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Chapter 749

An Yifei asked, “Where does he often move in? Is he in a hurry?”

Han Yu said: “not quite clear, no hurry, you just need to pay attention to it for me.”

An Yifei said, “Is there a portrait of him?”

Han Yu said: “No.”

Han Yu only asked An Yifei to pay attention, not for him to look for it on a large scale, so there was no need for any portraits. Once the portraits are posted, it is not good to make Sun Dahou well known.

An Yifei nodded said: “Okay, I will pay attention. But Brother Han, Wu Province is a huge crowd, there is no specific activity area, I am afraid it is not easy to find him!”

Han Yu sighed: “Come slowly!”

The two stayed in Jinlei City for a day, and An Yifei invited Han Yu to visit his house. Han Yu tactfully refused, and then the two went on the road separately.

Han Yu went deep into the forest of Savage Mountain, hunted the Demonic beast of High Rank, and grilled meat for the little horns.

More than half a month later, Han Yu crossed the Savage Mountain forest and killed 2 Rank 2 Monster Generals, one Rank 3 Monster General, and the other Rank 4 Monster General. They were grilled and eaten by Han Yu.

With the flesh and blood of High Rank Monster Beast, coupled with the aid of some big drugs, the strength of Han Yu and Xiaojiao are advanced by leaps and bounds. Now Han Yu is only one step away from Martial Venerable 1st Layer. And the little horn, the change is even more obvious, successive breakthroughs, has reached the 5th Tier Beast level.

However, Han Yu was surprised that even though the cultivation base of Xiaojiao increased sharply, the fleshy body remained unchanged, and it was still small. Moreover, Bloodline Strength showed no signs of recovery.

Han Yu came to the conclusion that Xiaojiao needs to consume Demonic beast flesh and blood above the level 5 Monster General to restore the Bloodline Strength.

Han Yu decisively pointed the finger at Demon Ox Mountain. He inquired through 4 places and found that in the Kawanoyama mountain range, there is a 5th-order Monster General-level Demonic beast living in the Demon Ox mountain.

The Demon Ox mountain is the most peak of the mountain range in the river, up to ten thousand zhang. It is wide from east to west, and from north to south, like a giant cow lying on the back.

Han Yu dropping from the sky, landed on a lake halfway to the south of Demon Ox Mountain, and shouted: “Demon Ox will, get out of the Young Master!”

The lake is long and misty, and the air is filled with a powerful monster qi. Here is the overlord of Demon Ox Mountain, the lair of General Demon Ox.


A deep nasal sound came, and the calm lake suddenly shook up several zhang high waves. The island in the lake suddenly moved, rocks rolled and trees collapsed, one after another blue light burst out from the crack.

Although the island collapsed, it continued to rise, and it suddenly shook. All the rocks and soil smashed into the lake, revealing a huge monster.

This is a huge Azure Ox, with a hundred zhang as high as a hill. Slowly turning his body, causing a stormy sea in the lake.

Azure Ox turned around and turned his head to Han Yu, his nose sprayed a white gas, and hundreds of zhang high water waves were set off by the white gas, and it smashed against Han Yu all the way.

The water wave rushed over Han Yu and smashed a mountain behind Han Yu, but Han Yu stood still motionless.

“Are you the human being who made trouble in the mountain range of Kawan Yoko recently?” Demon Ox will ask in a strong voice, without joy or worry.

“Exactly!” Han Yu responded with a sonorous voice.

“Originally, I wanted to find you. You came just right!” Demon Ox said lightly.

“Really? Is it already washed, waiting for Young Master to come and perform the operation!” Han Yu said with a smile. Facing the general Demon Ox who made countless people talk about changing colors, Han Yu can still talk and laugh.

“Courting death!” Demon Ox blasted the sound like thunder.

“pēng pēng pēng ……”

The lake exploded, and the rocky land around Han Yu exploded. The situation was so lively, but Han Yu stood still, but it was not moving as loose.


Demon Ox separated loudly roared, the lake in front of him instantly separated to the 2 sides, lifted 4 limbs, and rushed towards Han Yu. Don’t look at Demon Ox’s huge body, but the speed is extremely fast, acting like an aurora, leaving an illusory shadow of one after another azure.

“Ao ao ao …”

The little horn danced with excitement, jumped down from Han Yu’s shoulder, retreated to the side and looked at the distance, looking at the rushing general Demon Ox, as if seeing a kebab, unable to bear swallowed.

Demon Ox will look in his eyes, furious with smoke.

Han Yu shook hands into a fist, and the fist instantly became stone, and then was covered with a layer of golden gauze. When Demon Ox was about to reach three hundred zhang, Han Yu slammed his left foot and rushed away. Rushing out about 3 steps, and then leaping up, like a monkey picking the moon, pounced on Demon Ox, and hit his forehead with a punch.

Demon Ox will disdain him and hit Han Yu’s fist with his head.


With a loud bang, Han Yu didn’t seem to hit the Demonic beast’s head, but hit a bronze bell. Han Yu was shocked and flew out, his arms were numb, and his fists cracked.

Demon Ox yelled angrily, and his body stared backwards a few steps, making the ground tremble and shaking the lake back. The pupils followed closely, and the white gas was constantly spraying out of the nose. It was obvious that the punch just now made it hurt.

Han Yu flew out of the hundred zhang and stopped, shook his hand, and said, “As expected of the Level 5 Monster General, this head is really hard!”


Demon Ox will be furious. Although Han Yu is boasting about it, he feels extremely insulted.

“Human, I want to eat you raw!”

Demon Ox will fly out of the water, and his huge body will stand in the air, which looks extremely shocking.

“Demonic beast is Demonic beast. It is so savage. I have to take care of you, then barbecue, and add the condiments I carefully prepared, it will be delicious!” Han Yu said with a smile.


Demon Ox screamed, shaking the mountains trembling, hooves scratched in the void, and rushed to Han Yu again. Those big lantern eyes almost burst out with anger.

“Da da da……”

Although Demon Ox is running wildly in the sky, he will make a terrifying sound, as if he is about to tear the void apart. A pair of crooked horns, exuding a cold and severe gloom, picked it up to Han Yu.

Han Yu took a mysterious step under his feet and displayed a vague and ethereal step. Now that he has reached the 9th layer of Tianwu, his body skills are even more unpredictable.

Demon Ox will pick Han Yu’s body, thinking that Han Yu is bound to die, but Han Yu’s body suddenly exploded, turning out to be an illusory shadow.

And Han Yu, who had come to the left of Demon Ox General, hit the Demon Ox’s neck with a punch. Another big bell sounded like a big Lu Hong, Han Yu no stronghold one cannot overcome his punch, but he failed to hurt Demon Ox.


At this moment, Demon Ox’s oxtail, like a giant whip, drew heavily on Han Yu’s body, pulling Han Yu out several thousand zhang away, grinning in pain.

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