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Chapter 813: Taking Nirvana Fruit

Suddenly, the skin of the small horns quickly turned red, especially on its face, as if it was about to catch fire.


The little horned monster screamed and fell to the ground in pain and rolled.

“Hold your heart, don’t panic!” Han Yu quickly reminded. Nirvana is the treasure of the middle grade medicine King level. It contains terrifying energy, and it may accidentally explode the body.


The little horn opened his mouth, and it actually spit out a monstrous flame. As long as the surrounding sand is touched by the flame, it melts into lava.

Han Yu was stunned. This is too powerful. Even if the expert of Martial Venerable 1st Layer is burned by this flame, he will definitely be seriously injured.

Not only did the little horns burst into flames in their mouths, they also started to spray flames in their eyes, which seemed terrifying. The whole person is like a flame beast incarnation.

Han Yu was a little worried, but his reaction was a bit unexpected.

The middle grade medicine King level treasure medicine contains terrifying energy, Han Yu knows, but the energy contained in the body of the small horn reaches a terrifying realm, only slightly worse than Han Yu. Han Yu thought Xiaojiao could bear it, but he didn’t expect Nirvana to be so terrifying.


The little horn let out a loud roar, and the earth shook and the mountain quivered. It can be seen that Little Brat was extremely painful, but in his eyes, tenacious rays of light flashed, without the slightest hesitation stuffing the last piece of Nirvana fruit into his mouth and swallowing it into his abdomen.


This last piece of nirvana was eaten into the stomach, as if pouring oil on the fire, the whole body of the little horn, every pore, was sprayed with flames, and the whole person was wrapped in a terrifying flame.

“Ao ao ao …”

The painful scream of the little horn came out, piercing the heart.

“Phoenix Nirvana, reborn from the ashes, Xiaojiao, you have to hold on, once you get past, you can reborn from the ashes!” Han Yu shouted with all his strength.

However, Xiaojiao could no longer hear any sound from the outside world, rolling around on the ground, suffering the most terrifying torture in the world.

“zi zi zi ……”

Suddenly, the hair on Little Horn’s body began to wither and burn to ashes. After the hair burned out, Xiaojiao’s whole body turned into a piece of coal, which was a little crimson.

Han Yu trembling in fear, once the function in the body of the little horn is exhausted, it will eventually be burned to ashes.

Han Yu without the slightest hesitation, summon out the red Divine Dragon, the red Divine Dragon rushed over, opened his mouth and sucked, sucking the flame into his abdomen.

“Shua ~ shua ~ shua ~ ……”

The flames poured into the belly of red Divine Dragon like a flood.

“Ao ao ao …”

The little horn cried out in pain, even more painful than before. Han Yu hurriedly told the red Divine Dragon to stop. After the red Divine Dragon stopped, the flame burned normally again, and the scream of the little horn was slightly weakened.

Han Yu’s heart is cold. The red Divine Dragon can keep away from the fire, but the fire on the small horn comes from it within the body. The red Divine Dragon sucks the fire from the outside and can only accelerate the flow of the flame in the small horn within the body. Cause more serious injuries. Unless the red Divine Dragon can enter within the body of the small corner.

However, the red Divine Dragon is always an independent individual and can freely shuttle through Han Yu’s body because it is a clone of Han Yu, but cannot go to others within the body.

“Little Horn, spit out Nirvana!” Han Yu shouted.

The flame comes from the fruit of nirvana, and the crisis can be resolved by expelling the fruit of nirvana. However, the nirvana fruit has completely turned into a flame, penetrated into the 4 limbs and 100 skeletons of the small horns, and is basically impossible to pass out. If the small horn has the ability to expel from the body, it will not be afraid of the flame of Nirvana.

Han Yu was anxious, but also blamed himself. It’s all because he is now unable to move even a little bit, otherwise he can help little bit.


The Black Divine Dragon rushed out of Han Yu within the body, rushed out of the cave, and rushed back soon, spitting out a torrent of water and pouring it on Xiao Horn’s body.

However, the flames on the little horns possessed divine nature, and ordinary water couldn’t do anything about it, and suddenly it was evaporated.

The azure Divine Dragon appeared, spitting out azure gas, but before it touched the small horn, it was burned to death by the terrifying flame.

“Xiaojiao, hold on!” Han Yu is so poor, now she can only rely on Xiaojiao.

Is it reborn from the ashes, or is it destroyed in fire? You can only look at its good fortune.

The cry of the little horn became worse and worse, more and more frequent, until the back of his neck became dumb. Every scream of it slashed Han Yu’s body like a sword, making Han Yu painful.

Suddenly, after Xiaojiao let out an unprecedented howl, the whole cave became quieter than ever before, and Xiaojiao lay on the ground dying.

His skin began to fester and began to be swallowed by the flame inch by inch.

“No, Xiaojiao, hold on!” Han Yu trembled.

This is an extremely dangerous signal. Although the small horns were painful before, the body was not hindered, but now, the body is beginning to destroy, and the fleshy body is destroyed, consigned to eternal damnation!

However, Han Yu can’t do anything about it.

“Puff puff puff …”

Many burned blood holes appeared on Xiao Horn’s body, blood spurted out, and then suddenly evaporated by flames. As time passed, Little Brat’s body was burned more and more, gradually getting 1000 sores and 100 holes.

And this is just the beginning, the flame of the little horn within the body is still very strong, trying to swallow all its flesh and blood.

“Shua ~ shua ~ shua ~ ……”

The flame beats and burns to the heart, seeming to cheer. In the flames, a Phoenix was also transformed into a long scream, seeming to be celebrating.

Han Yu’s eyes stared fiercely, his pupils were covered with bloodshot eyes, his forehead was bruised and cold sweat was flowing. His weak Soul Power tightly encompasses the little horn, and there is a glimmer of expectation in his heart. That is the last hope of little horn, and also his last hope.

Han Yu is brewing and waiting. His white Divine Dragon within the body also rushed out of his body, together with Black Divine Dragon, red Divine Dragon, azure Divine Dragon, surrounded the little horns, they were also waiting.

The body of the little horn was continuously burned, and it didn’t take long before only the skeleton was left, and the little horn had reached the brink of death. If it hadn’t reached the Heavenly Beast level, as long as its head was not destroyed and not dead for the time being, I am afraid it would already be dead.

“Little Horn, burn your Bloodline Strength!”

Han Yu exhausted all his energy and shouted. At the same time, 4 Divine Dragons roared together, shaking Heaven and Earth.

With this shout, until the little horn in the depth of one’s soul, wake up the sleeping little horn.

The small angle eyes opened, and within the pupil occupied by the flame, two golden rays of light suddenly flashed through, and within the endless fire sea, two golden rays of light appeared.

The flame did not swallow these 2 golden light spots. These 2 golden light spots began to expand rapidly and turned into 2 golden flames, and then grew again and turned into 2 golden flames, which began to burn and increase sharply. Almost immediately, the fiery red eyes became golden light, like two golden suns.

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