Divine Wish System for Total Domain Domination

Chapter 2104: Continuous system upgrade

"Okay you! Pretend to sleep on purpose!"

Liu Muhan didn't follow him, struggling lightly, unexpectedly Yang Ling hugged her very tightly, unable to break free for a while...

I don't know why, Liu Muhan suddenly thought of what she saw just now, the appearance of Juefei without clothes...

The whole person's heartbeat was fierce, and there was a strange premonition faintly.

"You... what are you going to do..."

Liu Muhan's whole body was weak and he couldn't move, but Yang Ling smiled and said, "You said I was young before, right?"

"My dear, I have to prove that every part of my body has grown up!"

After that, he turned over and pressed Liu Muhan on the quilt.

"Let go, no, we haven't..."

The voice did not fall, but it was blocked by Yang Ling.

After a while, Liu Muhan changed from the original struggle to actively holding Yang Ling, which would make Yang Ling come back to his senses.

Because I was lying on Liu Muhan's back, I had aroused some anger, so I came back to have this situation, now I have recovered and found that I really can't do that.

After all, the age of both parties is really too young.

However, it is a pity that the short-term sanity was quickly rushed by the gasp below him. Yang Ling thought about the matter sooner or later, and it was the same if he did it in advance.

He gently unbuttoned Mu Han, which seemed to be a signal, directly awakening Mu Han.

Liu Muhan looked at Yang Ling dimly with tears in his eyes and said, "Wait, please...at least after you register for your marriage..."

"Mom said, doing this kind of thing before marriage is a hooligan..."


Looking at Liu Muhan under him, these weak words and the tears hidden in the corners of his eyes could hold Yang Ling.

Pre-marital behavior is not advocated, and love without being married is a hooliganism.

It's been a long, long time since I heard such words.

Good woman!

Xia Feiyan is well educated, and Liu Muhan is also very clean and self-conscious. Even under such circumstances, she retains the last trace of her own bottom line.

This is what girls want!

Yang Ling gently hugged Liu Muhan, and said softly: "Then I will let you go today!"



Liu Muhan also lightly hugged Yang Ling and said, "Xiao Ling, don't be angry, I'm not unwilling, yes, I want to wait until we get married..."

"I know."

Yang Ling smiled and said, "It's too late to like you, how can you be angry?"

"Mu Han, shall we get married when we go back?"

There was a sweet feeling in Liu Muhan's heart, and he whispered softly: "Well, I also hope to be more justifiable, and then I won't have to refuse you."

"But Xiao Ling, are you still under age?"

"If you get the certificate, find a way by yourself!"

Yang Ling had a successful marriage proposal before. Originally, Mu Han said that he would wait until he reached adulthood. Now, once the operation is completed, he can get married directly by going back!


Yang Ling kissed Mu Han, hugged her and said, "Let's sleep together tonight. I promise not to do anything else."


Once Liu Muhan identified Yang Ling, he immediately had a whole-hearted character, and even the eight horses could not pull it back.


Just now she said she would go back to get married, and she agreed on the spot without asking Xia Feiyan.

At this time, Yang Ling said that he wanted to sleep together, and immediately agreed, trusting him 100% that Yang Ling would not be silly to himself.

"Let's go, go wash and sleep again!"

Liu Muhan giggled and said, "Would you like me to serve you in bathing and changing clothes, young master!"

Yang Ling smiled and said, "No, I'll serve you well!"

One night, the two hugged and slept, and nothing strange happened.

In the early morning of the second day, Yang Ling woke up slowly and found that he was being held by Liu Muhan, completely using it as a pillow.

This person is not as tall as her, and it is a little bit awkward to be caught by such a clip. Although the bed is full of Xiao Muhan's body fragrance, it is a bit hot...

It's still early, Yang Ling didn't want to wake Mu Han, but said in his heart: "System, I want to turn in the dust bead."

"Ding, the host chooses to turn in the Dust Orb, and get the system upgrade progress point: 3180, the current system upgrade progress, 4369/1280."

"Ding, the system is successfully upgraded to LV9, the upper limit of intimacy is increased, and the characters associated with the system continue to increase the upper limit of four dimensions."

"Ding, please check the system description with confidence for the host for specific new features."

"Current system upgrade progress: 3089/2560."

"Ding, the system is upgraded to LV10, and all upper limits have been increased."

"Ding, reminder: the inheritance of the system associated characters has reached the final upper limit."

"Ding, all kinds of new functions, please check the instructions by the host."

"Current system upgrade progress: 529/5120."

After a series of system prompts, the system finally reached the level of LV10!

Two consecutive upgrades, too awesome!

The characters associated with the system have been able to inherit 100% of Yang Ling's four-dimensional attributes, and this proportion has also come to an end, unable to reach 110%, which is unreasonable.

With Yang Ling's current four-dimensional situation, once he returns, the attributes are officially added to the related girls, I am afraid that each one will begin to break through the realm quickly.

The demand for spiritual liquid is greater, which makes Yang Ling more determined to start war.

Two new major functions, the first function is to be able to view the command and governance capabilities of certain objects.

The second function is that you can use the wish value to buy goods from the system. At present, because it is only LV10, the highest of the goods opened by the system is the abnormal thing like Intimacy Dan.

Yang Ling looked at the list, and the price of an intimate pill reached 10,000 wishing value.

The price of a war chest is also a wish value of 10,000.

The high-level wish treasure chest is also 10,000.

There are also various types of pill for sale, and the price is very reasonable. For ordinary pill, like Peiyuan Pill, only 5 o'clock is worth a wish.


In other words, if Yang Ling's resources are insufficient when he raises his realm, he can consume a large amount of wishing value to purchase pills and replenish resources.

The same goes for other girls.

Being able to buy and sell pills gives the whole family a guarantee, which is great.

In addition to pills, weapons are also sold.

Now that the most high-level magic weapons are sold to low-grade magic weapons, the price thief Yang Ling thinks is not a bargain. Spirit weapons and magic weapons are very cheap. Yang Ling also buys them in large quantities, which will be used by the armed forces or the family's children.

Can also reward loyal subordinates or something.

What makes Yang Ling most happy is that the system will recycle some items!

Yes, the system that used to be said to not collect garbage can now recycle things.

Of course, it still does not collect real garbage, such as the random upgrade card of spirit beasts, but some good things obtained in battle, such as the opponent's holy artifact, some rare resources, Yang Ling does not need it, the system recycles!


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