Divine Wish System for Total Domain Domination

Chapter 2130: Bright and warm sunshine (1)


Yang Ling did not speak, but a nice female voice rang in her ear.

The next moment, everyone only felt a flower in front of them, but Léa suddenly appeared.

She took Yang Ling's arm, looked at the girl who seemed to be about her age and snorted, "I'm sorry, my dad said that I can drink with me and can't dance with you."

"Let's go back."


The face of the girl in the black dress was embarrassed, and everyone's heart sank.

Appeared, the legendary female villain!

"Go ahead."

Liya waved her hand gently, and a gentle force wrapped the girl in the long skirt. Her whole body was lifted off the ground, but she slowly floated backwards, knowing that she could only land after a distance of more than ten meters.

Directly use the repair base!

Yang Jinlei made it clear that he would not let any girl close to his father!

This villain does not give a chance!

The faces of the ladies all showed awkward expressions.

Yang Ling rolled his eyes, how could his daughters drag oil bottles?

This is not the beginning!

He looked at Han Yaqin next to him. As a confidant, Han Yaqin almost immediately understood what the boss meant. When he stopped Yang Jinlei, he said, "Little Jinlei, your dad will have a meeting for everyone soon, so let's not disturb him. "

"Don't you like to play dnf? My sister knows that you can go online on this cruise ship. I will buy you fashion clothes."


Lya was taken aback for a moment, with a tangled expression on her face, and finally couldn't help it. She turned her head to look at Yang Hua and said, "Uncle Ahua, don't let the messy women approach my dad!"

"Otherwise you also know what my dad's wife does?"

"Huh? Huh? Yes, yes."

Yang Hua trembled in his heart, thinking to myself that I can't afford to offend your aunts, do you offend your father?

The fire at the gate of the city hit Chiyu, and he hoped that someone would punch him in the head now and he passed out a hundred.

Finally, the "villain" Yang Jinlei disappeared on his own, and the girls have another chance!

Another girl was eager to try again. Yang Ling was not in a hurry, and sat down at a nearby table with Yang Hua, and Yang Hua hurriedly poured him a glass of wine.

It's been a long time since I was so comfortable!

And regarding this domain dominance, he also has a candidate in his heart.

Sure enough, a girl immediately stepped forward and invited him to dance, but Yang Ling refused with a smile.

In a certain corner of the cruise ship, several girls in formal wear were looking at Yang Ling from a distance, with a trace of admiration in their eyes.

One of them was about seventeen or eighteen years old, a pure-looking girl with short, shoulder-length hair that looked extremely nervous.

This female Yang Ling knew and was one of the girls who triggered the intimacy evaluation most, but it was Miss Guan Chenxi who hadn't seen her for a long time!

In fact, Yang Ling has not forgotten her, but has never had the opportunity to talk to Guan Chenxi, and Yang Ling believes that fate cannot be forced and needs to go with the flow.

Tonight, the two met under such circumstances. The outside world very much hopes that Yang Ling can nod again to accept a mortal girl and send a clear signal.

auzw.com Yang Ling originally had an indifferent mentality, but the system prompted him to seriously consider this issue.

It can be said to be the right time and place!

Of course, as the party being attacked, Yang Ling would not take the initiative to talk to Guan Chenxi, no matter whether it was because of his status or the requirements of the system.

Success or failure can only be up to her.

As long as you go up, it is basically a stable win situation, it depends on whether she has the courage!

Next to Guan Chenxi, the girls all had expressions of eagerness, and they obviously wanted to go up and talk to Yang Ling.

Although I know that the chance of success is not high, even if I look at A Ling up close and talk to A Ling, it is not a loss!

What if it succeeds?

Steady profit without losing!

A beautiful girl looked at Guan Chenxi and said, "Chenxi, do you think my hair is so beautiful?"

"Is the clothes too bright, do you want to change them?"

Another girl in a dress also asked: "Chen Xi Chen Xi, you said I will go over, do you wear light gauze gloves or not?"

"Oh, you help me get an idea!"

"Chenxi, can you help me see this bow?"

The girls rushed to ask Guan Chenxi. Several Western girls were wearing oriental costumes, asking whether Xiao Chenxi's outfit was appropriate, hoping to make A Ling notice her.

There are no western girls in A Ling’s family, all oriental girls, this is enough to explain Yang Ling’s preferences

In fact, Guan Chenxi's family affairs are not qualified to board this cruise ship. Her family can only be regarded as a little money, a small business, and the people who come here are all wealthy tens of billions.

It was because Guan Chenxi had met Yang Ling, talked and ate together, and was also a nominal classmate of Yang Ling. (A classmate in the history department of the university, but Yang Ling never attended class.)

After learning this information, she was brought up by these young ladies.

On the entire cruise ship, like Guan Chenxi, the identity is not suitable for boarding, but for various reasons, there are many girls who come up, more than the real daughters, most of them are also look like daughters, beautifully dressed moving.

However, it can be seen from the expressions and expressions of these truly rich and powerful people that they actually look down on them.

The whole ship seems to be friendly, but in fact it has an invisible position and is divided into classes!

The girl who dared to approach A Ling and invited A Ling to dance, don't look at the nervous ones, all of them fainted because they were facing Yang Ling!

On the cruise ship, Yang Ling's family will not mention it for the time being, and Liu Tie's staff from the alliance will not mention that they belong to the first echelon and they need to be looked up to by others.

As for the celebrities and princes who "mixed" in, they said that the target could not be the existence of Yang Ling's level. Yang Hua and Han Yaqin didn't dare to think about it. Kaizi".

Here is the real Bai Fumei and Gaofushuai.

Here, Guan Chenxi said timidly: "I don't know what Student Yang likes."

"I met him a few times."

"is it?"

The faces of several wealthy daughters showed disappointment, and their eyes were somewhat contemptuous.

This woman approached the water platform and was next to A Ling. She did not get the favor of A Ling like Zhang Yurou and Chu Siyin. It was a waste of the best opportunity given by heaven.

If you feel like you have entered the door of the Yang family, you will fly onto a branch and become a phoenix!

Stupid woman!

Lost dog!

This is Guan Chenxi's positioning in the eyes of these young ladies.

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