General Zhang Zhizhong paused, and then ordered: "Order the 87th Division and the Independent Brigade to immediately attack the positions of the 19th Infantry Wing and the 36th Infantry Wing of the Japanese Army!"

"Give me all the strength to attack, and be sure to contain the main force of the two wings of the devils. "

"Yes!" a communications soldier next to him hurriedly answered, turned around and ran to deliver the order.

Zhang Zhizhong raised the telescope again and looked at the battlefield opposite, and General Zhang Zhizhong was also excited at this time.

The little devils on the battlefield can be said to be defeated, if they seize this opportunity, they may be able to defeat the 9th Division in one fell swoop.

The worst can inflict heavy damage on this 9th Division, the 7th Wing is already finished, if this 35th Wing is destroyed now.

Of the four infantry wings of the 9th Division, two were wiped out and half were lost, and by that time, even if the remaining two wings could stabilize the battle situation and hold their positions, they would no longer be able to launch an attack.

When the time comes, it will be much easier to destroy them.

The more General Zhang Zhizhong thought about it, the more excited he became, and his face couldn't help but overflow with a smile of excitement.

To be honest, General Zhang Zhizhong never dreamed that this battle would go so smoothly.

"Knock knock~!" At this moment, a series of rumbling artillery sounds sounded on the artillery positions of the Fifth Army.

"Chirp~!" The cannonball flew quickly towards the devil's position with a piercing whistling sound.

"Boom~!boom~!" A violent explosion sounded immediately, and pieces of fire immediately rose on the devil's position.

However, it was said that the 35th Wing of the Devil was originally only a thousand meters back according to the meaning of the wing commander.

But I didn't expect the Huaxia army to take the opportunity to rush over, once the troops retreated, it was not so easy to stop again.

And at this time, the 121st Brigade of the 62nd Division also rushed to reinforce and assist the 122nd Brigade and Zhou Weiguo's volunteers, attacking all the way.

The 35th Wing of the Devil couldn't resist at all, so it could only be gradually defeated, retreating a thousand meters, unable to stand at all, and continued to retreat.

As he was retreating, a series of piercing whistling sounds suddenly sounded in the air.

Then the shells rained down like hail.

"Boom~!boom~!" The violent explosion sounded continuously, and the devil's team was suddenly overturned by the bombed people.

"Your Excellency, Wing Commander, no, the artillery of the Huaxia Army has blocked our retreat. "

"Bagayalu, you hateful bastards. The captain of the devil co-captain scolded angrily.

"Your Excellency, the Huaxia army behind you is about to rush over. "

"Your Excellency, the artillery fire of the Huaxia people is too fierce, we can't rush through it at all. "

"Shut up!"

The captain of the devil wing roared loudly: "Everyone obeys the order, organizes resistance on the spot, and fights with the Huaxia people!"

These little devils were also forced to be in a hurry, there were people chasing behind, and the road in front was blocked by artillery fire. On the left is the position of the Chinese army, and on the right is a river.

There is nowhere to hide, nowhere to hide.

In this case, it seems that there is only one desperate choice.

The little devils, who were in a hurry, stopped one after another and began to raise their guns to shoot, trying to stop the attack of the Chinese army.

Not to mention, under the desperate efforts of the little devils, it still played a certain role.

The offensive of the Huaxia army was temporarily resisted, and the soldiers could only stop and began to gradually move forward, constantly firing to suppress the firepower of the devils.

At the same time, the main force of the 88th Division and the Teaching Corps immediately launched an attack.

Yu Jishi sent a reinforced regiment of troops to storm forward along a line.

Taking advantage of the emptiness of the devil's defense on the front position, he successfully tore a hole in the devil's defense line.

The force then smoothly penetrated to the rear of the 35th Wing, at which point the artillery finally stopped.

"Your Excellency, Wing Commander, the cannons have stopped!"

"Retreat immediately!" the captain of the devil co-captain hurriedly ordered.

At this time, the 35th Wing had already suffered heavy losses, and if it continued like this, it was estimated that it would not last long.

Now their only way to survive is to continue to retreat and meet the closer 19th Wing as soon as possible, and there is no other way.

However, just as they were about to continue their retreat, a shocking shout of killing suddenly sounded behind them.

As far as the eye could see, I saw heroic Chinese soldiers, through the smoke of gunpowder, rushing towards this side like a group of fierce tigers.

"Baga, where did these Huaxia troops come from?" the shocked eyes of the devil co-captain were about to pop out.

"Your Excellency, Wing Commander, judging from the military uniform, it is the Central Army of Huaxia, and it should be the men and horses of Zhang Zhizhong's Fifth Army!"

"Bagayalu! Do you still need to remind me of this? I mean how they got behind us. "

"I don't know what I do!"

"Damn it!"

"Your Excellency, Wing Commander, we are surrounded!"

"What now?"

"What else can I do, fight with them!" the captain of the devil co-captain, gritted his teeth.

Zhou Weiguo raised his head and glanced into the distance, and shouted excitedly: "Brothers, the friendly forces of the Fifth Army have stopped the little devil!"

"The little devils are surrounded by us, and now they can't run!"

"Rush to Lao Tzu! Destroy these little devils!"

"Kill~!" The soldiers immediately erupted into a shocking shout of killing, and rushed out with Zhou Weiguo.

"Da Da Da Da~!" Dense gunshots rang out, and Zhou Weiguo swept wildly with a submachine gun.

The little devil in front of him immediately fell down in a large area.

Zhou Weiguo shouted loudly while changing the magazine: "Brothers, kill Lao Tzu! "


The Chinese army killed the little devils from two directions, and the 35th Wing, which suffered heavy losses, had nowhere to escape.

Can't stop it!

Soon it was drowned in the sea of people by the surging Chinese soldiers.

The little devils also want to die and struggle, trying to fight their way out with their proud white blades.

However, the Huaxia army will not give them this opportunity at all.

Especially Zhou Weiguo's volunteers, under Zhou Weiguo's earnest teaching, no one fought with the little devil with bayonets at all.

Now that there was chaos, after the soldiers rushed over, they directly took out their pistols and began to wantonly kill the little devils.

As a result, under the frantic attack of the Chinese army, the 35th Wing was completely annihilated by the Chinese army in one fell swoop, and none of them escaped the net.

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