Yang Ling chuckled and said, "This is what you said wrong."

"We are husband and wife, you just served me, now it's my turn to serve you!"

When he said that he was about to act, Liu Muhan giggled and turned off the light.

For the next week, Yang Ling and Mu Han were playing every day, and experienced the feeling of honeymoon. At the same time, two war chests were in hand!

The war on the bottom of the sea is constantly escalating. Reinforcement forces from all sides of the sea race rushed to support. The earth puppets took advantage of the attributes and launched a counterattack. The situation became increasingly anxious, and they had already repelled a dozen counterattacks.

Yang Ling doesn't care about these data, even if it is a big victory here, its significance is very limited.

Only resources and war chests are what he cares about.

After days of fierce fighting, in addition to the two war chests, two billion catties of spiritual liquid and more than 300 pieces of various magic weapons were obtained. As for magical weapons and spiritual weapons, they were all thrown into the puppet furnace. Turned into energy and used to generate new puppets.

Two days later, when the third war treasure chest was obtained, Liu Muhan sensed that his reincarnation was about to end, and hurriedly told Yang Ling.

Yang Ling grabbed Liya back with a concentric knot for the first time.

Léa, who was forcibly captured, was still confused.

"Ding, you have fulfilled Léa's wish to meet you and your little aunt, and your wish is worth +100 points."

In the villa, Léa giggled and said, "Dad, little aunt, look at me!"

"My cultivation base is amazing!"

Yang Ling was surprised: "Half Saint?!"

"Daughter, did you give Kalan Star to the blood sacrifice again?"

"what the hell!"

Lya pouted: "How can I be so bad!"

"I have recovered all the energy of the altar from the previous walk, but unfortunately I don't leave anything else, I can only use it to improve my realm!"

"Dad, I was almost killed by Lei Jie, look at me!"

"Your nanny's supernatural powers, help me recover!"

She said that she took off her coat and only wore **** and panties. His skin was still very fair. There were burns on many places on his body and thighs.

Liu Muhan looked distressed, and Yang Ling said in surprise: "The disaster?"


Liya said: "Unexpectedly, I have touched the wind and fire, and my talent has been jealous."

While talking here, Liu Muhan pulled her onto the sofa, but when she saw Xiao Muhan gently brush her wound, the original burn was healed immediately.

"Fanghua for a moment!"

Lya's eyes widened and said: "Oh my god, my aunt, you are actually capable of daddy's magic!"

Liu Muhan was able to use Yang Ling's divine passage technique in a short time, and anyone with supernatural power talismans could use it, it was so perverted.

She complained: "You kid, you ran into outer space without paying attention."

"As your dad said, you have to tie it to your waistband for twenty-four hours."

"No! I'm doing business this time, not fun!"

Léa hugged Liu Muhan and kissed Xiao Muhan on the cheek. "I thought I was the most beautiful girl in the world. I didn't expect my eighteen-year-old aunt to be better than me. Still beautiful!"

"And it's so soft! Huh? It smells like father!"

"Let me hug!"

As expected of Yang Jinlei, the little mouth is so sweet!

Looking at the two girls on the sofa, Yang Ling breathed a sigh of relief.


Yang Jinlei is very beautiful, and the storm has passed. Is this the rhythm of invincibility?

However, her promotion to the semi-sacred realm has triggered the catastrophe, isn't it necessary to promote her to the holy realm?

Yang Ling began to faintly worry again, even though she often scorned her daughter, she was still very distressed.

While Liu Muhan helped Liya heal the injury, he directly checked the two abilities of his daughter.

Commander 99, Politics 27.

Good guy, Yang Jinlei is too serious about this deviation!

The 99-point commander is 7 points higher than Liu Muhan, which is equal to full value, and the position of the general governor is well-deserved.

With this commanding ability, Yang Ling can safely and boldly hand over all the family's army to her precious daughter.

But what is going on with this politics!

27 o'clock!

If she is an ordinary girl, there is nothing to say, as a princess, the real power of the empire, this value is terrible.

If you are mediocre, Nima is outrageous!

Combining Yang Jinlei's temperament and character, if he and Liu Muhan go out and let their daughter imprison the country, a proper tyrant!

The key is that she is really the third person in charge of the empire or family besides herself and Mu Han!

Regardless of her younger generation, it's really a critical moment, if Yang Ling and Liu Muhan are no longer, everyone must listen to her, she is the eldest daughter!

But with this political ability, she deserves to be a woman who destroys the planet at every turn, so I am angry!

Yang Ling was so angry with her daughter that she secretly made up her mind to change her tyrant's character!

At this time, Liu Muhan just healed all the scars on Leya's body, and suddenly sensed something, and hurriedly said: "Husband! Two hours!"

"Samsara is about to end!"

"it is good."

Yang Ling's heart moved. At the same time, Miss 2b who was in the city lord's mansion suddenly sat up and said in a deep voice: "The master has an order, we must rush back to city s within an hour!"

"Otherwise, I can't go back!"

Stella immediately issued the order, and the maids also received Yang Ling's withdrawal order at the first time. Everyone began to move quickly, and after gathering the last batch of resources, they began to retreat.

The integrated maid can't fly and is carried by the combat maid. Miss 2b is the fastest.

The Sea Clan who came to support couldn't stop this group of great abilities at all, and there was no one left in an instant.

As for some of the soil puppets left behind, just don't need them.

One hour later, Miss 2b and the maids entered the wish space, and Stella entered the imperial spirit bag, ready to evacuate.

In the living room, Liu Muhan said, "Is nothing left out?"

"Aling, do you want to make a call with your mother and Aunt Leier before leaving?"

"No need!"

Yang Ling smiled and said: "After we go back, their memories are connected by inheritance."

Sure there was nothing left, the family of three waited while talking and chatting. Sure enough, the light gate appeared an hour later, and the next moment the three were stepped into the gate of time.

With a flower in front of him, Yang Ling, Liu Muhan and Liya returned to their world.

Familiar palace, this is my home.

The three looked at each other, their eyes were full of smiles.

At the next moment, Liu Muhan exclaimed that because of her eternal relationship, her cultivation base was the same as Yang Ling's semi-sacred realm. After the reincarnation, her body changed again, and Gungun Zhenqi began to condense into the power of Saint Yuan!

The benefits of the body of reincarnation are here!

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