Zhou Weiguo did not continue to stay in downtown Shanghai, and returned directly to the Wusongkou station.

"Captain, you're back!" Qin Feng hurriedly greeted him.


Zhou Weiguo nodded and asked casually, "How did you deal with those little devils?"

"All of them have been executed, and all the heads have been cut off and hung on bamboo poles at Wusongkou. Qin Feng replied with a smile.


Zhou Weiguo smiled and nodded, and then asked, "I left this night, nothing else happened, right?"

"Other than that, everything else is normal. Qin Feng replied.

"That's good!"

"Captain, are we still recruiting people today?" Qin Feng asked.

Zhou Weiguo asked casually: "How many people have been recruited now?"

"Now the total strength of the army has exceeded 6,000 people, and in addition to our 3,000 people, more than 1,000 outsiders have been recruited in the past two days. "

"The captain is now famous, and many people in the neighborhood have come to you. It's just that these people are mixed, and their combat effectiveness is also different. "

Qin Feng hurriedly replied, the outsiders he said meant ordinary people, and our people were system warriors.

Zhou Weiguo groaned: "Our people's combat effectiveness naturally doesn't have to worry, and other people are not easy to say." "

"No matter how good the soldiers are, they are not numerous, if they are all rabble, no matter how many they are, they will be vulnerable. "

"What the captain said is extremely true, so according to the captain's intentions, we won't recruit people for the time being?" Qin Feng asked tentatively.

"Let's stop recruiting for now!"


"Also, those newly recruited outsiders will be assigned to the new barracks, and they will take advantage of the battle breaks to strengthen their training to improve the combat effectiveness of the troops. "

"I don't want them to be cannon fodder and die on the battlefield. "


Qin Feng hurriedly responded, and then said, "Then arrange for them to engage in some logistics work first, such as building fortifications." "

"When fighting, help transport ammunition and transport the wounded, so that they can slowly adapt to the battlefield environment and gradually improve their combat effectiveness. "

"Okay, just do as you say!" Zhou Weiguo nodded with satisfaction and said, "With your help, I can save a lot of worry." "

Qin Feng then said: "You have been busy all night, you must be tired, why don't you take a break early!"


Zhou Weiguo nodded and said, "Have you made any movements in the past two days?"

"The little devils have been very honest in the past two days, and their fleet has never dared to come back. At most, a few patrol ships will be sent over to inquire about the news. Qin Feng replied.

Zhou Weiguo couldn't help but sigh and said: "It's a pity! We can't form an air force and navy yet, otherwise we wouldn't be so passive." "

Now Zhou Weiguo can only summon the army arms, not the air force and the navy, first, because the level is not enough.

The second is to unlock these two soldiers

"The captain doesn't have to worry too much, everything has to be done step by step. Qin Feng hurriedly comforted.

"That's not bad!"

Zhou Weiguo nodded and said: "Although the little devil is honest in the past two days, we can't take it lightly, send more scouts, scatter them on the river bank, all the way to the mouth of the sea, closely monitor the movements of the devil, and report it immediately as soon as there is news." "

"Yes!" Qin Feng hurriedly replied.


On the morning of the same day, two devil patrol ships appeared at Wusongkou.

On one of the larger, almost thousand-ton patrol ships, several devil officers appeared on the deck.

Judging from the clothing, these people did not belong to the Japanese Navy, but wore the uniforms of the Japanese Army.

These people were none other than the Xiayuan Brigade of the Japanese Army that had just arrived in Shanghai.

And the brigade commander, Xia Yuan Xiongmi, was in this group of people at this time.

Xia Yuan Xiong Mi glanced at the mast standing on the river, and said angrily: "The five main battleships were actually blown up and sunk by a group of people who did not have a navy, this is simply a big joke in the world!"

"The face of my Imperial Army has been disgraced by those bastards in the navy. "

"What His Excellency the General said is very true, a small Shanghai, the Marines can't fight for so long, and in the end they can't rely on our army to make a move. "

"Now that the main force of our army has arrived, let alone take Shanghai, even if it is Nanjing. "

Xia Yuan Xiong Mi sneered and said: "That's natural, my imperial army of the Great Wa Empire is invincible in the world, and we won't take it in our eyes at all." "

"We're not one of those braggart navies!"

"Your Excellency the General said cautiously, we are still on the ships of the Navy now, not to mention that we will have to rely on the assistance of the Navy in the future!"

"Hmph! After losing the battle, don't you want people to say it!"

"As long as they send us ashore, we can defeat the Chinese without their help. "

Xia Yuan Xiong Mi was full of confidence in this, and after finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand to the side.

A devil officer next to him immediately understood, and hurriedly handed over a telescope.

Xiong Mi raised the binoculars, carefully observed the situation on the shore, and nodded with a smile.

"Yo West, the terrain around Wusongkou is open, which is just suitable for large troops to fight. "

"As long as we can successfully land, gain a firm foothold on land, and defeat the Huaxia, we will no longer be Chinese. "

What His Excellency General said is extremely true that the Chinese army is completely vulnerable in front of the Imperial Army. "

"Yo Xi!"

Xia Yuan Xiong Mi smiled and nodded, this old devil suddenly found something, put down the binoculars, raised his hand to the shore, and asked, "What are those?"

"It looks like some bamboo poles!"

The little devils around him also looked dazed.

"What are the people of China doing with these bamboo poles?"

One of the little devils turned away, went to question the soldiers on the patrol boat, and then walked back in a huff.

"Your Excellency General, I have already asked, they are indeed some bamboo poles, but the bamboo poles are hung with the heads of the imperial warriors, and we are a little far away, so we can't see clearly. "

"Bagaya Road~!"

When Xia Yuan Xiong Mi heard this, he was immediately furious.

"Who dares to insult my Imperial Army like this!"

"It's Zhou Weiguo!"

"This Zhou Weiguo again?"


"What a Zhou Weiguo, I swear, I must break this bastard into pieces. "

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