Ma Chao and Liu Piaoyu look at each other and smile, with deep disdain in their eyes.

"You are so barefoot that you are not afraid to wear shoes. Do you have 10 million?"

Ma Chao said playfully: "if you lose, climb three laps in the whole auto city and learn to bark while climbing. It's not far, it's only three thousand meters. "

Qin was speechless in his heart.

The villains all have similarities, and the punishment they think of is this kind of vulgar taste.

"OK, it's a deal."

Qin nods wildly. Anyway, he won't lose. No matter how big the bet is.

Liu Piaoyu complacently said: "Qin crazy, you are ready to climb the ground."

"Let's go to the motor city and buy a BMW first."

"Tomorrow, I'm going to take wedding photos in Shenlong villa. You can be envious."

"If I follow you, this dream will never come true."

Qin crazy light way: "if you don't have so snobbish, at the moment has been living in a villa."

Liu Piaoyu couldn't stand up straight with a smile: "even if you brag and cheat others, don't cheat yourself."

Qin Kuang shrugged his shoulders and said, "believe it or not, anyway, it has nothing to do with you."

Liu Piaoyu hummed coldly and leaned into Ma Chao's arms on purpose.

"Honey, let's go in, don't let this kind of poor force without quality affect the good mood."

Ma Chao embraces her, deliberately provocative looking at Qin crazy, proud way: "dear, you are right, let's go."

Qin Kuang looked indifferent.

If there is no awakening memory, this scene may really stimulate him.

But gradually awakened memory of him, the day before yesterday at the moment of signing, has cut off all the resentment and Liu family.

Now Liu Piaoyu or Zhao Shuzhen, in his eyes, are passers-by.

"They have already gone far. I advise you to leave as soon as possible. You can't afford to offend these people."

The security guard looked at Qin Kuang coldly with disdain on his face.

Qin crazy light way: "you so sure I have no money?"

The security guard said in a cold voice: "even if you pretend to be x in front of your rival, do you still show off in front of Laozi? I've met more rich people than you've ever eaten. I can't tell who has money or not? "

"Get out of here while I'm in a good mood. Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite."

Security from Ma Chao and Liu Piaoyu's mouth, can also be regarded as an indirect understanding of the details of Qin crazy.

How can he treat this kind of incompetent waste?

"You'll pay for what you've done." Qin Kuang gave a faint smile.

"Grass, what are you to threaten me?"

The guard's eyes were cold. He raised the rubber stick in his hand and made a beating posture.

Qin Kuang smile, not angry.

"Why don't we make a bet? Just bet today is your last time as a security guard here. "

The security guard laughed: "I'm not a security guard. You don't count."

"I'll see what you can do to make me lose my job."

Qin Kuang said, "of course I don't have this ability, but maybe she can."

Song Qingling waves as Qin rushes over.

"Miss Song, the security of Dragon International is really powerful. Just by appearance, I can conclude that I have no money and I won't even enter the gate."

"It seems that kulinan can't be bought."

It was when Song Qingling saw Qin Kuang standing by the door that he strode over.

Smell speech, she almost smoke with anger.

She tried her best to win Qin's Carnival heart and try to change the image of Dragon International in his mind.

Who knows, this stupid security guard, let her all previous achievements.

Qin Kuang's impression of Dragon International must have dropped to the freezing point when he was treated like this.

"You, fired, go to the financial department to settle your salary."

Song Qingling said sternly.

The security guard was stunned: "Miss, i... I didn't do anything!"

Song Qingling didn't pay attention to him. Instead, he said to Qin Kuang with apologies: "brother Qin, you can't be disciplined. I'll make you laugh."

Her action almost made the security guard scream.

His face was full of disbelief.

How could the young lady bow to Qin Kuang to make amends?

This is ridiculous!

Qin looked at him with a smile and said, "look, I'm right. You lost."

The security guard was so scared that he knelt down and said in a trembling voice: "Mr. Qin, I have no eyes. Please forgive me and don't have the same opinion with me."

If you work as a security guard in other places, even if you're fired, it's no big deal.

But Dragon International is the green dragon club!

If you offend a distinguished guest of the Qinglong club, can you be dismissed?

No accident, tonight, he is likely to sink in the river.

This is no exaggeration, but Qinglong will use hundreds of years of hard work, standing up the prestige.

Qin Kuang did not speak, but a young man came panting.

"Qingling, you're running too fast. I'm so tired."

Young about 25 years old, a famous brand.

Rolex gold watch, diamond ring, customized gold necklace.

Shirts are even decorated with a few diamonds, showing luxury.

For ordinary people, this guy is wearing a suite.

Not only that, he also wears light smoky makeup, which looks like a little bit of cream.

Neutral hair and charming eyes made Qin Kuang shiver.

It seems that there is only Song Qingling in his eyes. He doesn't even look at Qin Kuang.

"Bold slave, how dare you make the young lady angry? You don't want to live."

He stepped forward and kicked the security guard to the ground.

The security guard didn't dare to fight back. He knelt down quickly and begged, "Jiang Shao, I'm sorry, it's my fault."

Jiang Shao scolded: "if you don't get down, I'm sure your life will be over."

With that, he came forward with a beating and kicking.

The security guard was so scared that he almost regretted.

He has trained his eyes for many years, but this time he failed.

This crazy Qin looks so ordinary. Unexpectedly, he is a friend of the eldest lady.

And this Jiang Shao has a big background, which makes him even less provocative.

Qin Kuang frowned slightly.

Although the security guard deserved the punishment, Jiang Shao was too domineering.

Jiang Shao finished teaching the security guard, and then he looked at Qin Kuang.

"Go away!"

He spoke in one word.

Fierce eyes, contains disgust, it seems that Qin crazy is stinky garbage, almost cover his nose.

Qin felt his nose wildly, some speechless.

"Jiang long, what are you doing? Apologize to brother Qin. "

This Jiang long is too ignorant.

If you offend the owner of the supreme black card, even if his family has a good eye in CNOOC, you can't be nice.

Jiang long frowned and said, "Qingling, do you call this migrant worker brother Qin?"

Song Qingling's face changed: "brother Qin, please don't have the same opinion with Jiang long. He is just a child who hasn't grown up."

Qin was speechless.

I'm twenty-four-five years old, and I'm still a child?

What are you?

However, he always kept a low profile and did not take Jiang Long's provocation to heart.

"It doesn't matter. Since it's a child, uncle, I'll forgive him."

Qin Kuang tone indifferent, like a real uncle in forgiving the child's offense.

Jiang long was so angry that his face became gloomy.

"What did you say? You are the child. "

Jiang long is stimulated by Qin Kuang's caring eyes.

His face was red, his neck was thick, and his eyes were frightening.

"Where did you come from? What's your intention to approach Qingling? If you don't make it clear today, don't blame me for being rude. "

Qin Kuang's eyes sank: "what do you want?"

In the past two years, although his temper has become very good, it does not mean that he is easy to bully.

"Leave Qingling immediately. What qualifications do you have for Qingling to call big brother?"

Jiang long looked up and down at Qin Kuang, showing his contempt.

Qin Kuang said faintly: "are you Song Qingling's boyfriend or brother? Even if we are close relatives, it's not your turn to point out the relationship between us. "

Song Qingling quickly explained: "brother Qin, I have nothing to do with him. Don't get me wrong."

Her hasty explanation was like adding fuel to the fire, making Jiang long almost out of control.

This tone, this air, clearly is very worried about Qin crazy will misunderstand.

This is the enemy of love.

He clenched his fist, and there was a terrible light in his eyes.

"No matter who you are, get out of Zhonghai immediately, and I'll take it as if nothing happened."

"Otherwise, it's not just you, it's all about you."

Such a threat made Qin mad.

"Zhonghai is worthy of being an important city of China, hidden dragon and crouching tiger!"

Qin Kuang tut exclaimed.

Song Qingling took a deep breath and scolded Jiang long: "Jiang long, apologize to brother Qin immediately, otherwise, we will break up with each other from now on."

Jiang Long's face turned white: "Qingling, we are childhood sweethearts. You want to break up with me for an outsider?"

"My Song Qingling is not like you, a friend who knows right from wrong and has no quality."

Song Qingling gave a cold hum, took Qin Kuang's hand and said, "brother Qin, let's go."


Qin Kuang wanted to refuse, but seeing Jiang long angry, he couldn't help laughing.

Very cooperative grasp Song Qingling's hand, red Jiang long blink, blatant provocation.

It's like Jiang long has been hit hard, and his blood is pouring up.

He has loved Song Qingling since he was a child, and has been in love with him for more than ten years.

He always felt that he was the only one who was worthy of Song Qingling.

In the past, those men who tried to get close to Song Qingling were driven away by him.

Song Qingling is just like his forbidden ghost. No one can peep at him.

But today, a migrant worker at the bottom of the society took the little hand of the goddess.

This picture is like a sharp knife stabbing at his heart, suffocating him.

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