Divine Wish System for Total Domain Domination

Chapter 2126: Come, everyone, meet the ancestors!

A lot of luxury cars drove up in line, the scene was extremely shocking.

In the sky, the beam lights of the two helicopters swept around on various vehicles, because Yang Ling and Liya both had trackers, and they were quickly found by the pilots.

The beam of light was replaced with soft colored lights and shining on Yang Ling and Liya wearing sunglasses.

"Fuck/slot? What's the situation?"

"We just gather people to smoke, don't have to be so exaggerated!"

The men were shocked and hurriedly pinched out the cigarette butts.

On the other side, after determining the location, a bunch of luxury cars stopped just like that regardless of whether they violated the traffic rules. The rich and famous ladies hurriedly got out of the car and ran in the direction of Yang Ling!

"Hey! Dong Wang! Isn't this Dong Dong from Dada Group?"

"Miss Chu! It's the famous Bai Fumei and Chu Meimei!"

"Dong Lu! Boss Han! Look at that is the superstar Cordier! What are they doing in a hurry!"

Those who get on and off the luxury cars are all well-known people, and some are even influential people. Without exception, they are the rich and the rich!

One by one, they were running fast on the road, afraid of falling behind. The scene was very rare and spectacular.

Everyone's eyes widened, watching this group of people ran to the place where the lights gathered, and their eyes quickly scanned the group of men in front of them.

Good guys, being watched by so many rich and famous ladies, this group of elders who were still talking and laughing just now are silent and at the same time confused.

When did smoking commit such a serious crime?

Or did they slander the lovers of these bosses? No need to do this!

Several elders are about to cry.

At this time, boss Lu confirmed Yang Ling's identity. He was Lu Kexin's father, an old friend, and he still had a bit of vision.

Boss Lu said eagerly: "Ancestor, I found you!"

"Everyone join me to meet Old Ancestor Yang and Miss Jin Lei!"

I saw all the rich and famous ladies bend down almost at the same time, and said neatly: "I have seen Old Ancestor Yang, I have seen Missy!"

The voice was loud and spread far away.

The next moment, the audience was silent.

Even the roar of the engine disappeared on the road, and he fell into silence for an instant.

"Old Ancestor Yang?"

"Big? Miss?"

Isn't it A Ling and Miss Jin Lei?

This idea came up in everyone’s mind, combining the Helicopters and Motorcycles of the Human Alliance, together with this group of top wealthy people.

Needless to say, it must be!

At the next moment, everyone reacted. Many people jumped out of the car and didn't know who was taking the lead. Everyone said loudly, "Good Yang Ling!"

"Hello Miss!"

A look of helplessness appeared on Yang Ling's face, Liya giggled and said: "I was seen through!"

While speaking, he took off his sunglasses and hat, revealing his true colors.

Léa's looks are considered the top ones at home, let alone running outside.

At the moment she showed her true face, all the men who saw her had a feeling of rapid heartbeat, as if recalling the breath of youthful love.

All the celebrities in the field were beaten down.

The difference in charm value is too obvious.


Everyone's eyes were on the man next to Léa, Yang Ling helplessly took off his sunglasses and hat, and smiled lightly: "Hello everyone."


There was no sound.

The next moment, there was a scream, and then the audience was in an uproar!

"Ah!! It's really A Ling!"

"Long live A Ling!"

"Woo, I saw Aling, life is so beautiful."

"A Ling looks good, I seem to be pulling his hand"

Everyone cheered in excitement, and the rich and famous ladies also beamed in their eyes, with expressions of wishfulness.

In addition to successfully flattering, everyone also received A Ling.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I will tell my grandchildren in the future that I have personally received Mr. Yang before. What a glorious past.

"Ding, you have fulfilled everyone's wish to see you, and the value of wishing +1000 points."

"Ding, you have fulfilled the wish of the rich and famous ladies to receive your wish. The wish is worth +1000 points."

It is directly full, earning a wave of wishing value on the spot.

At this time, Han Yaqin also came over. Yang Ling looked at everyone and found that a fat man among the rich was peeking at the female car owner before.

The female car owner was also standing honestly at the moment, and in front of A Ling, she wouldn't dare to spit her temper no matter how big she was.

Yang Ling smiled lightly: "Mr He, do you know that girl?"

Mr. He didn't expect that A Ling would call his own name. He hurriedly said: "I know I know, I am the lover I have raised and raised."

Be frank and lenient.

Yang Ling mentioned that he didn't dare to lie, and immediately treated everything truthfully.


Lya couldn't help laughing, everyone's eyes immediately looked at Mr. He and then at the female car owner, with a weird look in his eyes.

Good guy, let's not talk about this junior, President He is afraid that he will suffer a lot after returning home.

"Ding, you shattered Mr. He who doesn't want you to mention your desire, attribute points + 8 points (justice value)."

"Ding, you have fulfilled the wish of those big masters who wished to reason correctly, wishing value +377 points (justice value

Yang Ling twitched his mouth and said amusedly: "I didn't ask you what the relationship was, why I exposed myself."

"Okay, your lover blocked the car in the middle of the road and asked her to move her position. As for the accident, you can deal with it as you please."

"Yes Yes Yes."

He had a cold sweat on his head, winking at the woman, but the woman couldn't move the car because she was afraid of nervousness, and it was difficult to walk.

Yang Ling smiled and shook his head and said: "Okay, don't block here, open the way."

After saying this, he nodded to the group of big masters just now, and said hello, and then Liya and others walked to their car.

As parting, Léa turned to look at them and giggled: "Goodbye, uncles!"

Quietly, what a polite child!

Whether it's Yang Ling or Liya, their behavior really flattered them.

A Ling talked to herself for so long, but the eldest lady said goodbye to uncle

Oh, life is complete and there are no regrets.

A few people couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Ding, you have fulfilled the great master's wish for a fulfillment in life, and the wish value is +377 points."

A small turmoil ended. Alliance helicopters and motorcycles opened the road ahead. Dozens of luxury cars were guarding a BMW i8 on both sides, and they drove toward Dajiang Wharf quickly or slowly.

Sitting in the car, Yang Ling looked at the scenery backwards on both sides, with soft eyes and a faint smile on her mouth.

I don't know when I started, I still got to this position.

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