Divine Wish System for Total Domain Domination

Chapter 1148: You are the pitfall!

Sure enough, as Yang Ling expected, after a few rounds of fierce bidding, the Nilang Gun was carried to the price of 400,000 kilograms of spirit liquid. Everyone in the hall was no longer eligible to participate. Now the main bidding is the Tianzi No. 6 box. Yu Zimi and a mysterious man from the wild tribe in the Dizi box.

The weight of the counterwave gun is very suitable for the use of the Sea Spirit. No matter how much the barbaric mysterious person increases the price, Yu Zimi always call out a higher price nonchalantly.

After a few more rounds, the mysterious wild man gave up, and Yu Zimi took a photo of the Nirvana Gun at a price of 1 million catties of spirit liquid!

One million catties is equivalent to 500 tons. Even if the roots of the sacred vine tree are absorbed in it, it will have to be absorbed for a month, right?

Although Yangling's "liquid" pool is large, it is only about 2,000 tons. They are rich, and these sea tribes are really rich!

The first one is so exciting, and many people are even more looking forward to this auction.

The second auction item is a magic weapon-level flying boat made from the skeleton of a sea-cracking whale. A flying magic weapon is also relatively rare.

This magic weapon called Split Sea Shenzhou also caused very fierce bidding. Yang Ling also liked this magic weapon, not because of how fast it flies, but because it can quickly shuttle through the ocean.

Although he has proficient skills in water sex, how fast can he swim?

Seeing that this thing had been carried to the sky-high price of 500,000 yuan, Yang Ling was silent for a while before suddenly shouting, "One million!"


Everyone drew air-conditioning and raised the price of 500,000 yuan in one go. Isn't this kid a brain-dead?

Unexpectedly, after Yang Ling just called for a sky-high price, someone in the VIP room of Tianzihao No. 4 immediately said indifferently: "One hundred and one hundred thousand!"


Yang Ling frowned, and he heard it, the voice was that Jiao was dead!

After a moment of silence, he said faintly: "City Master Jiao, I always thought that your Jiao Clan has a strong background, but I didn't expect you to be such a small family."

"I pay 1.5 million!"

The people below were all dumbfounded, and added 500,000 in one breath, which is too exaggerated!

On one side is the new arrogant Sea Spirit Clan kid, on the other side is the Lord of the City, the two sides are on the bar!

"Ding, you have fulfilled everyone's desire to watch a good show, and the wish is worth +1."

"Ding, you have fulfilled the wish of the auction organizer to meet the wrongdoers, and the wish is worth +1."

Jiao Wuming's face sank after hearing this. At their level, the money is small and the face is big, and the kid on the other side is openly shouting. How can this be tolerated?

He coldly shouted a price: "Two million."

"Two and five million!"

Yang Ling's face is not flushed and breathless, and once again called out a sky-high price, which has far exceeded the price of this flying boat!


Jiao Wuming coldly snorted: "Fitz, as far as I know, you are just a ranger, how can you have 2.5 million catties of spirit liquid?"

"Lord Allman, I suspect that this person is here to make trouble. I apply to check his property!"

Many people in the hall all agreed, but Allman on the stage chuckled and said, "Don't worry, Fitz has a lot of money, so the old man can pack the tickets for him."

Of course Allman dared to pack the ticket, this is the man who took out Dingyan Dan!


"Strong financial resources?"

The yelling person shut up.

auzw.com "Ding, you have shattered Jiao Wuming and others' wish that you don’t have so much spiritual liquid. It’s **** +1."

A cold snort came from Jiao Wuming's VIP room. After a moment of silence, he said coldly: "Three million!"

"I am going to order this Sea Splitting Shenzhou today!"

On the bar, completely on the bar!

Everyone stared round their eyes, expecting Fitz to call out a scalp-cracking number, but Yang Ling didn’t expect that Yang Ling laughed and said, “The beauty of a gentleman is an adult. Since the city lord wants it so much, he will have a good bond. , Give you this thing."

As soon as he said this, the audience was silent.

Then there was an uproar!

"I'm a big turtle, this Fitz is cheating!"

"Ma Ye, Lord City Lord has been miserable!"

"It's a kelp, it really is a human branch, so shameless!"

"Ding, you smashed the desire of some people who eat melons that they don't want the city lord to be pitted. It is a "sex" point +1."

"Ding, you have fulfilled the desire of some people to hope that Jiao will lose face, and the wish is worth +1."

Everyone in the hall screamed, and the lifeless face of Jiao in the VIP room suddenly turned pale.

He had planned to raise the number a bit higher and then withdraw his hands. He didn't expect the **** on the opposite side to be so decisive!

The Jiao Clan is so fast in the sea, I want this flying boat to have "hair" use!

Nima spent three million huge sums of money, and he wanted to rush to take off the skin of Fitz!

His hatred for Yang Ling was overwhelming, and he said coldly: "Very good, very good, Fitz, I hope you can get out of my city alive!"

"Ding, you shattered Jiao Wuming's desire not to be pitted. It is a "sex" point +1."

Yang Ling sneered: "Jiao is lifeless, you'd better not come to mess with me, or you will die."

What is arrogance, this is it!

After hearing the words, everyone gasped again, Jiao Wuming laughed three times in anger and stopped talking.

After the small "interlude", the auction will continue, and many magic weapons or rare treasures of heaven and earth are brought up one by one, some of which are Yang Ling will be jealous.

Suddenly, a maid walked to the front desk holding a piece of dead wood. Allman laughed and said, "This is a branch of the clear-eyed spirit tree. After the inspection by several of our old guys, this branch is still There is vitality, if it is brought back and cultivated carefully, it may be able to sprout again."

"The base price of this product is 50,000 catties of spirit liquid, and each increase in price shall not be less than 1,000."

Everyone rolled their eyes when they heard this. The Clear Eyes Spirit Tree is indeed a good thing, and its preciousness is not under the sacred vine tree at all, but let's forget about this branch...

It can be considered to be able to germinate, and it will take at least a thousand years to grow into it, and it has to spend a lot of resources to nurture it. It is not a cost-effective business no matter what.

The hall was a bit cold for a while, Allman sighed slightly when he saw this.

In the VIP room, Yang Ling looked at the hand of the maid and her eyes were full of burning "color"!

The clear-eye spirit tree can produce the clear-eye spirit "liquid". If the eyes are smeared with this spirit "liquid" for a long time, the eyes will become a pair of spiritual eyes. In addition to the greatly increased vision, the legend can also see through all falsehoods and look straight. The origin of everything!

This is amazing!

Moreover, when the Shenmu Xuan snake is blind, he also needs a clear eye liquid to be cured. He is determined to win this branch!

As for nurturing, the skill of moving flowers and trees is a piece of cake!

Of course, even if you want to shoot, you have to pay attention to methods.

Seeing that no one was bidding at the scene, Allman and others were planning to remove the branch. Yang Ling finally said, "I'll give out fifty thousand."

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