Divine Wish System for Total Domain Domination

Chapter 2147: The long-destined enemy



Yang Ling said indifferently: "Sure enough, there is no wise person who came to want to die together."

"Want to be famous in history?"

"I was captured in one round, so why should I go down in history?"


The third prince said angrily: "Yes, you Yang Ling ranks number one, you are indeed invincible in the world, but so what?"

"Today you are dead or not!"

"Don't worry, you may not be able to laugh next."

The voice fell, but he suddenly crushed the blood orb in his hand!


After a blast, the sky was full of blood mist, it was so spectacular to cover the sky.

It's just that the blood mist is rapidly condensing, but within a few blinks, the sky of blood mist condenses rapidly, turning into a mighty middle-aged man.

This person wears a crown on his head and a pale yellow long gown robe, pointing to the sky and the earth, and there is a surging momentum coming.

This is not the first time Yang Ling has seen him, he is undoubtedly the emperor of the wild tribe!

As soon as the savage emperor came out, his icy eyes swept across the people on the boat coldly. Almost all of them had a feeling of guts, and they couldn't even stand firmly.

Without the slightest amount of true energy, just standing in the air, the pressure on the barbaric emperor made the people on the ship difficult to breathe and unable to move.

The people in this boat are all rich and powerful bosses, and they are the superiors themselves, which shows the majesty of the emperor of the wild tribe.

This person just glanced indifferently at the people on board, then looked at Yang Ling, and said in a deep voice, "Yang Ling, I thought that the greatest enemy of my clan was Heaven, the Drunken Sword Immortal and Hua Siyi."

"But now it seems that your threat is not under them."

"is it?"

Yang Ling looked indifferent under the gaze of the emperor of the wild tribe, without any influence at all.

Not to mention that this is just a clone, even if it is the emperor of the wild tribe, Yang Ling is not afraid, he is the reincarnation of the fairy!

"I feel that the greatest threat to our human race is not your wild race, you emperor, you are nothing but good."

Yang Ling's voice was flat, but he was talking despised.

The emperor of the savage tribe is not good enough!

The implication is just so-so!

As soon as these words came out, the emperor of the wild tribe sank completely, and the three princes behind him roared, "Bullish!"

"Yang Ling, you are so bold. My father is a holy realm. You can even dare to talk to him like that in a congenital realm!"

"Father can suppress you with just one finger, bastard!"

"Unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable!"

The three royal clans were furious, as if their spirits were out of control, because his father was the supreme existence in his heart. Yang Ling's words were simply an insult to his faith!

"Ding, you crushed the Three Princes and others. I hope you can respect the wishes of the emperor of the wild tribe. The attribute points are +277."

"Ding, you have fulfilled the human race's wish that you can not fear the emperor of the wild race, and the wish value is +2000."

The savage emperor looked at Yang Ling and suddenly laughed, haha!

The sound was shaking, and the whole river was surging.

After laughing, he said solemnly: "This is the first time I have met a young man who dared to speak to me like this."

"Since ancient times, a hero was born a young man, Yang Ling, you are indeed a rare hero of the human race for thousands of years."

auzw.com "Also, if you are too unbearable, you also look boring."

Seeing Yang Ling looking at him faintly, the emperor of the Wild Tribe just sneered, and suddenly stretched out a finger and said: "One move, one person."

"Yang Ling, under the Oblivion Orb, no one can survive."

"Every time you pick me up, I can let someone go."

"Of course, you can't go, nor can your daughter on the boat."

Yang Ling looked at the savage emperor in surprise, and suddenly sneered: "Your deity is still asleep, right?"

"A clone is a clone. Whether it is eyesight or insight, it should be far from comparable to your deity."

"Your Excellency didn't think that your cultivation in the semi-sacred realm would defeat me?"

"Or, I really think that an Oblivion Orb can kill our father and daughter?"


The emperor of the wild tribe sneered and said: "If you are in danger, you will not be chaotic, so it is a suspicion."

"I have read some classics of your human race. You are not Zhuge Liang, and I am not Sima Yi. You don't need to sing the empty city plan."

"One move one person, this is the respect I give you."

"See the real chapter under your hand."

When the voice fell, this person exuded extremely condensed wild aura, turned into a yellow giant axe, like an axe that opened the sky and the earth, hanging in the sky, the power even covered the bright moon, it was amazing!

Many human bosses and celebrities saw this kind of power and immediately paralyzed on the ground with a soft fright.

Looking at the huge axe in the sky, Yang Ling's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

"I once heard that the ancient gods had a magic technique called Ghost Axe Shengong Daxianshu. Its shape has been recorded and passed down, but it is quite similar to the one used by your Excellency."

"Could it be that your barbarians are related to the heavenly gods."


The savage emperor's face changed in an instant, and he shouted sharply, "Yang Ling, you know too much!"


The terrible giant axe chopped down, and the surrounding space was avoided, as if the world was going to be split apart, it really had the power to open up the world.

It has to be said that even if it is only a clone of the semi-sacred realm, this barbaric emperor is outrageously strong.

God knows how far his deity will reach.

"Heaven Protoss Wild Clan"

"The river of fate is rolling forward, past and present, perhaps the enemy is already doomed"

Yang Ling whispered to himself, the next moment, he grabbed it with a big hand!


Da Ri Beng Tian carried the terrible Ziyang real fire, forming a huge palm, and grabbed it all over the world!

In the next moment, the huge palm and the terrifying giant axe collided in mid-air, and the energy storm formed under the mutual consumption of true energy. The whole world was violently windy, the waves above the river were turbulent, the sky was steaming, and the scene was extremely spectacular!

Whether it's the human race or the other races, facing such a scene, they have all been dumbfounded.

The giant axe was shrouded in Ziyang's real fire, and it collapsed after just resisting it for a moment!


The savage emperor was obviously taken aback, but a cold light flashed before his eyes, and his head had fallen to the ground.

The sacred weapon-level Longyuan Sword is faster than lightning. Although Yang Ling's realm is comparable to this clone, his strength is crushed!

Completely crushed!

His clone has the most power of three dragons, and Yang Ling's power has reached a terrifying 21 dragon power!

It is not an order of magnitude at all, and the gap is too big.

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