Everything ahead is unknown.

Qin Kuang is very careful.

If there are no creatures in this dangerous place, it will be metamorphosis.

Going forward, the environment is much better.

The temperature is also gradually rising.

Finally, it reached zero.

Although it's cold, it won't do harm to human body.

Are you going to leave the magnetic field?

Qin Kuang looked at his watch. There was no signal on it.

This is the latest product of the organization, a high-tech product that claims to be able to transmit signals in 10000 meters of deep sea!

This shows that it is still under the influence of strong magnetic field.

Qin crazy helpless, had to move on.

After walking for more than ten kilometers, a ray of light suddenly came from the front.

Qin was overjoyed and finally found the exit.

A person walking in the dark for so long, also Qin crazy psychological endurance is super strong, ordinary people have long collapsed.

Looking at the light coming from the cave, he finally showed a comfortable smile.

It's time to escape.

Although no stone carving of creation has been found, it is a happy thing to survive from a monster worth 10000.

He pushed forward and squeezed out of the narrow cave.

I was about to cheer, but the voice stuck in my throat.

The smile froze and the face was full of horror.

If you are familiar with Qin Kuang, I am afraid you will be even more shocked.

It's too hard for Qin Kuang to show such an expression.

"How can it be? I should not be in miasma, hallucination, right

Qin Kuang patted his helmet. He couldn't believe it.

The situation in front of him really overturned his world outlook.

Outside the exit, it turned out to be a valley.

The green hills are green and the trees are shady.

The sound of the spring is loud.

If you were in any of the mountains and rivers in China, Qin Kuang would feel normal.

But the helmet shows that this is not the ground.

It's 3000 meters underground!

How is that possible?

Two hundred meters underground, it was dark.

Now 3000 meters underground, it's so bright.

Where does light source come from?

Qin looked wildly. The light was leaking from the sky.

Hundreds of meters of rock top, there are countless gaps.

Every light shines down from the crevice.

Helmet detection, the environment here is better than the ground.

No pollution, no harm.

To his disbelief, he saw some fruit trees.

Rows of apricot trees, distributed in the valley.

The golden fruit exudes an attractive fragrance.

A hundred meters away, Qin Kuang felt comfortable all over.

It seems that a cold breath is coming into my body.

Qin Kuang swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

While he was focusing on apricots, the helmet's intelligent program was doing sample analysis.

"Non toxic, contains 18 kinds of biological energy, Yin cold heavy, can be eaten in moderation."

Finally, the helmet gives a positive answer.

Qin was overjoyed and put away his helmet.

In the screen display, more than half of the energy has been consumed.

It's really powerful, but endurance is a big problem.

Qin Kuang reached out, picked a few fruits and put them into his mouth tentatively.

Suddenly, an indescribable sense of beauty burst in the mouth.

It's really fresh and tender to the extreme. It melts in the mouth and has endless aftertaste.

It's cold. It's like eating frozen jelly.

This shocked Qin Kuang's spirit and made him feel a little tired.

It's lingguo!

It must be one of the raw materials used by the moon watchers to brew monkey wine.

According to the taste of monkey wine, Qin Kuang immediately came to a conclusion.

Since it is such a precious spiritual thing, of course, we can't let it go.

Qin crazy crazy picking.

Soon the back pack was full.

However, there is still a lot left.

He a horizontal heart, also regardless of the helmet remind not to eat more, grab up to put in the mouth.

The satisfaction of that kind of food is beyond description.

Soon, Qin Kuang felt that his stomach couldn't hold on any longer.

He lay on the grass, shaking all over.

The auxiliary brain reminds that this thing has a heavy Yin cold breath, and Qin Kuang doesn't pay attention to it.

Because of his physique and brain power, far more than ordinary people.

But at the moment, he knew the consequences were serious.

The temperature of 0 ℃ could not hurt him.

But at the moment, the internal organs of the body are as cold as if they were placed in an ice bank at minus 30 degrees.

Greedy people, as expected, did not come to a good end.

If you want to cry without tears, you can roll all over the ground and move your body to increase heat and resist the cold.

Qin Kuang gives a roar and uses the turtle breathing secret method to expel the cold in his body.

Stimulated by the extreme cold, he felt as if his strength was growing.

Several hours have passed since the time came down. Qin Kuang knew that it was useless to be anxious.

He just started to explore the valley.

In addition to the apricot which contains the power of ice cold, he found several wild fruits.

After the helmet analysis, it contained rich energy and was edible, he began to eat it carefully.

The fruit trees under the direct light are all positive.

Qin Kuang has found the knack.

After eating one Yin cold fruit, eat another Yang fruit.

In this way, after strength synthesis, the body will be more comfortable.

Qin Kuang finished his exploration of the valley and had enough to eat.

It's back to its peak.

The effect of lingguo is really magical.

It's not only energy, it's full.

Under normal circumstances, if you eat more than ten, you will be full.

Qin crazy reluctant to part with looking at some of the remaining fruit.

It's too much for the backpack and stomach.

He found a way out.

The cliffs on both sides are like a line of sky.

There is only one narrow exit left.

Qin Kuang climbed up and walked for a while, but he was stunned.

Ahead, it's a cliff.

The width of the valley has refreshed his understanding.

But compared with here, the valley is not worth mentioning.

Looking at the world in front of him, Qin Kuang felt that he had not learned enough.

It's not an underground cave. It's an underground world.

Is Nirvana right?

Underground, is there really another world?

Qin frowned in disbelief.

Looking down, it is a piece of land with a drop of 100 meters.

It's hundreds of square kilometers by sight.

Up, the sky is hundreds of meters high.

Even above the sky, there are some mists, just like clouds.

If this kind of landform occurs on the ground, it's very common.

But it's thousands of meters underground.

In theory, this is a belt of crustal strata.

There shouldn't be anything but rocks.

What makes Qin crazy even more incredible is that he saw the sunshine through the trees.

How is that possible?

Is it that he is attacked by bat sound waves, affecting his brain and hallucinating?

Qin crazy quickly opened the helmet, completely isolated from the outside world.

Look again, the outside world remains the same.

He went to the front and felt the warmth of the sun shining on him.

Overhead, is there a sun?

Qin Kuang sees the right direction, shoots the wrist dart, incarnates the ape Mount Tai, and begins to climb.

Whoosh, whoosh!

He is very fast, and the distance of each leap reaches tens of meters.

Soon, to the top of the mountain.

Looking at the situation in front of him, he was shocked and uttered a exclamation.

"Too... Sun, how is that possible?"

Although he had guessed in advance, when he saw the huge object in front of him, he still couldn't help exclaiming in disbelief.

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