Just as Zhou Weiguo guessed, the little devil's reinforcements have really arrived.

And the reinforcements that came this time were the Ninth Division of the Little Devils, which was one of the most elite standing divisions in the Wa Kingdom.

The division was well-equipped and its combat effectiveness was also unusually strong, and this time the whole division of more than 20,000 men rushed to Shanghai to prepare to launch a new round of attack on the Chinese army.

The commander of the 9th Division, Kenkichi Ueda, also rushed to Shanghai, and the little devil did not hide it.

After Ueda Kenkichi arrived, he immediately succeeded the acting commander of Shimoto Kumaya and became the supreme commander of the Japanese army in Shanghai, responsible for commanding all the Japanese army and navy in the Shanghai area.

After Ueda Kenkichi arrived in Shanghai, he immediately released the news to the outside world, claiming that the main force of the Ninth Division had all arrived in Shanghai.

He also declared: "If there is anyone who obstructs the division and regiment in carrying out its tasks, resolute measures will be taken and there will be no hesitation." "

Ueda Kenkichi is also unusually arrogant, but compared to the previous Shiozawa Koichi and Nomura Kichizaburo, this old devil's tone is much smaller.

Thinking about it, the little devil was defeated again and again, and he suffered such a big loss in Shanghai, and he no longer had the confidence to speak out.

Kenkichi Ueda then summoned Kumaya Shimoto.

Shimoto Kumaya walked to Ueda Kenkichi's office dejectedly, and said respectfully, "Your Excellency, Commander!"

Ueda Kenkichi raised his eyelids and glanced at Shimoto Kumaya.

"Hmph~!Xia Yuanjun! Wu Songkou was defeated, and the imperial army suffered heavy losses, shouldn't Xia Yuanjun give an explanation to me, to the military department, to His Majesty the Emperor and all the people?"


Xia Yuan Xiong Mi hurriedly said: "Despicable duty deserves death, despicable crime deserves death!"

"This fiasco has brought shame to the Imperial Army, and it is humiliating and shameful to be humiliated, and it deserves to die the most. "

"The lowly is willing to use the samurai way to wash away the shame brought to the empire. "

Ueda Kenkichi looked at Shimoto Kuami coldly, gritted his teeth and said: "Seven thousand imperial army warriors shattered Wusongkou overnight, since the establishment of the Meiji Emperor's army, the imperial army has never suffered such a heavy defeat. "

"This defeat has brought the empire to shame. Even if you are slashed with a thousand knives, it will not be forgiven. "

"Haiyi, damn it!" Xiong Mi replied respectfully, and beads of sweat the size of beans continued to emerge from his forehead.

There was a cold sweat all over his body.

Shimoto Kumami knew that he was guilty, and he kept his head down, and he didn't even have the courage to look up at Ueda Kenkichi.

Ueda Kenkichi sighed deeply, and then said: "For your crimes, you should have been sent to a military court, and you are not even qualified to apologize for your crimes. "

"Hayi~!" Xia Yuan Xiongmi's face became even more ugly.


Ueda Kenkichi changed his words, and then said: The war in Shanghai is rotten, the imperial army has suffered repeated setbacks, and the empire is at the time of employing people. "

"This commander has already made meritorious contributions to the military department for the time being, and will wait until after the war to discuss your crimes!"

"I hope you don't disappoint me. "

When Xia Yuan Xiong Mi heard this, he was overjoyed, thinking that this time he was dead, but he didn't expect to usher in a trace of life.

"Thank you, Your Excellency, Commander, I will definitely devote myself wholeheartedly to the meritorious service. "

Ueda Kenkichi sneered and said, "Hmph, don't be too happy, you are guilty, and it is not so easy to offset your sins." "

"But this is your last chance, whether you can build miracles and offset your sins depends on your own performance. "

"Hayi, I will do my best, and I will definitely not let down His Excellency the Commander. Xia Yuan Xiong Mi hurriedly said.


Ueda Kenkichi nodded and said, "How many people are left in your army now?"

Xia Yuan Xiong Mi hurriedly said: "There are about three thousand five hundred people left, but there are less than two thousand people left in the combat force. "


"Damn it!"

Ueda Kenkichi frowned and thought for a while, and then said, "That's it! In addition to the main force, our 9th Division also brought a group of supplementary soldiers. "

"The number is not large, about two thousand, so it will be allocated to your brigade for the time being. "

"Xia Yuanjun, you will take this army and assist our 9th Division to defeat the people of China and capture Shanghai. "


Xia Yuan Xiong Mi hurriedly responded: "I will do my best to assist Your Excellency the Commander, defeat the people of China, and occupy Shanghai." "

"Yo-hei!" Ueda Kenkichi nodded in satisfaction.

Shimoto Kumaya looked up and observed Ueda Kenkichi's face, and asked cautiously, "Your Excellency Commander, I don't know when we will attack?"

Ueda Kenkichi sneered and said, "This is not in a hurry, when it is time to attack, I will naturally inform you in advance." "

"I have already seen the last time you attacked Wusongkou. "

"One of the reasons why you failed miserably is that you were too anxious. "

"We must not make the same mistake a second time!"

Xia Yuan Xiong Mi hurriedly said respectfully: "Haiyi! Your Excellency the Commander is wise. "

Ueda Kenkichi then asked, "Shimoto-kun, you have already fought with the Shina people, so let me ask you, where do you think the key to defeating the Shina army lies?" "

Xia Yuan Xiong Mi hurriedly said: "Your Excellency, there are currently two Huaxia armies in Shanghai and Wusongkou. "

"The 19th Route Army and Zhou Weiguo's Volunteers. "

Among them, the fighting style of the 19th Route Army can be regarded as tenacious, but their equipment is too simple, and their actual combat effectiveness is not too strong. "

"And Zhou Weiguo's volunteers, although they are only improvised militia forces, their equipment is extremely sophisticated, and their combat effectiveness is very strong. "

"In addition, Zhou Weiguo is not only very cunning, but also has a very brave combat style, which is really difficult to deal with. "

"Before the humiliation, it was because he underestimated Zhou Weiguo too much and did not analyze the situation accurately enough, so he suffered a big loss. "

"I think that this Zhou Weiguo's volunteers are more tricky than the 19th Route Army, and they are the main enemies of the imperial army. "

"As long as they are defeated, the 19th Route Army has nothing to worry about. "

Ueda Kenkichi nodded and said, "Zhou Weiguo?

"Immediately sort out all the information of Zhou Weiguo and send it to my office. "


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