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Chapter 736

“How is it possible, how can the three of us see different scenes?” An Yifei was a little irritable.

Yin Yimeng said: “I have a way to tell which way is true.”

Both Han Yu and An Yifei were bright before their eyes, and An Yifei hurriedly asked, “What can be done?”

Yin Yimeng didn’t say much, took out 5 spirit beads, flicked one of his fingers, and hit one spirit beads on the opposite road. The spirit beads rolled over on the white jade bridge and did not fall.

“This should be the right way.” Yin Yimeng looked towards 2 Human Dao, with a smug look between his brows.

“Damn, is it so simple to find the right way?” An Yifei’s eyes widened, a little unbelievable.

Han Yu frowned deeply. What he saw was the Lingzhu rolling in the sky without falling. Could it be that he was wrong?

Han Yu said: “You try another way.”

Yin Yimeng’s four fingers popped out the spirit beads, and the spirit beads flew in 4 directions. To everyone’s surprise, the spirit beads fell on the other 4 roads and did not fall.

Everyone was taken aback. Could it be that the five roads are real? But why can Han Yu only see one of them?

“There are no traps in the five roads, Brother Han, you can choose one.” An Yi Fei said.

Han Yu said: “You see 5 of them, but I only saw one. I see that this one overlaps with what you saw, so let me see this one.”

An Yifei and Yin Yimeng have no objection, anyway, they can go through the experiment, and it will be the same in either way.

The 3 people continued to move forward. When they all crossed the disc and walked on the road that Han Yu saw, there was a sudden “whiz whiz whiz” sound. Just now Yin Yimeng hit several spirit beads on the other 3 roads, and they all fell.

“This…” The three stopped, all stunned.

“What’s going on, how did those four roads disappear?” An Yifei exclaimed. Now in his line of sight, he can only see the walking white jade bridge, the white jade bridge when he came, and the other bridges. All disappeared, and so did Yin Yimeng.

“I was in a illusion just now, those four paths did not exist.” Han Yu analyzed.

There was some doubt in his heart, why didn’t he fall into the illusion? Han Yu is often deceived by the illusion. He doesn’t think he is much better than the two in this respect.

“Although Brother Han has found the right way, otherwise we will fall down. I’m afraid the skeleton doesn’t exist anymore!” An Yi fluttered in waves.

Yin Yimeng said unconvincedly: “Even if we go wrong, can’t we still fly back?”

An Yifei froze for a moment, but thought it was too.

Han Yu said faintly: “Then you can fly and try.”

Yin Yimeng glared at Han Yu, preparing to fly, and found that she couldn’t protect her Qi. Then she used Void Power again and couldn’t fly. There seemed to be some restriction in the secret that suppressed her. Unconsciously, cold sweat began, and looking towards Han Yu was also somewhat sorry.

There is no doubt that all three people will die if they go wrong.

“Brother Han, you are so amazing, you can see through the illusion and see that you can’t fly here.” An Yifei praised with a thumbs up.

Han Yu had been to many special places where he couldn’t fly. After coming in, he found that there was a strange power in the air, but it was harmless to the human body. Han Yu guessed that he couldn’t fly here. As for not falling into the illusion, Han Yu 100 was puzzled.

Han Yu carefully thought about the changes during this period. Since coming to Wu Province, Han Yu seems to have completed First Transformation. And the biggest change is Han Yu’s state of mind.

Han Yu also guessed before, it may be because of the improvement of the cultivation base, or it may be because of coming to the new place of Wu Province, but now I think about it, I am afraid it is not that simple.

Every transformation should be related to a chance.

“Is it difficult to eat dragon meat?” Han Yu thought about it, as if eating dragon dragon meat of level 5 Monster General level was his only chance after coming to Wu Province.

Xiaojiao recovers part of the Bloodline Strength because of dragon meat, which shows that dragon meat is out of the ordinary.

“Xiao Jiao, how many roads did you see just now?” Han Yu asked Xiao Jiao.

The small horns stretched out the claws, and the 5 fingers spread out.

“Five?” Han Yu asked.

The little horn is nodded, and retracts his paws, looking cute and cute.

“I and Xiaojiao both ate dragon meat, but seeing different scenes, isn’t it because of dragon meat? Or is it that everyone ate dragon meat and get different benefits?”

The little horn suddenly pats Han Yu’s chest.

“What do you mean?” Han Yu asked, Xiaojiao should have seen his doubts.

The little horn directly pulled the rope around Han Yu’s neck and pulled out the pendant that the girl gave him.

“Because of it?” Han Yu took the little yellowed tooth in his hand. In addition to dragon meat, Han Yu got this little animal tooth.

“Is it because of this animal tooth that my mood changed and I was not confused by the illusion just now?”

Han Yu suddenly felt a little absurd. This is just an ordinary little animal tooth. How could it have such a big effect?

Yin Yimeng glanced at the beast tooth in Han Yu’s hand, and a look of contempt flashed in his eyes, thinking how Han Yu put this kind of trash around his neck like a treasure, and kept it close to his body. Even An Yifei was a little puzzled.

Han Yu remembered a very magical thing, that is, when he first realized Void Power, it was the 2nd day of getting this tooth.

Only after hanging this tooth around his neck, Han Yu touched the “Martial Dao” that his level was almost impossible to touch.

Han Yu held the tooth tightly in his hand, this tooth is not simple.

Han Yu suddenly gave a wry smile, he should have thought of this tooth not simple.

The girl and her grandfather are not simple people. How can they be simple? However, Han Yu is still not quite sure that everything is because of this tooth. If you can encounter another illusion, you can judge it.

Unconsciously, another disc appeared in front of him, exactly the same as the disc just now, engraved with a six-pointed star.

Han Yu saw one road, An Yifei and Yin Yimeng saw five roads. Neither An Yifei nor Yin Yimeng made false judgments, but looked towards Han Yu. Han Yu didn’t make a decision either, but took off his teeth and hung them on the jade horn of the small horn.

A strange scene appeared, Han Yu saw not one road, but 5 roads.

“Girl, you saved the life of the big brother!” Han Yu didn’t expect that a little girl who only spent a short time with her would play such a big role in his life.

There is no doubt that if there is no such tooth, Han Yu wants to find the right way, it is as difficult as heavenly ascension. Even if he chooses the right one for the first time, can he choose the right one for the second time?

Han Yu took his teeth back calmly and put them on his neck. The road became one again, extending from the front right at an obtuse angle to the endless depths.

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