As soon as the counterattack began, Qin Feng and Liu Yuan took a team of elite troops and killed them directly towards the river.

Because they know where Zhou Weiguo is being trapped by the little devils at this time.

Zhou Weiguo's current situation can be said to be very dangerous.

There are a large number of little devils on the shore who are besieging them, and there are still little devils on the river, ready to sneak attack at any time.

Zhou Weiguo: They can be said to be suffering from the enemy.

When the counteroffensive began, it was quite smooth.

Qin Feng and Liu Yuan led the troops and rushed all the way, and the little devils couldn't resist it at all.

Seeing that it is getting closer and closer to the river, the little devil's resistance is getting stronger and stronger.

A group of little devils in front, relying on the fortifications, stubbornly blocked the counterattack of the Chinese army.


Liu Yuan couldn't help but scold angrily, and shouted loudly: "Continue to rush Lao Tzu, no matter what, you must fight a bloody way and join them with Weiguo." "

Liu Yuan said, leading people to continue to rush forward.

In comparison, Qin Feng is relatively calm.

After observing the situation on the battlefield, Qin Feng hurriedly ordered: "Immediately send the order down, transfer all the mortars to me, aim at the position of the devil, and bombard it fiercely!"

"No matter what, a gap must be opened, and the meeting with the commander will be smooth. "

"Yes!" a soldier next to him hurriedly answered and turned to deliver the order.

On the devil's blocking position, the devil Dazuo gritted his teeth and said: "Imperial warriors, the time has come to be loyal to the empire!"

"No matter what, you must stop these hateful Shina people, and you must not let them rush over!"

This devil Dazuo is also a person with rich combat experience, and he can't understand the current situation.

Now they are also caught in the middle, in a situation where they are attacked on their backs.

The little devils are concentrating their main forces and attacking Zhou Weiguo and them.

This devil Dazuo's idea is very good, as long as Zhou Weiguo's troops on the river bank are resolved.

Then they can rest easy, relying on their positions to concentrate on resisting the counterattack of the enemy in front of them.

If it can't be stopped, or it can't be eliminated in a short period of time, Zhou Weiguo and them.

Then they must be a dead end.

At this time, the little devils can only fight to the death.

After all, no one wants to die.

Little devils are no exception.

"Shoot quickly!"

"Stop them!"

The devil Osa raised his command knife and let out a roar again.

The little devils raised their guns one after another and shot wildly.

For a while, the gunfire was loud, and the dense bullets, like splashing water, swept over frantically.

The little devil also used a grenadier to constantly project grenades into the crowd of the Chinese army.

As soon as Liu Yuan rushed up with his troops, he was forced to retreat again.

For a time, the two sides formed a stalemate stage.

The devil Dazuo nodded with satisfaction and said, Yo Xi, as long as we block the main force of the Zhina, we can be invincible. "

"Immediately send an order to Miyamoto Nakasa, and eliminate the Shina people on the river bank as soon as possible!

"Haiyi!" a ghost officer next to him hurriedly answered, turned around and hurriedly ran to convey the order.

"Chirp~!" At this moment, a series of piercing whistling sounds suddenly sounded in the air.

That devil Dazuo couldn't help but change his face greatly, and hurriedly shouted: "Avoid the cannon!"


Violent explosions continued to sound, and the shells continued to smash into the devil's position like hail, exploding with a bang.

The devil Dazuo shouted loudly as he ran to a safer place next to him.


At this moment, a cannonball flew over quickly and landed less than two meters behind the devil Dazuo.

"Boom~!", a violent explosion sounded.

The devil Dazuo and the three little devils around him were all blown away.

"Your Excellency Osa~!"

"Your Excellency, are you alright?"

The little devils around immediately surrounded him.

I saw that the devil Dazuo, blood kept gushing out of his mouth, and his eyes gradually lost his lustre, staring at the little devils around him, with a strange expression.

As if to say, "Do you think I'm fine?"

I saw that the devil's back was dyed red, and dozens of shrapnel, large and small, were all embedded in his back.

"Wow~!", the devil Dazuo opened his mouth and spit out a puff of black smoke, rolled his eyes, and completely burped.

"Your Excellency Osa~!"

"Your Excellency!"

The little devils hurriedly shouted, but their Dazuo could no longer hear them.

"Boom~!boom~!" The explosions still kept ringing, and the shells of the Chinese army, as if they didn't want money, continued to fall on the devil's position.

"Take His Excellency Dazuo away!"

The little devils panicked and brought the body of the devil Dazuo to a safe place.

But now that their back road has been cut off, it is absolutely impossible to bring the corpse of this devil Dazuo to the ship.

Qin Feng held the binoculars and observed the devil's position shrouded in gunfire smoke.

He shouted excitedly: "It's good!

"Blow up these bitchy little devils!"

Qin Feng put down the binoculars as he spoke, turned to a soldier next to him and ordered, "Go and inform Liu Yuan immediately, let him take the troops and launch an attack immediately!"

"Take advantage of this opportunity to break through the devil's blocking position in one fell swoop!"

"Kill a bloody road and meet Captain Zhou. "

"Yes!" the soldier hurriedly answered, turned and ran to deliver the order.

Liu Yuan couldn't wait for a long time.

After all, his brother Zhou Weiguo was still trapped inside.

How could Liu Yuan not be in a hurry.

At a moment's notice.

Liu Yuan didn't hesitate, and immediately ordered loudly: "Brothers, rush with Lao Tzu!"

"Rush over and kill all these little devils!"


The soldiers suddenly erupted into a roar that shook the sky, and under the leadership of Liu Yuan, they rushed out one by one without hesitation.

At this time, the shells of our army continued to fall on the positions of the devils and exploded, raising pieces of fire.

The fighters were like this, constantly advancing under their own artillery fire.

Keep moving.

Until the troops approached the positions of the devils.

The rumbling of the cannon finally stopped.

Liu Yuan shouted loudly: "Brothers, keep rushing for Lao Tzu!"

"Kill~!" the warriors shouted, suddenly accelerated, and continued to rush forward.

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