Divine Wish System for Total Domain Domination

Chapter 2004: This group of relatives is outrageous!

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Seeing these two Nizis bickering, Yang Ling showed a trace of relief on her face.

I still remember that in the Shura Field that day, the houses were demolished, and it was these two people who were hitting the sky dimly.

The absolute main force of Shura Field.

Oh right, and Yun Qinglan...

I don't know since when the relationship between the two of them became so harmonious.

"Is it after that night?"

Thinking of the absurd things that happened with Wanying, Qiling, and Tong'er that day, Yang Ling realized that his heart was beating a little fast, and she hurriedly didn't want the scene of that day and continued to look at her phone.

Mengmeng is in the third grade of elementary school. When Yang Ling was a child, his parents gave him five yuan a day as pocket money, so Mengmeng's pocket money is also five yuan.

Buying snacks for five yuan a day, and the teacher did not detain her once and punished her with a lollipop, and gave the classmates who wrote beautifully in the class, which made the already stretched pocket money even worse.

Leya and Carly's pocket money management is also very strict, one thousand and two hundred yuan pocket money a month, if you do well, you will be rewarded several hundred yuan.

For those who didn't need money, Léa would be more uncomfortable. She likes to play games and buy equipment, and she likes to eat snacks. One thousand and two hundred yuan will soon be used up by her.

But seeing that she spent a lot of money in the game, this Nizi must have other channels for money.

Yang Ling planned to check it thoroughly after coming back.

Afterwards, non-system related characters such as Miaoyi did not need money at all. Yang Xiaoxuan practiced in the imperial bag all day long. Miaoyi and the army of fire elves were together. Light Blue spent most of the time catching monsters in Qingyun Secret , There is no time to spend money.

As for the ink unicorn Momo, it was basically kept as a pet cat. Liu Muhan occasionally rode it around and left it alone at other times.

Yang Xiaomu doesn't use money either...

Yang Ling said weirdly: "I found that some things in the cultivation world have been thrown away, and you women will raise up..."

"It's cheap."

"Say it again..."

Mu Wanying was a little annoyed and said, "Husband, why do you use the word nurture again? I have never understood this."

"It's hard for me to understand. Men in the era always say that they want to raise women. What men can do, women can't do?"

"Your idea of ​​keeping women as vases is wrong!"

"In the eyes of our monks, aren't men and women equal, why should the Taoists say who raises whom, you can raise me, and I can raise you!"

"I think you are underestimating us!"

Su Qiling chuckled when she heard the words: "You don't know, the age is different. Our previous concepts are out of fashion. Now that men have to raise women, it seems to have become the mainstream."

"In my vague memory, the responsibilities and obligations of men and women at that time were exactly the same, so sometimes I think girls in this era are a bit pitiful."


Yang Ling rolled his eyes and secretly said that many people were vying to make vases, but they didn't plan to improve their social status through their own efforts.

Mu Wanying said affirmatively: "It's not vaguely, but this is the situation."

"In Pangu Supercontinent, the status of male and female cultivators is equal, and everything depends on cultivation."

auzw.com These two "elder women" even discussed the question of who should raise whom. Yang Ling actually didn't care, and continued to read this private account.

In this private account, in addition to the money spent by myself and the girls in the family, the private money spent by each member of the entire family was cleared by the comprehensive maid corps headed by Osmanthus and Meihua. Chu.

To be fair, if the girls in their own family spend very little money, the data on family members is a bit shocking.

Yang Ling discovered that the more the core members of the family, the less money they use. On the contrary, the more the relatives who can't help them, the harder they use it.

For example, Mr. Liu, the two uncles of the Liu family, his parents, sister-in-law and other people who are very close to each other spend a lot of money, but it is almost 500,000 yuan in nine months, which is really nothing to their status.

But other family members, such as some distant relatives in their own family, use it much more fiercely, basically millions, or even tens of millions.

There are also some relatives of Mu Han's family, such as those in the family of Mrs. Liu's death, or the offspring left behind by his brothers and sisters.

In the final analysis, it was because of the formation of a family. The relatives of the Liu family could not get much money from Liu Muhan and Xia Feiyan. Although they were relatives, they were still in the family.

No matter how rich my family is, why should I give it to you, right?

But after the establishment of the family, everyone is a family in name, and they start to eat a big pot of rice. Everyone will receive a large sum of money from the family every month. On the face of it, it is the training funds, but they are actually spent.

The source of cultivation such as spiritual liquid will be distributed separately.

Basically, if you are a family member, an adult will give away one million yuan a month. If there are children in the family, an extra 200,000 will be given to each child.

This was given to them by Liu Muhan for the sake of the family's dignity, which was equivalent to giving them free of charge. Good guys, most people spent no money left, and even the scarlet letter was in deficit.

The most outrageous is a relative of Liu Jiayuan named Song Hangqiao, who is not much related by blood, but spends money like water, and lost more than 100 million in nine months.

I looked at the bill carefully and found that this person clubbing, gambling, playing with women all day, and a dude.

The key lies in the status of a relative. No one dares to take him. Who dares to touch a finger of Liu Dong's relative?

I'm afraid that even the big brothers of the human alliance dare not.

That's a man who dares to be angry but dare not speak!

The more Yang Ling thought about it, the more angry he found out that most of the people around him were dragging his feet.

More than 100 million, the group company executives are exhausted, and one person creates tens of millions of billions of wealth, but because of the corruption of hundreds of thousands, they were sent to the frontier by Yang Ling. This group of people did not create any value and was nothing. It cost so much to drink.

This is so annoying!

I will never pay him back!

Turning to look at Liu Muhan, his wife joined Su Qiling and Mu Wanying’s discussion at this meeting, and even discussed what it would be like for men and women to find a partner twenty years ago...

Mu Han must have discovered this state of the family members. According to her temper, she must be in trouble, but it might be because she was pregnant and didn't want to get angry, so she kept suppressing the real fire.

Or is she waiting for Yang Ling to take action?

Wait a minute, Liu Dong seemed to say that this is good news for the report.

From a family perspective, the girls are very economical and well-behaved. Even Xue Er has become so well-behaved, which is indeed good news.

But from a family perspective, what is this not bad news?

Some relatives are simply lawless!

Is there still king law, is there still law?

Allowing them to develop is a scum of society, a malignant tumor, which will cause great harm!


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