Although the strength of these Nirvana people is very strong, the madness of Qin is not the beginning.

The lotus steps of the world of mortals unfold, cooperating with his skills of killing, just like ghosts.

Brush, brush.

Several cold awns chop down to dismember Qin's crazy knife.

Qin Kuang's body dodged like a ghost, looking for an impossible interval, and broke away.

The wrist vibrates.

The wrist dart is extremely hard and sharp with the help of energy.

In front of them, they didn't react. Their throat had been pierced and their blood was like a fountain.

Two people drop big knife, cover throat, kneel down on the ground, send out silk silk inspiratory sound.

"Nirvana, temple... Rebirth, no death, no annihilation!"

The last two words, but no longer able to say.

Qin Kuang has no time to pay attention to whether they can really enter the temple.

Because at the moment, more enemies are coming.

Their speed is the elite level of nirvana.

However, in Qin Kuang's eyes, it is like slow motion.

Qin Kuang's brain perception improved, making everything slow down in his eyes.

With his rich fighting experience and the sharpness of the wrist dart, he instinctively makes the most terrible killing attack in an instant.

Be quick and ruthless, without the slightest mercy!

One by one, Nirvana came and fell.

The bodies were piled up on the altar.

The blood has eroded the ground.


On the altar, the mysterious atmosphere became more and more intense, and there seemed to be sparks.

"Warning, warning, dangerous energy is about to leak, please evacuate as soon as possible."

In the helmet, Huang Wanyu's voice sounded, like Huang Wanyu's voice calling in her ear.

In the virtual picture, around the altar in front of us, there is already a red light flashing.

It seems that the huge power pile of terror is waking up.

Among them, Qin Kuang is just like a mole ant.

Qin Kuang ignored it.

At the moment, he was dominated by anger and hatred.

I just want to kill rosefinch and avenge my dead brothers.

So that his eyes became as red and terrible as those of nirvana.

The image of this demon God makes the crazy Nirvana people scared.

It's a felony to disturb the grand ceremony.

It is a great achievement to kill such blasphemers.

Even the executioner, with Qin Kuang as the target, launched a charge.

Song an was even more excited and roared: "Qin Kuang, the blasphemer, is the most wanted criminal in Nirvana. Kill him and enter the holy hall. He will have no worries in the next life."

"Everyone, it's time to purify and give birth to the true God."

All are crazy.

Some Nirvana take out the medicine directly and inject it at the maximum dose.

Roar, roar!

At the same time, they roared like beasts, and their eyes began to turn red.

Negative emotions dominate the mind.

The heart of killing keeps expanding.

Looking at Qin Kuang, he burst into a crazy laugh.

"Kill the blasphemers, enter the temple, and live forever. Rush!"

"A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Don't miss it."

"Kill, kill, kill all the blasphemers, long live my Lord."

They roared and rushed to Qin Kuang.

For a moment, hundreds of people surrounded the whole altar.

But song an, after bewitching, just smiles coldly and retreats to the rear.

"Crazy Qin, I'd like to see how you can escape under the siege of a hundred experts."

He showed an expression of anger.

Those who firmly believe in Nirvana in the next life are not afraid of the killing of Qin Kuang.

Even if there is only one last breath left, we will not give up the attack.

Under the fury of Qin Kuang, his fighting power was terrible.

He became a cold-blooded killing machine. Every time he made a move, he directly attacked the enemy's vital points without any mercy.

The roar of comrades in arms, hot blood.

Everything, just like yesterday.

Although he was fighting alone, he felt that there were thousands of brothers behind him.

"Xuanwu, good brother, you have died miserably."

Qin's blood and tears are dripping.

He will never forget the scene of Xuanwu rushing to the divine envoy without hesitation.

I can't forget the last look Xuanwu had in his eyes.

It's more like an entrustment, a transfer of responsibility.

All the dead heroes, they pass their duties and blood to Qin Kuang.

The altar is like an abattoir.

One by one, Nirvana fell, blood flowing, like ink overturned, is quickly rendering the whole altar.

Qin Kuang's image of being brave and invincible is deeply imprinted in everyone's heart.

Liu Piaoyu, Chen Qing and fan Xiaoxi have been shocked by this cruel and bloody scene, so they sit on the ground and dare not move.

This completely subverts their perception.

At this moment, they really feel Qin Kuang's powerful and invincible.

These wolf like nirvana, in front of him, like straw as fragile.

Liu Piaoyu's dusty memory is completely unlocked.

She recalled the terrible killing of Qin Kuang last time, just like yesterday.

Looking at Qin Kuang, for a moment, her mind was extremely complicated.

Chen Qing, however, calmed down and cheered excitedly.

"Master, you are here at last."

"Kill all these bastards and leave none."

She's a tough girl.

In addition, I've been hearing and seeing about heroes since I was a child.

I didn't think about anything else.

Fan Xiaoxi was confused and said, "do you think this is Qin Kuang?"

"He... Why is he so powerful?"

The bloody war between Qin maniac and nirvana subverted fan Xiaoxi's world.

She is a business woman. How could she ever see such a terrible scene?

Chen Qing said excitedly, "this is my master Qin Kuang. I said earlier that he would come to save us."

"How handsome

Qin Kuang didn't respond to her.

All his attention at the moment is on rosefinch.

No matter how he killed, his eyes were fixed on rosefinch.

But, rosefinch stands behind innumerable nirvana, looking at all these coldly, it seems that everything has nothing to do with her.

"How can you be so indifferent? So cold-blooded? "

Qin Kuang roared: "those are brothers who lived and died together with you!"

Rosefinch didn't want to respond at all.

Her eyes, become so strange.


Qin roared wildly, with tears and blood running down his eyes.

Two years ago, in the same place, those familiar faces fell down one by one.

They all died because of the betrayal of the woman in front of them!

The killing idea in Qin Kuang's heart has reached its peak.

His fighting power is soaring.

In the twinkling of an eye, dozens of bodies have fallen on the stage.

It's not too much to describe it as a river of blood.

The altar is like an ancient god waking up and eating.

Blood, invades the floor, disappears.

You can even hear the bubbling sound.

The helmet is still frantically reminding Qin Kuang to evacuate.

In the virtual picture above, red lines crisscross the altar, and dangerous areas are everywhere.

Qin Kuang, it's hard to move.

Led by Ma Chao, he formed an indestructible barrier to prevent him from approaching the rosefinch.

"Crazy Qin, Ma Chao is here. You can't get close to the Lord."

Ma Chao is furious.

Qin Kuang is impatient to shout a way: "you this pitiful and pathetic little insect, get away for me."

But Ma Chao's current strength is not as simple as a bug.

Under the beast, he still kept a clear mind, which made his strength very terrible and far beyond the general nirvana.

He is also the only one who can threaten Qin Kuang.

If there is no other Nirvana interference, Qin only needs three moves to kill him.

But all around is the nirvana in the crazy attack, he some do not care about Ma Chao.

Seeing Qin Kuang trapped in the altar, the rosefinch looked at him and shook his head slightly.

No one understood the meaning of shaking his head.

Qin Kuang didn't understand, so he was even more angry.

She didn't even have an explanation for committing such a big crime.

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