Divine Wish System for Total Domain Domination

Chapter 1854: A small surplus, a big change

Yang Xiaoling looked at the girl next to him, and after a moment of silence, he nodded slightly and said, "I hope the day of peace will come soon."

After speaking, she gently hooked her fingers, and a little girl of the Sea Spirit tribe who was lying in a pool of blood not far away floated in front of them.

The little girl looked at the two women in horror, but saw Yang Xiaoling lightly tap the fingertips, and the soft light healed her trauma a lot.


"Who are you... why do you want to save me?"

The little girl looked overwhelmed, but Yang Xiaoling smiled lightly: "I ask you, it seems that there are two forces coming in the city one after another, you know the order."

"In... order...what order!"

She seemed to recall some horrible scene. She trembled violently, but she trembled and said: "The fish head is here, looting and destroying everywhere, and the army that protects us is gone...

"Then a lot of big birds flew in the sky, so many..."

Her whole body became more and more excited, but it was over-stimulated, and the next moment she fainted.

Yang Xiaoling sighed slightly, and Qi Lina next to him took the little girl and said, "Master, the Sea Spirit is essentially the same as our human race. I see that the child is a stubborn child who is a martial artist. Can a slave take him in? "

Yang Xiaoling knew that she was moved with compassion, and smiled and nodded: "It's okay, you can figure it out."

Qi Lina nodded gratefully when she heard the words, but she took out a piece of advanced contract paper and pasted it on the little girl's forehead. After a flash of light, a contract figure appeared on the little girl's forehead, but she became a spirit beast. .

The life levels of the two parties to the contract are so different that they can ignore the other party and sign the contract forcibly.

With a flash of light, the little girl was put into the Yuling Bag by Qilina.

She smiled slightly and said: "Master, I heard from the child that the Sea Clan first broke through the city, and then our army fought a battle with the Sea Clan, making the city such a mess."

Yang Xiaoling smiled and nodded and said: "Let's go, go down and take a look."

Walking on the burning streets and walking on the blood-stained road, Yang Ling felt calm.

This is not the first time I have seen this kind of scene. Back then, I set fire to Hailou City with Su Qiling and Xiaolongnu. The scene was even more cruel and intense.

When facing the war, his heart was already cold.

After a while, standing in front of the empty granary, Qi Lina pointed to the corpses of the Sea Clan and several monsters on the floor and chuckled: "Master, it seems that a fierce battle has taken place here, and the Sea Clan people have lost."

"The slave maid guesses that all the grain in the granary has been taken away by the lady."

"is it?"

Yang Xiaoling pointed to the pile that was as big as a hill, and said, "What's that?"

Qilina curiously said, "That's dross, it's for cattle."

"Presumably the eldest missed these things and left them."

Yang Xiaoling smiled and shook his head and said: "These are indeed for cattle to eat, but based on my understanding of Jin Lei, she would not keep such a large warehouse of animal fodder without taking it away. After all, the monsters eat everything."


Qi Lina said in surprise: "Master, what the lady meant, could it be..."


Yang Xiaoling smiled lightly: "These are for the remaining people in the city to eat."

auzw.com "War is always cruel, but Jin Lei did not rush to kill."

"She also changed quietly when I didn't know."

In the past, Léa almost transcended the existence of a witch, a true female demon, unceremoniously saying that she was more fierce than Carrie, a girl who wanted to sacrifice countless lives on the entire planet, you said she didn’t Human nature is fine.

It is indeed inhumane...

But gradually, she changed.

Yang Ling knew that it was not herself or the little dragon girl who had changed her, but Liu Muhan.

Liu Muhan is a cold female president and queen of the empire, but she is very gentle with her family.

It is this gentleness that quietly changes every girl including Léa.

Qi Lina also understood, and sighed slightly: "The roughage is hard to swallow, but it won't make people starve. Missy left a trace of fire on these people."

"Master, let's go to the vault, maybe the eldest lady has left some things down."

Yang Xiaoling said with a laugh: "No need to go. With that child's temperament, you can't be sure that you can't find a copper plate."

"Let's go, let's follow the army far away and see what Jin Lei wants to do."

He said he was leaving, but suddenly heard the sound of a horn from outside the city!


The stern sound of the horn made the lingering people in the city show a look of horror. Qi Lina frowned and said: "Master, it is the war horn of the sea clan!"

"heard it."

Yang Xiaoling frowned slightly, but went away in no hurry. She and Qi Lina jumped onto a roof and continued to observe.

Soon, the sea clan army rushed into the city, and the people almost instinctively thought of the food problem. Several young sea spirit clan rushed to the granary, wanting to remove the last stale grain from the warehouse!

In the distance, the Sea Clan that rushed out of the city actually began to massacre directly, without treating the Sea Spirit Clan as a clan at all, slaughtering it unscrupulously!

Yang Xiaoling even found that some Hai men began to insult women wantonly!

Their own army has strict military discipline and strictly prohibits adultery of women. Therefore, although they robbed everything clean after entering the city, the women's innocence was at least preserved, but look at the behavior of these sea people...

It's just a livestock!

If these sea tribes are allowed to do another evil, the population in the city, which had been drastically reduced, will probably perish!

Qi Lina showed anger on her face, gritted her teeth and said: "Master, slaves know these sea races. They are the captive army of the Jiao tribe, and they have always been extremely cruel."

"The servants want to go down and kill these dog thieves!"

Yang Xiaoling nodded without hesitation: "I know you want to vent, pay attention to safety, go."

Qi Lina didn't expect that her host would agree to show up. She didn't hesitate after hearing this. After taking out a magic weapon-level sword from her storage bag, she screamed and killed it!

There was a **** wind in the distance, and a group of marine soldiers who were openly enjoying themselves in the open were split into several pieces on the spot!

Qi Lina originally had her innate late stage cultivation base. After continuing with 70% of Yang Ling's 4th dimension, she directly soared to the level of the third tier of the peak. Who can stop her from doing this!

However, hundreds of people were killed in an instant.

After seeing this scene, a Jiao clan master who had just entered the city narrowed his eyes and shouted angrily: "Huh? Mermaid? You are Qilina!"


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