After Zhou Weiguo gave the order, he also rushed to the forefront.


A soldier next to him hurriedly handed over a submachine gun.

Zhou Weiguo didn't take the gun, and said loudly: "Bring Lao Tzu's sniper rifle!"


Soon a sniper rifle was handed to Zhou Weiguo.

Zhou Weiguo held the gun, reached out and pulled the bolt with a click, and put the bullet on the chamber.

"Pass the order, the snipers shoot freely, and the rest of the people put the little devil closer before fighting! Listen to me!"

"Yes!" a soldier next to him hurriedly answered and conveyed the order.

Zhou Weiguo raised the sniper rifle in his hand and aimed at a little devil in the distance.

"Bang~!", a crisp gunshot sounded, and the red-hot bullets flew quickly towards the little devil.

"Poof~!", the bullet drilled into the head of a little devil holding a flag, only to see that the little devil's head exploded like a rotten watermelon, and blood and brains splattered everywhere.

The little devil who raised the flag was killed instantly, and fell to the ground with his head up, whimpering for his life.


"Captain, good marksmanship!"

A round of applause rang out from the battlefield.

And the little devils were so frightened that they stopped advancing, raised their guns, and shot indiscriminately.

Seeing the position of the Huaxia army, there was no reaction, and the little devil hit his courage and got up and continued to advance.

A devil officer waved the saber in his hand and roared loudly: "Keep going, kill and give~!"

"Poof~!", the shout was not stopped, and the devil officer's head burst open in an instant, and he was beaten into a rotten watermelon.

The boss with his mouth open, his eyes were about to pop out, and he slowly fell down with a face full of unwillingness.

At the same time, on Zhou Weiguo's position, several crisp gunshots rang out one after another, and several little devils were shot and fell to the ground.

The little devils immediately fell to the ground in fright, raised their guns, and fired indiscriminately at the positions of the Huaxia army.

"Click~!", Zhou Weiguo pulled the bolt again and put a bullet on the chamber.

One of the machine gunners aimed at the devil decisively pulled the trigger.

"Bang~!" A gunshot rang out, and the bullet flew quickly towards the little devil.

"Knock~!" made a crisp sound, and the red-hot bullet directly pierced the devil's helmet and drilled into the devil's head.

The fast-spinning bullet instantly turned the little devil's brain into a pulp, and the little devil was killed in an instant, lying there and not moving.

The roaring machine gun was also instantly muted.

Gunshots still rang out from time to time, and the little devils died one after another.

"There are snipers, the enemy has snipers!"

The little devil shouted in panic.

The devil Shaozuo, who was in charge of the command, had been hiding behind, and when he saw this scene, he was also so angry that he yelled.

"Baga Ya Road!"

"Your Excellency Shaozuo, the other party's snipers are too powerful!"

"Fart! If our brigade is repelled by a few snipers on the other side, what is the face of the imperial army?"

"What do you mean?"

"Rush over! As long as we break through their positions, a few snipers can't help us!"

"Give my order at once, and rush over at all costs!" shouted the devil Shaozuo in a hoarse voice.


With the order of the devil Shaozuo, the little devils got up one after another, holding their bayonets, screaming and rushing over like they were desperate.

"Bang bang bang~!" The crisp gunshots rang out continuously, and the little devils fell to the ground one after another.

The little devils who fell were basically officers, and as soon as the little devils charged, the machine gunners and everything fell behind.

Naturally, the Devil's officer became the first target of choice for snipers.

As the gunshots rang out continuously, more than a dozen devil officers were shot and killed.

However, the little devils seemed to turn a blind eye to this, and still charged forward one by one.

These little devils also took a desperate stance, thinking that as long as they rushed over and broke through the opposite position, they could easily kill the other party's snipers.

I have to say that they think too simply.

After killing a devil officer again, Zhou Weiguo directly threw the sniper rifle to the soldier next to him.

"Submachine gun~!"

"Yes!" one of the fighters immediately handed over a submachine gun.

Zhou Weiguo took the submachine gun, pulled the bolt with a 'click', and put the bullet on the chamber.

"Everyone listens to Lao Tzu's command!"

"Yes!" the warriors snapped.

At this time, the little devils had already rushed to a distance of 100 meters, and Zhou Weiguo raised his gun and aimed directly at a few little devils in the front.

"Beat me hard!"

Zhou Weiguo roared angrily, and then pulled the trigger fiercely.

"Da Da Da ~!" A dense burst of gunfire rang out, and a blazing tongue of fire rushed out in an instant.

The little devils who rushed over were directly beaten into a sieve and died tragically on the spot.

With Zhou Weiguo's order, the soldiers aimed at the little devil and shot wildly.

"Da Da Da Da~!" The dense gunshots continued to sound, and for a while the bullets swept towards the little devil like raindrops.

The little devils were charging quickly at this time, extremely fast, and they didn't have time to react.

I saw groups of little devils crashing directly into the barrage.

"Puff puff~!" gorgeous blood flowers bloomed in the air, and a bloody storm suddenly broke out in the devil's team.

The little devils who rushed to the front fell down in pieces like wheat that had been cut down.

Under the ferocious firepower of the volunteers, the little devils were suddenly blinded, and they all lay on the ground, and hurriedly raised their guns and opened fire.

Attempts were made to suppress the firepower of the Chinese army, but everything was in vain.

The soldiers became more and more courageous, and the guns on the battlefield were loud, and there were constantly little devils who were shot to death.

The little devil finally couldn't bear the huge casualties, and retreated in embarrassment.

Zhou Weiguo swept out a shuttle of bullets at the little devils who fled in embarrassment, and killed several little devils.

Then he shouted loudly: "Immediately send the order down, order the mortar company, concentrate firepower, and bombard Lao Tzu hard!"

"Yes!" the communications soldier next to him hurriedly picked up the phone.

"Hey, mortar company, immediately concentrate all the firepower and bombard the devil rout!"


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