Commander-in-Chief Jiang sighed in disappointment and said, "Since that's the case, then what else can we say!"

Commander Cai shook his head and said, "Weiguo, it's a good thing that you have this ambition, but it's not enough to have enthusiasm." "

"You also know the current national conditions of our country! You can't drive away the little devils just by relying on enthusiasm. "

"If you want to get rid of the little devils, you have to rely on the government to come forward, and we are also planning now, trying to find a way for the government to send troops and start a full-scale war with the little devils. "

"Not just in Shanghai, but also in Northeast China. "

Zhou Weiguo smiled and said: "Commander Cai, please forgive me, as long as that Jiang in Nanjing is still in control of the government. "

"It is impossible for the government to take the initiative to start an all-out war against the Japanese invaders, unless it is the little devils who start an all-out war against us first. "

"Otherwise, with the temperament of Chairman Jiang, he would never dare to take the initiative to provoke the little devils. "

"After 918 last year, some people in the government also united to force Jiang to go into the wilderness. "

In just a few months, you were forced to invite Jiang back, and although he no longer held the post of former leader, he was reappointed to the post of chairman of the Military Commission. But the entire Nanjing government was not yet toyed with by him. "

"It's just a different job title. "

Commander-in-Chief Jiang hurriedly said: "Don't talk nonsense about the country, in case disaster comes out of your mouth!"

Zhou Weiguo said indifferently: "I'm just telling the truth, can he Chairman Jiang still be able to block the mouth of the world?"

Commander Cai said with some anger: "I think what Wei Guo said is right, my Huaxia was destroyed in the hands of these people." "

"Look at those people in the Nanjing government, they are either pro-Japanese factions or some cowardly soft eggs, even if there is no Chairman Chiang, will they dare to start a war against the Japanese. "

"Xianchu, don't talk nonsense. Commander-in-Chief Jiang hurriedly scolded.

Cai Jun is a long word and a virtuous beginning.

Zhou Weiguo is barefoot and not afraid to wear shoes, so just forget about these words.

But Commander Cai is different, he is a general who holds military power, and if he says such a thing, if he is told by someone with a heart, he will definitely not have his good fruit to eat.

Commander Cai was also indignant for a while, so he said these words without losing his mouth.

Zhou Weiguo smiled slightly, and hurriedly said, "Chiefs, please drink tea!"

Zhou Weiguo diverted the topic in time, and Commander-in-Chief Jiang and Commander Cai didn't say anything more.

The group chatted a few more words, and then the two got up and left.

Zhou Weiguo personally sent the two away.

On the car back, Commander-in-Chief Jiang sighed softly and said, "It's a pity that we couldn't pull Zhou Weiguo, a strong general, into our command." "

Commander Cai nodded and said, "This person has a lot of ambitions, how can he be co-opted by us, but fortunately, Chairman Jiang is probably going to be disappointed." "

Commander-in-Chief Jiang smiled and said, "I don't have a good impression of Chairman Jiang in Zhou Weiguo's words, how can I be wooed by him!"

"This Zhou Weiguo is still too young, unrealistic and cruel, and empty of blood. "

"When he is sharpening for a few years, the upper water chestnut should be smoothed, and at that time, he will really understand that it is useless to have a cavity of blood, and the reality will let this cavity of blood cool down. "

Commander Cai frowned and said, "I don't think so, isn't there less of a miracle created by Zhou Weiguo?"

"How can you guarantee that he can't create a new miracle!"

"A new miracle?"

Commander-in-Chief Jiang frowned and asked, "What are you referring to?"

Commander Cai said with a smile: "I don't know, but I always feel that this Zhou Weiguo will impress us in the future." This little guy is not simple!"


Zhou Weiguo picked up the stack of silver tickets, smiled and said: "If you want to say that this money is really a good thing, since ancient times, I don't know how many heroes and heroes have folded on it." "

Qin Feng sneered and said, "They want to use this mere 100,000 oceans to buy the commander, it's too stingy!"

Zhou Weiguo threw the silver ticket into the small box, shook his head and said: "This really can't be said that they are stingy, they really can't take out more money." "

Zhou Weiguo closed the small box, handed it to Qin Feng casually, and instructed: "Take this money into the account and use it to pay for the soldiers, if it is not enough, I will give it to you again." "

"Yes!" Qin Feng hurriedly responded, took the money and turned to leave.


The next day, Zhou Weiguo's headquarters once again ushered in a distinguished guest.

General Zhang Zhizhong, Director of Education of the Central Military Academy.

"I don't know that General Zhang is here, and I have missed the welcome, please forgive me!"

Zhang Zhizhong said with a smile: "You're welcome, I took the liberty to come here this time, and I ask Weiguo not to be surprised." "

"How dare you! General Zhang, please. Zhou Weiguo hurriedly let General Zhang into the house.

After sitting down, Zhou Weiguo hurriedly ordered someone to serve tea.

Tea is over.

Zhou Weiguo smiled and asked, "I don't know if General Zhang is here today, do you have any advice?"

Zhang Zhizhong smiled and said, "This time I also came by order. "

"On orders?"

Zhou Weiguo raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile: "Dare to ask who General Zhang is ordering." "

Zhang Zhizhong replied with a smile: "Of course, it was ordered by the government." "

"Of course, I'm not here alone. "

"The government has ordered the reorganization of the most elite units of the Central Committee, the 87th and 88th Divisions, as well as the Central Military Academy Teaching Corps, into the Fifth Army. "

"The contemptible man assumed the post of military commander and quickly went to Shanghai to participate in the Shanghai War. "

"The contemptible people have given the order, and the troops are rapidly assembling and will soon leave for the battlefield in Shanghai. "

This time, the government also made up its mind to fight the Japanese to the end and defend Shanghai to the death. "

Zhou Weiguo deliberately pretended to be surprised and said: "This is really good news, in this way, we have nothing to worry about, we can let go of our hands and feet and fight with the little devil." "

After all, Zhou Weiguo was a traverser, and he also knew this period of history, and knew that the Fifth Army had indeed rushed to Shanghai to participate in the war.

But the results were somewhat disappointing.

At that time, the Chinese government finally chose to compromise, settle the matter, and finally signed a treaty with the little devil to lose power and humiliate the country, which can be regarded as a complete end to the local war on the battlefield.

General Zhang smiled and said, "I came in advance, first, to understand the situation, and secondly, I came specifically for you Zhou Weiguo." "

"For me?" Zhou Weiguo's eyes widened in surprise.

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