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Chapter 954 negotiation failed


The flames are raging, and the Fire Dragon, which turns into a horror, is wandering in 4 places. The surrounding mountains are melted in a sudden, and more than ten meters away from the flame, the terrifying high temperature can burn people. The Phoenix feathers urged by women are dozens of times more terrifying than any stimulus by Han Yu.

The woman glanced at Han Yu, saw Han Yu’s mouth sneer, suddenly her heart trembled, without the slightest hesitation, she slapped Han Yu with a palm.


Han Yu wanted to avoid it, but it was too late. He was in extremely bad condition at this time and could only be slaughtered.

From the woman’s palm, a terrifying wave of air burst into Han Yu, knocking Han Yu stunned. The woman was slightly relaxed and no longer resisted the swallowing of Phoenix feathers.

It didn’t take long for the Origin Qi of the woman within the body to be swallowed up by Phoenix feathers. Suddenly, her extreme consumption made her an arrow at the end of its flight, and she fainted.

Phoenix feathers were not supplied by Origin Qi. The flames were so restrained and turned into a feather of shameless appearance, slowly falling, and the cave quickly fell into a deadly calm.

The surrounding melted rocks began to solidify. Under the melting of the flames, the cave’s time for a few breaths expanded by 100 times. If the woman becomes stronger and persists for a while, the entire mountain will be burned by the flames.

After sleeping for a long time, the woman woke up and saw that Han Yu was still asleep, long relaxed, sitting up slowly, holding the Phoenix feather in her hand, surprised and delighted.

This Phoenix feather is simply a terrifying matchless ultimate weapon.

The woman happily gathered the Phoenix feathers, sat cross-legged, refining medicine ingredients to restore Origin Qi. This sitting was another half day before Han Yu woke up leisurely.

Han Yu suffered 5 dirty injuries after the strike of the woman yesterday. He was in extremely bad condition at this time. She glanced at the woman, did not move rashly, sat cross-legged, and constantly stuffed medicine ingredients into her mouth.

Han Yu’s refining medicine ingredients are so fast, but now that the woman is present, he naturally can’t show his own advantages. If you take it directly, the woman can’t see the speed of refining.

Although the woman did not have eyes opened, she knew exactly when Han Yu woke up and what she was doing. The woman was a little surprised that Han Yu swallowed medicine ingredients directly to heal her injuries.

How can a cultivator reaching Han Yu’s level eat medicine ingredients directly?

But the woman was weird, so she didn’t think much about it.

Time passed away quietly, and two people were taking care of their own things. If someone who didn’t understand the whole story came here and saw two people, they thought they were good friends and could cultivation together.

The woman recovered some Origin Qi before she stood up and walked towards Han Yu.

Han Yu stopped eating medicine ingredients, eyes opened, and looked at the woman coldly.

“You have a killer like Phoenix Feather. Why don’t you use it to kill me? If you use Phoenix Feather, you won’t be the opponent.” The woman asked.

“Unless you are a fool, you will use Phoenix feathers at that time.” Han Yu responded in a deep voice.

Once Han Yu uses Phoenix feathers, he must pass out. In that complicated environment, Han Yu probably doesn’t know how to die.

The woman indifferent expression asked again: “Where is Zixiao Shensha?”

Before she inherited Yin Golden Cicada’s fleshy body, she shared one with Yin Golden Cicada’s soul. Many of Yin Golden Cicada’s memories were inherited by her, and she also understood many things about Han Yu.

Han Yu hummed: “Neither you nor I have the possibility to trade, do you think I will tell you?”

The reason why Han Yu can live now is because he still has value. Once Han Yu’s valuable things are obtained by a woman, Han Yu will definitely die, and Han Yu is not stupid.

The female complexion sank, coldly said: “You really think you can’t get what I want?”

Han Yu stared into the woman’s eyes and said murderous-looking: “Presumably you have also cultivated Soul Power, but don’t forget, I’m Heavenly Master Qi. If you dare to explore my Sea of ​​Consciousness directly, I’ll be Self. -Destruction soul, I will bury you with you at that time!”

The woman survived with the Soul Body, and then took Yin Golden Cicada. There is no need to think that her soul must be strong, but Han Yu is not afraid.

“That’s all rude methods, I have a way to make you bow your head to me!” The woman said confidently.

“Since you have a way, you told me what that many did before?” Han Yu didn’t believe it.

“You are smart, and I am more curious, so I asked you to say more. I didn’t expect you to say anything amazing.” The woman said with some irony.

Han Yu complexion sank, he is a little confused now, why on earth? A woman does not know the purpose of the other party, it is difficult to prescribe the right medicine. Asked: “Now that the matter is up, you shouldn’t make a mistake. You and I have no feud. You arrested me and didn’t kill me. What happened?”

The woman said: “What this seat is going to do is very simple, that is to let you acknowledge allegiance.”

Han Yu asked in astonishment: “What the hell do you mean?”

The woman said: “I cherish talent, and you are a rare talent.”

Han Yu took a long breath and absolutely didn’t expect. The woman turned out to be because of this reason. This is difficult. Han Yu can’t really acknowledge allegiance, right?

After thinking about it, he said sincerely, “I Han Yu will not acknowledge anyone in this life, but as long as you let me go, I can promise you one condition, and you will do whatever you want me to do in the future.”

The woman said: “You follow this seat, under the guidance of this Majesty’s, you will have great achievements in the future. This is an extremely rare opportunity.”

Han Yu coldly said: “Without anyone, I will do a lot in the future!”

The woman said solemnly: “It looks like you are stubborn?”

“Hmph!” Han Yu coldly snorted heavily.

Since there is no possibility of trading with women, there is only one battle. Han Yu secretly mobilized Origin Qi from within the body, muttering an incantion silently, and unlocked the seal of the waning moon mirror.

Han Yu was able to exchange with Yin Shi 3 in the past. He did not come to deal with women with a hot head.

At the beginning, Han Yu expected Yin Golden Cicada to be fake, and was taken away by a powerful Soul Body. The waning moon mirror can attack the soul and is a big nemesis of women.

As long as you find an opportunity, send a fatal blow. Even if you can’t kill a woman, it can cause severe damage to the woman’s soul.

Han Yu’s Soul Power unabashedly enveloped women, and he wanted to find the best opportunity.

The woman sneered and said: “It’s this time, do you think you have the possibility of a comeback?”

Han Yu didn’t reply, staring at the woman coldly, like a falcon, just waiting for the prey to settle. The woman’s disapproval of him is a great opportunity for Han Yu.

The brilliance of the woman’s fingertips flashed, and suddenly a piece of yellow talisman paper appeared. On this talisman paper, each and everyone weird rune is engraved, forming a series of weird patterns. Han Yu has never seen this thing.

“Do you know what this is?” the woman asked Han Yu meaningfully.

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