Commander-in-Chief Jiang and Commander Cai glanced at each other and nodded.

Commander-in-Chief Jiang frowned and asked, "Then in the opinion of the country, where will the little devil choose to land?"

Zhou Weiguo smiled and said: "I can't guess the thoughts of the little devils, but I always feel that they will definitely change their strategy." "

"I've been pondering this issue for the past two days, and although I have some ideas, I'm not too mature, so I don't dare to talk to you. "

Commander Cai said with a smile: "Weiguo, it's time for you, don't be modest, tell your thoughts, let us hear it!"

Zhang Zhizhong said with a smile: "Now we are just guessing, it is very normal to guess wrong, after all, we are not Zhuge Kongming alive, what kind of magic will we really do." So even if you say something wrong, no one will laugh at you, so let's talk about it first, and let's sum it up together. "

Commander-in-Chief Jiang smiled and said: "That's it, even if Zhuge Kongming still miscalculates! Not to mention us? Let's listen to it, whether it's right or wrong, let's go to the staff together!"

Zhou Weiguo said with a smile: "Since this is the case, then I will tell me what I think, and I will also ask the three chiefs for advice, if there is anything wrong, please forgive the three chiefs." "

Zhou Weiguo first said politely, and then continued: "According to my analysis, the little devils have increased their troops so much this time, and they will have greater capital. "

"If I were a little devil, I would never put all my bets on Wusongkou again, this is obviously a pit, no matter how many troops are invested in it, it may not be able to get the desired effect, but it is possible to lose more. "

Of course, the little devil will not completely give up Wusongkou, just like the little devil never gave up Zhabei before. "

"The little devil can leave only a part of the troops, or even a small part of the troops, at Wusongkou to contain our main force. "

"Then the little devil concentrates the main elite troops and lands at another location, as long as a breakthrough is opened, we can completely crush our defense. "

And so their purpose was achieved. "

Zhang Zhizhong nodded and said: "That's right, the little devil has sent two more divisions again, and now they have enough troops to open up a new battlefield." "

"However, their ultimate goal is to capture Shanghai, as long as we grasp this, it is not too difficult to analyze the possible landing location of the devils. "

Commander Cai got up and walked to the huge map hanging on the wall, and looked at the map carefully.

Commander-in-Chief Jiang followed, and Zhang Zhong and Zhou Weiguo also got up and walked over.

These people are all battlefield veterans, with rich experience, and Wei is a little bit, so they all figured out the key.

Commander Cai pointed to the map and said: "Liuhekou, our troops are limited, and our defense here is relatively weak. "

"The little devils will definitely be able to detect this, if their warships continue to penetrate deep into the Yangtze River and cover their infantry landing from the mouth of the Liuhe River, they can go straight to our side. "

"At that time, the flank of our army will be completely exposed to the attack of the little devil, and the little devil will send another force to land at Wusongkou, and under the attack from both sides, with the strength of the devil's three divisions, we will not be able to parry it at all. "

Zhou Weiguo stretched out his hand and pointed to the map and said: "What Commander Cai said is extremely true, not only Liuhekou, but also Yanglinkou and Qiyakou in the north may become the target of devils. "

"After all, after receiving reinforcements, the little devils have sufficient troops, and they have a fleet as a cover, they can choose the landing site at will, and the initiative is completely in their hands. "

Commander-in-Chief Jiang and Commander Cai nodded slightly, and their brows furrowed even deeper, with a worried look on their faces.

Commander Cai frowned and said: "Now that all the troops that my 19th Route Army can deploy have been sent to the battlefield, there are really no extra troops. "

Commander-in-Chief Jiang sighed deeply and said, "If the forces are too scattered, it will be easy for the little devils to break through. "

Zhang Zhizhong frowned and said, "With the increase of the devil's troops, the battlefield will be further expanded, that's for sure." With our current strength, a large area like Songhu is indeed overstretched to defend. "

"Well, I'll draft a report as soon as possible and report it to the Commission, hoping that the Commission will send troops to support us. "

Commander-in-Chief Jiang and Commander Cai said: "Since this is the case, then there is Brother Lao Wenbai, in order to keep Shanghai, we must ask the commission to send reinforcements again." "

Zhou Weiguo frowned and said: "From the perspective of time, the devil reinforcements led by Shirakawa Yoshinori should be about to arrive in Shanghai. So we have to prepare in advance. "

"If you commanders can trust me, can you hand over the defense of Liuhekou, Yanglinkou, and Qiyakou to our volunteers. "

"I can assure you here, as long as I, Zhou Weiguo, still have a breath of air, the little devil will not want to set foot on the shore for half a step. "

Commander Cai turned to look at Commander-in-Chief Jiang. Commander-in-Chief Jiang said with a smile: "There are guards guarding Liuhekou and other places, I am a hundred at ease." "

Commander Cai said with a smile: "Since this is the case, then there is Lao Weiguo." In this case, we will be much less stressed. "

Zhou Weiguo said with a smile: "But this matter should be kept as secret as possible." We will also secretly go to the mouth of the Liuhe River, hide and stand by, and still give the little devil the illusion that the troops in the Liuhe Estuary area are empty. "

Commander Cai said with a smile: "Are you worried that the little devil will not go to Liuhekou?"

Zhou Weiguo sneered and said: "Only by luring the enemy deep can we close the door and beat the dogs, if the little devils have been hiding in the boat, we really can't beat them, as long as we lure them ashore, we can clean them up." "

Zhang Zhizhong nodded and said: "Although this is good, you also have to master the proportions, don't mess up, if you don't hit the dog, it's not good to let the dog bite." "

"Haha~!" everyone couldn't help but laugh.

Zhou Weiguo smiled and said: "Well, please rest assured, the three chiefs, I will grasp the balance." I will dig a big pit in Liuhekou, Yanglinkou, Qiyakou and other places, and wait for the little devils to throw themselves into the net. "

"As long as these little devils dare to come, I will make sure they will never come back. "

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