Lamborghini stops and Chen Sheng and Chen Qing jump out of the car.

Li Yanran ran with an excited face.

"Brother Sheng, you look so handsome driving. I love it."

"This must be my elder sister. Hello, elder sister. My name is Li Yanran. I'm brother Sheng's girlfriend."

Since she is familiar, she still wants to shake hands with Chen Qing.

Chen Qing frowned: "are you Li Yanran?"

"It's a great honor that you've heard of me, sister Qing."

"Sister Qing, you are the idol of all the women in China Sea. You are so cool and have a long face."

Chen Qing snorted coldly, ignored her and strode into the yard.

Li Yanran didn't feel embarrassed either.

"Brother Sheng, thank you for accepting my invitation to come to this abominable country."

"Don't worry, next time I come to host, I will find a place with beautiful scenery and high-end."

As an old lover, she pours on Chen Sheng.

Chen Sheng stepped back in disgust and said impatiently, "what are you doing?"

"I didn't promise to come for you."

Chen Sheng is indifferent.

Li Yan Ran surprised way: "not for me, that is for who?"

Chen Sheng was about to speak when a Bugatti dragon was in front of him.

It's amazing that this super luxury car has come back to such a desolate place.

Pan Conglong jumped out of the car, not too handsome.

The other side of the car door opened and the white tiger came uninvited.

Seeing pan Conglong, Chen Sheng immediately lowered his head and lost his momentum.

Pan Conglong nodded: "you're a smart boy. If you know how to make amends."

Chen Sheng accompanied him with a smile and said, "brother pan, I was wrong last time. Thank you for not remembering me."

Pan Conglong waved his hand: "you should thank your sister. He begged brother Qin to save your life."

Chen Sheng nodded: "of course, I will do well."

Lao Zhang's eyebrows are flying.

Pan Conglong has been very upset since he stood him up last time.

Now seeing pan Conglong give face like this, he is naturally happy.

"Here comes pan. Come on. Please come inside."

"Let's all come in. Qin Kuang is having a barbecue. He can eat it soon."

This words export, white tiger's good posture suddenly collapse.

He was full of disbelief: "Qin crazy, in... In barbecue?"

Seeing his shocked appearance, pan Conglong quietly pulled him and coughed in a low voice.

White tiger smile, but the corner of his mouth is rippling with a smile.

Ha ha, the God of war in his memory is indifferent to everything except fighting and killing.

I didn't expect to learn barbecue now.

Moreover, they condescend to barbecue for these ordinary people.

This is a great surprise for the white tiger.

He took out his mobile phone and couldn't wait to take pictures of Qin Kuang's barbecue.

People rushed into the yard, and immediately left Li Yanran alone outside.

She looks at her parents angrily, her face is blue.

"Look at you, what kind of friends you have, a bunch of country bumpkins with no quality."

"Next time there's a party like this, don't expect me to come."

Old Li opened his mouth and could not speak.

"Maybe we are really not suitable for this occasion."

Li Yanran said in a cold voice: "it's good to know. Next time I'm invited to the eight lift sedan chair, I won't come."

"It stinks here."

She covered her nose and went in.

As soon as I went in, I saw a picture that shocked her.

Chen Qing is standing beside Qin Kuang to help.

The flattering smile completely overturned Chen Qing's image in everyone's eyes.

Qin Kuang was a little surprised. Chen Qing and fan xiaoxiliu Piaoyu were both used as carriers, and they should have been badly hit.

Why did it recover overnight?

Chen Qing is very happy.

"Master, I didn't expect that you would even have barbecue. You are such an all-round man."

"I'm the happiest woman in the world to be my teacher."

Chen Qing is very clever. When she says this, she looks at Zhang Ziling with a smile.

Let Zhang Ziling instant make a big red face, in the heart happy Zizi.

Qin was not angry and said, "if you don't want to help, just go to one side and stay. There are so many words."

"It's Shifu. I'll shut up and work hard."

Chen Qing made a seal gesture to her mouth, which was kind of cute.

Chen Sheng stood in front of him in a hurry.

It's like a nervous pupil facing the instructor.

"Mr. Qin, I'm sorry. I was wrong last time. I apologize to you."

He said, bowing deeply.

Qin nodded wildly.

For Chen Sheng's prodigal son back, or that recognition.

"Mr. Qin, can I help you with something?"

Chen Sheng rubbed his hands and wanted to help.

Qin Kuang shrugged: "good! What you want to eat, do it yourself. "

Chen Sheng was overjoyed: "thank you, Mr. Qin."

He happily began to pick up the chicken wings.

Li Yanran was completely stunned.

Chen Sheng, as noble as a prince in her heart, bows to Qin Kuang.

It seems an honor to be able to help.

It's insulting.

She strode up and yelled, "Qin Kuang, why do you command my boyfriend to do things?"

"His clothes are in case of being soiled. Can you afford to pay for them?"

The sound shocked everyone.

In particular, pan Conglong, Bai Hu and Chen's brothers and sisters are unbelievable.

This Li Yanran, is the skull kicked by the donkey?

If you have a little insight and quality, you can't say such childish and ridiculous words.

Qin Kuang is more speechless.

How did you direct her boyfriend to do things?

It is clear that Chen Sheng wants to help himself.

Before he spoke, Chen Sheng was furious.

"Li Yanran, apologize to brother Qin immediately."

Li Yanran stamped her foot and said, "brother Sheng, he bullied you. Do you want me to apologize to him?"

"You must have been cheated by him."

"It was captain Pan who caught you last time, not Qin Kuang."

Chen Sheng said angrily, "ignorant woman, what do you know?"

"And I want to make it clear that I have nothing to do with you."

"From now on, if you dare to call yourself my girlfriend, don't blame me for being rude."

"Although Chen Sheng is not a thing, I will never find a girlfriend like you who has no quality and doesn't know the superiority of heaven and earth."

The words export, Li Yanran completely stunned.

She thought that Chen Sheng agreed to come to the appointment with a phone call. She must have some ideas about herself.

Who knows, Chen Sheng is disgusted with her.

Chen Qing sneered: "it's really an ignorant and selfish woman who enjoys everything given by others. She not only doesn't know how to be grateful, but also humiliates her benefactor. As a woman, I can't go on seeing it."

"Apologize to my master immediately, or you will be responsible for the consequences."

Li Yanran was surprised and said: "you... Call Qin Kuang Shifu? You must be cheated by this rubbish. He's lazy and can't even go to class. "

Chen Qing is furious.

I am not easy to learn from my teacher, and I have established this relationship.

In Li Yanran's mouth, she was cheated.

What an insult to Qin Kuang?

Chen Sheng rushes up angrily and says harshly, "Li Yanran, apologize."

Li Yanran was completely confused.

Then, she cried wrongly.

"You... Why do you do this to me? I love you so much."

"Is it worth it just for a waste?"


Without hesitation, Chen Sheng slapped him.

"It doesn't matter to scold me. If you dare to scold elder brother Qin as a waste, you've really eaten the gall of a leopard."

Li Fugui rushed up.

"Stop it. Don't hit my daughter."

"Isn't Yanran just scolding Qin Kuang? What's the big deal? "

His words made Lao Zhang, Lao Huang and Lao Liu's face change.

"Qin Kuang is a waste, usually we take care of him, so we don't say it."

"We all know what kind of virtue he is."

"You beat my daughter for this?"

Li Fugui was angry.

Baby daughter, the apple of my eye, how delicate?

Now they're beaten in public.

With the arrogant character of her daughter, isn't she looking for life and death?

Excited, he also spoke his heart out.

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