
"Wusongkou will pass on the good news again!"

"The Chinese army annihilated the Japanese at Wusongkou!

"The Chinese army fought bravely and annihilated the 9th Division and the Xiayuan Brigade at Wusongkou!"

"More than 20,000 Japanese soldiers died in Wusongkou! Zhou Weiguo, the hero of the anti-Japanese war, has made another miraculous feat!"

With the cries of the newsboys, the news of Wusongkou's victory quickly spread throughout Shanghai.

Then it gradually spread to the whole country, and the good news of victory spread to the north and south of the Great River, inside and outside the Great Wall, at the fastest speed along the radio waves.

For a time, the whole country rejoiced, and Shanghai, Nanjing, Beiping, Wuhan, Guangzhou and other major cities successively held grand demonstrations to celebrate this hard-won victory.

For a time, the morale of the anti-Japanese people throughout the country was extremely high, and it once again reached a new height.

The people of the whole country were extremely excited, as if they had been stimulated, and their confidence in defeating the Japanese was also unprecedentedly high.

At the same time, calls across the country for the government to send troops to reclaim the Northeast are also getting louder.

The Nanjing government, represented by Jiang Guangtou, suddenly felt the pressure doubled.

The pressure from society and fishing vessels cannot be completely ignored by the Nanjing government.

At the same time, the news of the Chinese army's victory over the little devil again also spread abroad.

It can be described as a shock to the world. The countries of the world, especially the European and American powers, really did not expect that the poor and weak China would be able to defeat the Japanese again.

And it was even more shocking to be able to achieve such brilliant results.

The countries of the world have to begin to re-examine the strength of this great eastern power.

Some foreign newspapers even exclaimed that the sleeping dragon in the East had gradually awakened.


At this time, Zhou Weiguo was sitting in the headquarters and smoking a cigarette leisurely, holding a newspaper in his hand, reading it with relish.

At this time, Qin Feng walked over quickly and said in a low voice: "Sir, Chairman Jiang of the Nanjing Government has sent a telegram of commendation again. "

"Oh, is it for us? Didn't you send one before?" Zhou Weiguo said casually.

This telegram of commendation was addressed to all the troops participating in the battle on the Songhu battlefield. I sent one before, who knows why I sent another one, the content is different, maybe this Chairman Jiang is too excited!" Qin Feng replied.

Zhou Weiguo sneered and said: "No matter how excited he is, will he dare to start an all-out war with the little devil?" It's not that I look down on him, at least he definitely doesn't have the courage to do so now." "

"Forget it, don't talk about it, you can read it! "


Qin Feng nodded, then took the telegram and read: After this battle, the reputation of our army in the international community has increased tenfold. In the past few days, the fishing boats of various countries have praised our army for its invincibility and bravery, and the Japanese army has also been a thousand zhang. I hope to encourage the officers and men to work hard and to commend me on my behalf. "

"Come on!"

Zhou Weiguo waved his hand and said: Just say directly, is there a bonus, only this one reward telegram?"

Qin Feng shook his head and said, "This telegram doesn't say to give us a bonus. "

"Cut~! That's a fart!"

Zhou Weiguo pursed his lips and said with disdain: "This Jiang bald head is still as stingy as ever, just give a commendation telegram, there is a fart." "

"Can you come to something affordable, give some ocean, it's more affordable than anything else!"

"It's just empty talk, it's a fart!"

Qin Feng smiled bitterly and said, "What the chief said is right, but I think if the chief takes refuge in this Chairman Jiang, maybe he won't be stingy with his money." "


Zhou Weiguo nodded and said, "What you said is to the point, this Jiang bald head is also a master who doesn't see rabbits and doesn't scatter eagles." "

"He knows that it's impossible for us to join him, so he won't give us a bonus or anything. In order to prevent us from becoming bigger and forming a situation where the tail is too big to fall. "

"Maybe now this Jiang bald head is thinking about how to eradicate our hidden danger!"

Qin Feng couldn't help frowning when he heard this, and hurriedly said, "Then should we take precautions in advance." "

"Not necessarily!"

Zhou Weiguo shook his head and said: "I don't need it for the time being, even if Jiang Guangtou is afraid of us, he will not act openly, after all, our reputation is much better than him now." "

"And there's no way he's going to do it at this time, because he's going to have to count on us guys to fight against the Wokos!"

"Maybe he's thinking about driving wolves and fighting tigers now, and wants us to fight to the death with the little devil! "

Qin Feng said with a smile: "If that's the case, then his wishful thinking is wrong." "

Zhou Weiguo nodded and said, "Don't worry about him for now." "

"By the way, how's the troop replenishment?"

Qin Feng hurriedly replied: "It has been fully replenished in the past two days, and we have recruited a batch of new soldiers this time, bringing the total strength to more than eight thousand." "

Zhou Weiguo nodded and said, "Eight thousand people, this can be formed into a division in Huaxia." "

Qin Feng said with a smile: "Yes, although you don't have a formal position now, but with these 8,000 troops, you are a veritable division commander, and our troops are much stronger than any army in Huaxia." "

"I think, if you call the captain and the captain now, is it a little inconsistent with your identity!"

Zhou Weiguo said with a smile: "It doesn't matter if these are all these things, our team is called the Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army, I am called the captain, or the commander, or even the commander, it doesn't matter." Only the military power in the hand, the power in the hand, and the money in the hand are real, and as for the little false name, it is not worth mentioning at all. "

"It's better to keep a low profile, obscene development, understand?"

"We don't have the strength to dominate the world now, and we are on the cusp of Shanghai, so it's better to keep a low profile. "

"Yes! I see. Qin Feng hurriedly said.

Zhou Weiguo nodded and said: "By the way, those recruits we have newly recruited, I'm afraid that the combat effectiveness is not guaranteed, I will prepare some wine for them, so that they can be brave, and when they go to the battlefield, they will kill a lot of little devils." "

The recruits Zhou Weiguo said refer to those ordinary people recruited, and as for wine, of course, it is not ordinary wine.

Rather, it was wine mixed with genetic medicine, and after drinking it, the combat power of these recruits doubled.

Qin Feng nodded and said, "Please rest assured, sir, I will arrange it." "

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