Qin Kuang saw that it was a giant bat.

The body alone is the size of a kitten.

After the wingspan, there is a full meter.

What is terrible is not its sharp fangs, but the sound wave attack produced by the rapid whistling.

Huang Wanyu said anxiously, "brother Qin, what happened?"

Qin Kuang said, "it's just a bat that can send out sound waves to attack."

Huang Wanyu saw the bat fall through the telescope, and she couldn't help looking strange.

"It should be mutated bats. It's normal to have some evil things in this place and even in the place of Yin."

Huang Wanyu finished, but her face changed.

"Brother Qin, it's foggy down here. Hurry up."

Qin Kuang also found out.

As he descended, the rock was like a sauna, and a thick and gloomy fog was coming out.

The fog on the body, like ice cold heart.

The average person to this point, the body has begun to become stiff.

Qin Kuang used the secret method of tortoise breathing to soothe tendons and activate blood circulation, but it was not greatly affected.

However, communication began to go wrong, and all that came was a lot of noise.

There is no response. Seeing Qin crazy disappear in the fog, Lin Feifei is so shocked that he will order Qin crazy to come up.

However, Huang Wanyu stopped her.

"Trust brother Qin."

The telescope lost its function and couldn't see through the thick fog at all.

And in the sky, the sun is blocked by clouds.

Huang Wanyu thought: "is the sun in the sky the key to fog?"

Qin Kuang clicks on his helmet and turns on the night vision function.

The dart whizzed out of his hand.

In the thick fog, there was a strange roar.

Another bat was killed.

But more bats came.

They are like a group of defenders, defending their territory.

Lock in Qin Kuang and start a crazy song.

Sound wave attack, seemingly invisible, but powerful.

Qin Kuang felt that his head was assassinated by countless sharp blades, which made him feel pain.

He roared out all the discomfort.

The wrist dart in hand is more like a sharp tool for precise navigation, which can accurately attack and kill bats.

One bat fell down into the abyss, bloody.

On the ground, white bone invades blood, slowly infiltrates, the breath is more gloomy.

Qin Kuang hung in the void, a little nervous.

It's not fear, it's instinct.

Magnetic anomalies, coupled with bat acoustic attacks.

Ordinary people can't survive at this depth.

Even wearing a helmet, Qin Kuang feels a lot of pressure.

However, he belongs to the kind of people who are more frustrated and more brave.

In the face of pressure, on the contrary, it has stimulated a greater sense of war.

On the helmet, the numbers are still soaring.

A bat died under Qin Kuang's wrist dart.

He is more proficient in the control of wrist darts.

The temperature has reached minus 20 degrees.

Qin Kuang is only a few meters away from the ground.

White smoke mixed with fog, and the air was full of disgusting poison gas.

To the eye, it's all dead bones.

Among them, there are not only human bones, but also countless bones of birds and animals.

These bones, without exception, are white and luminous.

Qin Kuang was about to go down to the ground, but his eyes were frozen and his scalp felt numb.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

A piercing sound came.

It's like the water in the sulfuric acid pool is dissolving the cattle and sheep that accidentally fall in.

Only a few minutes later, half of the dead bat has been corroded.

Qin Kuang took a cool breath.

Fortunately, I have a helmet and second-generation armor.

Otherwise, just being exposed to the air would be a heavy blow.

Although Nirvana people have space helmets to protect their heads, they ignore their bodies.

Qin Kuang hung in the air, carefully observed, and finally found some rules.

Under the earth, where there are most white bones, the more corrosive gas is.

In his heart, he turned on the detection function of the helmet according to the method taught by Huang Wanyu.

Suddenly, the picture changed.

All kinds of data are changing rapidly.

The air index and the concentration of toxin dazzled Qin Kuang.

At a glance, those corroded places are obviously different from other places.

Wisps of green poison gas, like jets all over the earth.

All the bodies in front of the jet were corroded into white bones.

But Qin Kuang also found that there was nothing where there was no jet.

It seems that these bodies automatically ran to the spout, willing to be corroded.

It's amazing to organize the third generation of equipment.

Human computer interaction has become like science fiction movies.

Although the data cannot be transmitted back to the ground, there is no problem in the local storage analysis.

Qin Kuang suddenly realized.

It turns out that these jets are small magnetic fields.

Numerous small magnetic fields are combined to form a strong magnetic zone.

When the corpses of these animals fall from the sky, they cause the gravitational fluctuation of the magnetic field, so they are involuntarily pulled to the jet mouth.

When the nozzle is attracted, super corrosive liquid is ejected.

The whole process is like a creature hunting for food.

Only Qin Kuang, who can resist the influence of brain waves and body corrosion, can avoid this fatal trap.

Knowing the reason, Qin Kuang jumped down the rock and landed on the ground.

In the infrared night vision, he can clearly see each jet point, so as to avoid perfectly.

In front of the bones of the two nirvanas, Qin Kuang was speechless.

The nirvana has become white bone, and the helmet rolls to one side.

He shakes his hand and shoots a wrist dart, entangles his helmet and pulls it back.

It's worthy of being the latest product of NASA m. It's very strong and without any damage.

However, compared with the three generations of equipment organized by Shenzhou, there are many gaps.

At least, it doesn't shrink into a collar.

Qin Kuang tied up the two helmets, pulled the rope hard, and sent out a signal.

The staff above immediately turned on the machine and recovered the rope.

Qin Kuang has a wrist dart. This is not a Jedi for him.

To explore well, we must untie the rope.

In addition to the ground is full of bones, gloomy.

The walls of the rock are also full of holes.

One by one, dark and cold.

There are countless pairs of eyes looking at him coldly.

Strange current sound, strong magnetic Zizi sound.

Staggered, forming a strange magnetic field.

Without helmet protection, even if Qin ran the turtle breathing secret method, he would go crazy in an instant.

It's an underground jet point that forms a complex pattern.

Looking at the pattern on the virtual screen, Qin's face suddenly changed.

It was like a Phoenix.

It has a pointed mouth, wings and a long tail.

Is this coincidence or deliberate?

It seems to feel the breath of a stranger, and the jets below are all active.

On the virtual screen, the data is soaring.

Every jet port sends out a terrible strong magnetic signal.

Qin Kuang was in a cold sweat.

Even if there is helmet protection, the head is bursting pain.

It seems that there are countless voices, crying and laughing.

Murmur, murmur, howl.

Even the eight o'clock market in the morning is not as noisy as one tenth.

What's more, these sounds, like spirituality, go straight into the brain.

It's going to burst his brain.

All kinds of negative emotions are flooding in.

Eleven years ago, J City Tower.

Qin Ao reaches out his hand and pushes his sister down the building. Then he points at him and screams.

Acting like a God, no one does not believe it.

Father was desperate and angry.

People despise and ridicule.

He cried and begged.

But no one would believe him.

He was beaten, imprisoned, expelled from his family, exiled and suffered a lot.

"Qin Ao, Xiao Peizhi, you are so cruel!"

"I'll kill you!"

His eyes were red with blood, he let out a roar and hit hard.


The bones in front of him burst and flew.

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