutes later, the three people were sucked into zombies, the bloodline disappeared, and the patterns on the arches also disappeared. If the bodies of the three people were not in front of them, everyone would be in a trance. Is everything just a dream?

“Okay, we can pass now!” Ancient City doubled, instructing Yin Yimeng to lead the tester to open the road. Obviously, he was not very sure whether it was dangerous.

Yin Yimeng was frowned, took out an object from the Storage Bag and threw it towards the arch. The object successfully passed the arch, and she was slightly relieved and led everyone through the arch.

7 The people of Yaomen follow closely from behind. There is a huge lake behind the arch, and a stone bridge spans the lake to the foot of the mountain where the tower is located.

The layout here is very unique. Generally, temples, palaces, etc. are built, facing natural landscapes such as lakes and rivers. It is rare to see temples like this one built before the lake.

When he came to the bridge, Gu Chengshuang once again asked Yin Yimeng to send someone to explore the way. Obviously, there was a great danger on this seemingly calm stone bridge.

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