"Yang Xiaotu called the commander."

"Commander, please answer when you hear."

Miss 2B came to the news.

Yang Ling smiled slightly, crawled out of the bed and put on clothes, walked to the balcony and smiled lightly: "Received."


A phantom of Yang Xiaotu's electronic signal appeared in front of her eyes. This was a function of Mechanical Heart. As her master, Yang Ling could directly connect without any media.

Yang Xiaotu flattened his chest with one hand and said, "Hello, Commander."

"The subordinates have basically investigated the situation of Haiyue City and drew a map. Do you need to send it to you?"

"Well, send it over."

After Yang Ling responded, a ray of light flashed in front of him, and a virtual electronic map immediately appeared. The bridges on the city and the bridge were clearly drawn in the dangerous terrain. She deserves to be the 2B lady with explosive mobility, really amazing!

With this hand, there are not many commanders who can complete such accurate drawings.

Yang Ling said with satisfaction: "It's done well."

Yang Xiaotu was praised. There was no excitement on his face, and his voice was still so determined: "Commander, do we need to start a war against Hailan City?"

"Subordinates feel that they can start a war immediately regardless of their interests or the overall strategic situation."

Yang Xiaotu knew everything, and even knew that Liu Muhan was in a state of reincarnation. This was the past time, not the present time.

In essence, she is second only to Yang Xiaoling, with her own personality and mobility, Yang Ling's clone.

Of course, Yang Ling didn't regard her as another pure self like Yang Xiaoling, but as a living person.

Hearing Miss 2B’s suggestion, Yang Ling smiled lightly: “Your proposal is very good, Little Rabbit, come back to me immediately and prepare to call the army to fight against the alien race.”

"Yes! Commander!"

After finishing this communication, Yang Ling moved into the space of desire.

Standing in front of the earthy yellow furnace, Yang Ling threw in the garbage spoils obtained from these two wars, and some ordinary weapons, materials, food and other unusable things, catalyzing the birth of earth puppets.

Some of the trash produced in the original wish space was thrown into the furnace by the Void Walker to produce puppets, and now the number has reached two thousand.

But it is far from enough.

Under the infusion of a large amount of materials, the entire puppet palace was lit up, and the next moment, the puppets of the earth element kept coming out, densely packed, and three thousand puppets appeared in an instant.

Their strengths are all in the Houtian Realm and Transcendence Realm, and in short they are the role of cannon fodder.

It is estimated that after all the garbage is thrown in, an army of about 150,000 puppets will be produced. At that time, they will attack the city first, and use the method of fighting to raise the battle.

Looking at the maids scattered around the space, Yang Ling smiled faintly and left the wish space.

On the second day, Xiaotu Yang returned. In this era, the game of Neil has not been released yet. As a very popular heroine in the future, Miss 2B is not recognized in this era.

Yang Ling took her and the two maids around on this day. Taohua had already settled on the age of the ID card. In the afternoon, Pomegranate had also completed the purchase of the villa and office space.

In the next half day, Yang Ling asked the maids to arrange everything very efficiently, and moved directly into the villa at night.

Of course, she still brought Yang Xinlei.

It was the first time my sister-in-law lived in such a good house, and there was a maid serving her at home, which made her feel a little restless, and finally decided to take a bubble bath in the new bathroom and passed out because of the comfort.

It was Yang Ling who helped her move out of the bathtub personally...


Late at night, in the lobby of the villa, Yang Ling confirmed that Yang Xinlei was asleep, took Yang Xiaotu and the two maids, and disappeared directly into the villa.

After a while, Haiyue was outside the city.

As soon as Yang Ling waved his hand, 150,000 puppets suddenly appeared. At the same time, there were 68 fighting maids and 68 comprehensive maids.


"Enemy attack!!"

The Sea Clan sentry suddenly found a large number of alien races, and immediately blew the horn, and the entire Haiyue City became a mess.

On the other side, everyone, including Yang Xiaotu, knelt before Yang Ling, waiting for the master to give orders.

Yang Ling smiled faintly: "This battle is focused on plundering supplies. Our main force is still puppets. You are ready to fight a protracted battle."

"The commander-in-chief of this battle is me, deputy commander-in-chief Stella."

"The first team of combat maids attacked the north gate, the second team attacked the south gate, the third team attacked the east gate, and the fourth team attacked the west gate."

"The four squads go forward together. After breaking the city gate, they occupy the city wall and block the enemy's reinforcements. The internal street fighting will be taken care of by the puppet army."


The fighting maid girls took orders loudly.

Yang Ling continued: "The comprehensive maid rushed to the granary, treasury and other resource warehouses in the city, and must be taken as soon as possible, and then stay at the resource point, and the guard waits for the next order."


The integrated maid girls took the lead.

Yang Ling looked at Miss 2B, and handed the orb that could be transformed into a puppet palace to her and said, "Little rabbit, you take the peach blossom and pomegranate to capture the city lord's palace, and then unfold the puppet palace."

"Come to a center to blossom."

"Yes! Commander!"

Miss 2B salutes her orders.

After simply assigning the task, Yang Ling looked at Stella and said, "You are the commander of the scene."

"Everyone, I declare, war!"


Yang Ling's voice fell, and a horn sounded in the puppet army. The next moment, the four teams of combat maids rushed out first, turned into blue rays, and rushed directly to the four city gates.

However, for a few breaths, the explosion of the city gate sounded in all four directions at the same time. The battle maid was too strong and the speed was too fast. These sea people who defended the city had not reacted yet, and the city gate had been lost.

The maids rushed to the castle tower as they chopped melons and vegetables, and immediately killed the guards on the castle tower.


There was another miserable howl, and the earth puppet army began to rush towards the undefended city. When the Sea Clan reinforcements came from the city, the puppet army had already rushed into the city from different directions.

The next moment, several torrents crashed into each other, and the Sea Clan warriors were the first to face each other, and they suffered a loss.

The Five Elements Turk Water, although in terms of individual combat capability, the Earth element puppets are lower than the Sea Clan soldiers, but when the attributes are mutually restrained, they will suffer a loss.

For a while, blood ran into a river, and people's heads rolled, so tragic.

Miss 2B looked at Yang Ling, and when she saw Yang Ling nodded, she drew two long knives from behind, turned into a silver light, and rushed directly into the city. The oncoming Sea Clan masters were cut into pieces by her. In half.


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