Inside the headquarters of the little devil fleet.

A devil officer hurriedly walked up to Nishio Osa, and said respectfully: "Report to Your Excellency Osa, the headquarters of the Xiayuan Brigade has just sent a telegram, requesting our navy to provide artillery support, and General Xiayuan said that their current situation is very critical, and please give us the most intense artillery support as soon as possible." "

Nishio Osa frowned slightly, took the telegram and read it carefully, and said with a sneer: "Hmph! This Xia Yuan Xiong Ya was so arrogant before, and now he has not lost battles again and again, he looked down on our navy before, and he made mocking remarks, but now he is embarrassed to ask our navy for help." "

"Your Excellency, what should we do then?" the devil officer asked cautiously.

Nishio Osa sneered and said, "According to what they said, isn't it marked with a location? "

"They lost the battle, but blamed our navy, saying that we did not cooperate with them. "

"Hay!" the devil officer hurriedly replied, turned around and went to deliver the order.

The little devil's work efficiency was still very high, and the order was quickly transmitted to the warships.

I saw that one of the devil's naval guns began to turn the turret, and the muzzles of the black holes were aimed at the shore.

"Knock knock~!" A dull cannon sound sounded, and huge shells came out of their disembowels, quickly cutting through the sky and flying into the distance.

Zhou Weiguo was lying on a position, holding a telescope to observe the devil's position, frowning and saying, "The calculation time should be almost over, why haven't you come yet?"

"Could it be that the little devil didn't fall for it?" asked Li Jian with a frown.

"Who knows! Wait!" Zhou Weiguo said casually.

"It's coming!" Zhou Weiguo's eyes suddenly lit up, and he hurriedly raised the telescope again.

"What's coming?" asked Li Jian with a puzzled expression.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a shrill whistling sound in the air.

Li Jian hurriedly looked up, only to see cannonballs flying quickly from a distance, and then fell in the direction of the little devil's position.

"Boom~!boom~!" A violent explosion sounded, and the little devil who was attacking suddenly turned on his back and suffered heavy casualties.

"Bagaya Road~!"

"How could the Huaxia people have such a fierce shelling!"

On the front line of the devils, a devil Dazuo couldn't help but shout and scold.

Looking at the little devil who was in chaos on the battlefield and fleeing in all directions, the devil Dazuo frowned deeply.

When he saw a huge crater with a diameter of more than ten meters, the devil Dazuo suddenly realized something.

"Yaga! This is the Imperial Army's naval artillery!"

"Your Excellency Dazuo, it is indeed the naval guns of the imperial army!"

"Bagaya Road, what are those fools in the navy doing?" the devil had to scold, and hurriedly ordered: "Go and tell the navy immediately, they stupid people have blown up, and let them stop shelling immediately!


"Haven't they come to reinforce the Volunteers? Zhang Yan, commander of the 62nd Brigade of the 122nd Division, shouted loudly.

"Report to the brigade, Zhou Weiguo and they have arrived!"

"Where! Why didn't Lao Tzu see it? "

"Right behind our flanks, ready to reinforce us at any moment?"

"Let them reinforce immediately, or we won't be able to stop it. "

"The Seventh Wing of the devils of the dog day is really fucking amazing!" Zhang Yan scolded angrily.


"Damn! With such a loud explosion, it must be the devil's naval artillery bombing again, these dogs are so arrogant. Zhang Yan said angrily.

"No! Brigade, you see that the little devils blew themselves up!"

"Who the fuck are you fooling, little devils are not stupid!"

"What's going on, why did all the little devil's shells fall into the devil's position? Zhang Yan couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise.

"Maybe they're in the wrong direction!"

"Haha~! The little devil is defenseless at all, and if it goes down all of a sudden, the little devil's seventh wing is crippled!" Zhang Yan said excitedly.

At that time, the little devils were attacking, and the main forces of the Seventh Wing were all sent to the battlefield, and the offensive could be described as quite fierce.

Otherwise, Zhang Yan's 122nd Brigade would not have been in such a hurry to ask for help.

However, when the battle was fierce, the devil's naval artillery fire directly covered the devil's position.

In this case, the little devil is defenseless, and there is no place to hide. And the devil's naval guns are hugely powerful.

Each shell is a high-explosive shell of tens of kilograms, or even hundreds of kilograms, and the power is terrifying.

When it is blown up on the ground, it is a crater of more than ten meters or even tens of meters.

Even if you hide in an anti-artillery hole, at most you will only reduce a certain number of casualties.

But the little devil was completely exposed to artillery fire, and the shells did not recognize people, and this bombardment continued.

It was an almost devastating blow to the Devil's Seventh Wing.

"Bomb~!Continue to blow up, blow up these bastards. Zhang Yan shouted excitedly.

At this moment, a soldier ran in quickly and said loudly: "Report to the brigade, Captain Zhou sent someone to inform, and as soon as the shelling of the little devil stops, he will immediately launch a full-scale counterattack and take the opportunity to eliminate this seventh infantry wing." "

"What about their people?" Zhang Yan hurriedly asked.

"Report to the brigade seat, Captain Zhou's men have begun to enter the position and make peace with us. The warrior said hurriedly.

Zhang Yan said with a smile: "Haha~! I didn't expect that Zhou Weiguo, this kid is still a lucky star, as soon as he came, the little devil's cannon couldn't be accurate, and it all hit his head." Haha~!"

"What a fucking relief!"

"Brigade seat, then what should we do now? Do you want to launch a counterattack against the little devil according to Zhou Weiguo's proposal?" Deputy Brigade Commander Pang Cheng hurriedly asked.

"Of course it's going to attack, now is a good opportunity to beat the water dogs, how can we miss such a good opportunity. "

Zhang Yan said excitedly: "The little devil is not stupid, there was a mistakenly bombing, and he will be able to react quickly, and it is estimated that the cannon should stop!"

"Without further ado, immediately order the officers and men of the whole brigade, as soon as the artillery stops, immediately launch an attack on the whole line, and strive to destroy the seventh wing of this dog day in one fell swoop. "

"Yes!" Pang Cheng hurriedly answered, turned around and went to convey the order.

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