Song Qingling said coldly, "are you mistaken? Don't you bet me what you're doing kneeling in front of me? "

Liu Piaoyu blushed and his neck was thick, and he almost burst out with hot blood.

Once upon a time, she didn't even want to see Qin Kuang.

In her heart, among all the men in the world, Qin Kuang should be counted as the last few.

But now, I have to kneel in front of this humble man and shout the slogan of shame.

It's a great shame.

"We are dog men and women."

They clenched their teeth and whispered.

"Didn't you eat? Shall I borrow a loudspeaker for you? "

Song Qingling cheered.

"We are dog men and women."

Two people shout a way, the voice shakes four directions.

All the listeners were stunned.

The good news is that they take pictures as materials and prepare to send them to the short video platform to win attention.

After three shouts, they got up and looked ferocious.

"Qin Kuang, please remember that I will not let you go."

Liu Piaoyu tears surging in the eyes, said hard.


Ma Chao gave her a slap: "shut up."

This woman is so blind.

Don't you see Qin Kuang supported by Song Qingling?

If you provoke Qin crazy and Song Qingling, you may be drowned in the river tonight.

They got on the bus and left quickly.

Qin Kuang looked at their backs with an indifferent expression.

Song Qingling secretly took a look at Qin Kuang, and felt a little uneasy in his heart.

What I have just done will not arouse Qin Kuang's antipathy, will it?

Seeing that Qin Kuang didn't express too much, her heart slowly came down.

"Thank you for your help. I owe you a favor. I'll treat you to dinner some other day."

Qin Kuang turned and got into the car.

Song Qingling waved: "brother Qin, this is what you said. I really need your help in a few days."

Qin Kuang was stunned, and then shrugged: "OK, as long as it's not against ethics and my will."

"Thank you first, brother Qin." Song Qingling was overjoyed, and his eyes were overjoyed.

Qin Kuang is willing to help. It can't be better.

Qin Kuang did not ask what it was because it was totally unnecessary.

He believes that Song Qingling should not put forward any excessive demands.

Back in the community, Qin Kuang frowned slightly.

He found something different.

Someone was secretly monitoring their villa.

Qin Kuang was furious.

Several of them were furtive and the disguise was extremely low.

There are at least three cameras facing the villa where they live.

Are they from the green dragon club?

Qin Kuang was stunned, and his eyes showed a sense of killing.

I haven't made trouble for them yet. How dare they take the initiative to send them to the door? Is it true that they are the God of war?

He stopped more than 100 meters away from the villa, and then touched it quietly.

A young man in his thirties was smoking and occasionally looked at the camera on the bracket.

"It's ridiculous that I dare to spy on me by this amateur means. It's insulting."

Qin Kuang touched the young man behind him, but he didn't feel anything.


Qin Kuang didn't hesitate to hit him in the back of the head.

The punch seemed casual, but the young man's eyes turned white and fell straight down.

Qin Kuang came forward and looked closer to the camera. His face suddenly changed and he was shocked.

This man chose a good location, halfway up the mountain, facing the bathroom behind qinkuang villa.

Ultra high definition telephoto lens, can shorten the distance of the scene, but also very clear.

Through the lens, Qin Kuang also saw an unforgettable picture.

In the villa, Zhang Ziling was a little depressed.

She didn't expect that the director's order was so wonderful that she was allowed to take a bath in the bathroom.

And also aim at a specific direction to dance a popular leg shaking dance, that is to increase the fun of the program.

As a newcomer, Zhang Ziling has no right to object.

In the premise of ensuring that the light does not go away, try to show the perfect body and dance.

What Qin Kuang came to see was such a striking picture.

Zhang Ziling, who is wearing a light bathrobe, is radiant.

Perfect body, show all.

Body movements are a crime.

Where has Qin Kuang seen such a battle?

For a moment, he was stunned and his blood was boiling.

Lao Zhang! No wonder I'm a man, too.

He muttered a word, again close up, with relish look.

"It's a pity that Qin Kuang didn't come back. If he just came home at the moment and saw the hostess dancing, it would be too dramatic."

Zhen Sijian's voice rings from the headset.

This guy deserves to be a director. His voice is like a loudspeaker.

Qin Kuang pulled the communication equipment from the young man and frowned.

These people are really coming for themselves.

"Xiao Du, clean your saliva, take a good picture, and pay attention to the long and close range of the mirror."

Qin Kuang gave a cold hum and crushed the earphone.

Then he dropped the camera on the ground and took out the memory card.

Zhen Sijian didn't get a response and didn't care.

Anyway, today's shooting mission has been completed.

Once the video of this issue was played, it immediately caused a huge repercussion.

And the material he got today made him even more excited.

It costs 3000 yuan to get information from Liuzhen. It's so valuable.

Who would have thought that a waste rejected by his mother-in-law's family bought a luxury house worth nearly 200 million after divorce.

There are many low-key rich people, but Qin Kuang is the first one to do coolie.

If Zhang Ziling can successfully join hands with Qin Kuang, the plot will be interesting.

Zhen Sijian is immersed in beautiful fantasy and can't help laughing.

"Xiao Sun, pay attention to the direction of the gate. Qin Kuang will come back at any time."

"We must fully show his low-key side."

And then there was no response.

Zhen Sijian turns his head in surprise and suddenly gives out a exclamation.

I saw sun lying upright on the ground, motionless.

Without waiting for him to move, the back of his head was hit hard.

There was a dizziness and a whirl.

Qin Kuang didn't look at them angrily. He felt a headache.

He sort of figured it out.

If it's the enemy, he can deal with it without mercy.

But these are just ordinary people.

One of the iron rules of organization is that we should not attack ordinary people without authorization.

Unless there's a good reason.

For example, deep hatred.

Qin Kuang searched out all their memory cards and went away.

It seems that we have to find a chance to remind Zhang Ziling.

The child was too simple to realize that he was being used by the program.

But it must hurt her self-esteem to tell her so plainly.

Over the past two years, Qin Kuang has spent most of his time working with Lao Zhang, Lao Huang and others, and has formed a deep friendship.

Zhang Ziling is Lao Zhang's only hope in his life. He doesn't want Lao Zhang to chop himself with a knife.

Qin Kuang drives the car into the garage.

Zhang Ziling upstairs heard the news and was so scared that she lost her face.

The director is really mischievous. Qin Kuang doesn't inform himself when he comes back.

At the moment, there is no shooting task, but I am bathing in other people's home.

It's really embarrassing.

She snatched up her clothes and began to put them on.

In fact, Qin Kuang deliberately waited ten minutes to get on the bus.

Is to give Zhang Ziling time to avoid embarrassment.

After all, Zhang Ziling has finished dancing. There's no reason to regard the villa as her home.

Qin Kuang came to the third floor.

"Ah... Ouch!"

With the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, Zhang Ziling let out a exclamation.

Qin Kuang was so surprised that he speeded up and rushed in.

"Ziling, are you ok?"

He was quick and didn't think much about it.

After I went in, I found something was wrong.

Zhang Ziling has not finished changing clothes.

Maybe I was too flustered. I tripped half way through my pants.

You can see the beautiful figure at a glance.

Especially the place not covered by cloth, looming, let people nose blood to flow down.

Her eyes were flustered and shy, and her hands clung to the belt, eager to get into the hole.

But Qin Kuang didn't hesitate, and rushed up with a lunge.

"Are you all right? Don't move for a moment. Let's take a breath. "

Qin crazy some unnatural said, eyes out of control.

The situation of the previous dance comes to mind again.

But soon, Qin Kuang adjusted his mind.

This is Lao Zhang's daughter. Qin Kuang, what are you thinking?

Zhang Ziling is in a hurry and wants to pull up her trousers.

But just now she accidentally fell to the ground and twisted her waist. She was weak.

Seeing that she was about to knock her head to the ground, Qin Kuang reached out in time and raised her chin.

"Take your time. Don't worry."

Zhang Ziling is extremely shy.

Half a month out, how can we not rush?

However, Qin Kuang's eyes didn't seem to have any evil intention, only a strong concern, which relieved a lot of embarrassment.

"Brother Qin, can you go out for a while?"

Zhang Ziling's voice is like a mosquito.

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